Blueberry is an extension of the Raspberry Repo. The difference is that this repo introduces Redux and react-router.
- Starts server on localhost:8080
- Reloads webpage automatically while you work
- Styling: Convert LESS to CSS, adds vendor prefixes, concatenates and minifies to build.css
- Javascript: Uses Babel for ECMAScript 6, converts React's JSX to JS, outputs to build.js
- Builds application to a build folder
- Deploys build folder to github pages. Be sure to update the remote url!
- Clone or fork this project
- Then run
npm install
- To start the server, simply run
npm start
npm start # This will run the default gulp task and kickoff the server
npm run build # This will build your application to a build folder in root
npm run deploy # will deploy your build folder to the github repo's gh-pages branch.