A simple ABN search library for validating and obtaining ABN details from the Australian Business Register.
Ruby 2.0 +
You will need a GUID to be able to use the ABR business lookup API. You can obtain one at the following link; http://abr.business.gov.au/Documentation/UserGuideWebRegistration.aspx
Simply add the following line to your Gemfile and run bundle install.
gem 'abn_search'
You can run the test suite with
bundle exec rake
bundle exec rake rspec
Please ensure that you write tests for any commits, and that tests pass locally before you submit a PR.
bundle exec rake console
client = Abn::Client.new("YOUR_GUID_HERE")
result = client.search("59001215354")
# => {:acn=>"001215354", ":abn=>"59001215354", :entity_type=>"Australian Public Company", :status=>"Active", :main_name=>"SONY AUSTRALIA LIMITED", :trading_name=>"", :legal_name=>"", :other_trading_name=>"", :name=>"SONY AUSTRALIA LIMITED"}
puts result[:entity_type]
# => "Australian Public Company"
puts result[:status]
# => "Active"
puts result[:name]
result = client.search_by_acn("001215354")
# => {:acn=>"001215354", ":abn=>"59001215354", :entity_type=>"Australian Public Company", :status=>"Active", :main_name=>"SONY AUSTRALIA LIMITED", :trading_name=>"", :legal_name=>"", :other_trading_name=>"", :name=>"SONY AUSTRALIA LIMITED"}
results = client.search_by_name("Sony", ['NSW'], '2000')
results.each do |result|
puts result[:name]
If an ABN is missing, invalid or expired - check the errors attribute.
# => ["Business ABN 89107860122 has expired."]