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Releases: Open-EO/openeo-r-client

openeo 1.3.1

25 Feb 11:41
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Version 1.3.1


  • internal functions to serialize and load the session information like connection, process collection, etc.


  • changed OIDC provider and default client selection
    • automatically selects first OIDC provider withe default_clients defined #142,
    • automatically selects a default client by the its id containing "openeo" at first, otherwise the first default client in the list is selected #146
  • argument bounding box tries to extract the EPSG code it EPSGCode was provided as WKT2
  • compute_result now looks for a format in "save_result" if it was not stated in the call


  • CollectionId argument now checks if a string pattern is available
  • OutputFormat argument checks the "FileFormat" class separately to avoid warnings
  • fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect to an openEO back-end with a dedicated link (also for reconnect in the connection contract)
  • fixed warning messages shown on describe_collection() using an object of class Collection from list_collection() #145
  • .create_sample_bbox interpretes now correctly a serialized extent object
  • .find_process_by_name is no longer giving a false message when a process is passed to it

openeo 1.3.0

21 Nov 13:57
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Version 1.3.0


  • new vignettes:
    • Package Software Architecture
    • Process Graph Building Concepts
    • Process Graph Building Application
    • Developer Implementation Details
  • added the default openEO processes v1.2.0 as test data to the package in the RDS file format (system.file("openeo_processes/openeo_process_1.2.0.rds")) and added a test case for process parsing
  • active_process_list() and active_process_collection() which refer to the currently connected back-ends process list as well as the package interpretation of those process descriptions. See environment variables process_list and process_collection
  • active_data_collection() to fetch the data collection of the currently active back-end, which refers to the package variable data_collection
  • vignette about the software and package architecture and design choices based on API requirements


  • added line breaks if there are multiple validation messages of ProcessNodes
  • describe_process() also works now with Process and ProcessNode objects
  • use the active process list when looking up the description of an openEO process
  • package now depends on R > 3.5.0, because of RDS object de-/serialization (openEO test processes)
  • added a warning and a note for compute_result() if neither parameter 'format' of the function was set nor process 'save_result' was used in the process graph
  • refresh data collections after separate login as part of #83
  • improved disconnection behavior by adding a disconnect() function and a logout and disconnect on package unload
  • decoupled processes and data collection from the OpenEO connection
  • moved the setup of the RStudio connection observer into a separate helper function
  • naming of the vignettes to achieve an order in the vignette index entries


  • variables() function now returns the extracted variables correctly
  • coercion problems from checking with on values with length > 1 have been fixed by using rlang::is_na #130, #123
  • an issue when calling the JSON serialization of class Process


  • removed utility functions .getProcessCollection() and .find_var_in_stack() which are replaced by the active_process_collection() function
  • functions to call data collection ($getCollectionNames(), $getDataCollection()) from connection as well as the fields (private$data_collection)
  • functions ($getProcessCollection()) and fields (private$process_collection, $processes) to store the process list and process collection

openeo 1.2.2

18 Oct 09:58
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Version 1.2.2

CRAN release for version 1.2.2


  • allowed objects as values for argument BoundingBox where st_bbox() can be applied
  • very minor refinement in argument UdfCode and added test case #132
  • now throws a more readable error when the authentication provider is missing in the wellknown document


  • OIDC authentication on remote machines prints now correctly URL and device code after fixes in httr2 package, now version 0.2.2 or higher is required (@m-mohr, @flahn, #131, #119)
  • remote environments now login with rlang::is_interactive() == FALSE so that for example Jupyter environments print the device code URL and the code instead of trying to open the systems internet browser #128
  • capabilities request no longer appends an additional "/" to the host, which caused problems with some back-ends (@m-mohr #133, #134)
  • download_results could not interprete a Job object due to the length(job) != 1 restriction
  • added a Job to Process coercion to match the messages instruction, when printing a Job #115
  • during JSON serialization numbers were truncated to a certain amount of digits. Setting digits=NA during serialization removes the default value for the digits #64
  • fixed parameter in logout query (req -> .req)


29 Jun 15:36
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  • allowed a Process object to be passed to validate_process


  • not serializing basic Argument if not required, which affects mostly the "context" parameter of reducer functions
  • skip local validation of Array type if there is more than one sub type allowed
  • adapted GeoJSON coordinate order, now urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::CRS84 is used as CRS, which means longitude / latitude order


  • compute_result now correctly swaps the file format from save_result, if it was already used in the process graph #124
  • fixed messages thrown when validating arrays with multiple different allowed element types
  • fixed missing NA / NULL setting in GeoJSON argument
  • fixed missing brackets in coercion from Process to Graph

openeo 1.2.0

12 May 08:10
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version 1.2.0

CRAN release version 1.2.0


  • implemented a method for sample data retrieval (get_sample()), which will modify a process graph by replacing the original spatial extent of the request with a smaller subset of 0.0003 degrees extent #94
  • added a vignette explaining sample data retrieval
  • rendering of classes as HTML widgets using the openEO Vue components, which can be used in Jupyter Notebook, Rmarkdown, RStudio and knitr
  • implemented the argument type metadata-filter in order to filter collections based on a list of functions mostly applied in load_collection #102
  • implemented an abstract OIDC authentication
  • implemented OIDC authentications for the following grant types:
    • authorization_code
    • authorization_code+pkce
    • urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code+pkce
    • urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code #116
  • temporarily added changed code to realize device_code+pkce from the httr2 package until the httr2 package changes are made available on CRAN
  • overloaded function toJSON for Process and Graph
    • processToJSON to easily convert a process to JSON
    • processToJSON and graphToJSON are marked as deprecated


  • process_viewer for user defined processes #110


  • compute_result() will set or override existing save_result node entries when parameter format is provided #62
  • compute_result() will return a stars object if the parameter as_stars is set TRUE #39
  • download_results() uses httr2 functions instead of download.file() #108, also parameter job is allowed to be a ResultList or AssetList
  • timeout parameter in logs() is now optional. If omitted 60s timeout is used for active batch processes and enabled services #109
  • replaced package httr by httr2 to include the device_code and PKCE authentication methods
  • connect no longer carries the login parameters separately, but uses ... to pass on those information
  • added 'kableExtra' as suggest to render the tables prettier in knitr


  • login parameter login_type removed. type will be deduced based on the other parameters.

version 1.1.1


  • in addition to integer it is now allowed to state text as input for argument EPSGCode like EPSG:4326 #99 and wrote a test case for that
  • Started test case for OpenEOClient
  • Test case for Boolean argument validation


  • fixed an issue with token refreshment, where the expiry time was not set correctly #101
  • fixed an issue where the host URL was not recognized and treated missing #100
  • fixed a validation problem of the Boolean argument when a ProcessNode was passed as a value
  • fixed a problem with the overloaded R operators for |, & and xor where an old signature of the corresponding openEO process was used

openeo 1.1.0

02 Dec 12:30
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Initial CRAN release. Read for the full history.

version 1.1.0

Bugfixes and preparation for CRAN release, 'openEO API' version 1.1.0


  • added a vignette for getting started #81


  • clarified the currently used OIDC code flow and adapted documentation #71
  • usability improvements when selecting and configuring the OIDC Authentication provider #74
  • cleaning empty fields when serializing user defined process results #68
  • changes related to UDP visualization: prior the process graph was visualized as JSON, which caused trouble, when exchanging JSON code between different clients. Now you can use as(x,"Process") to get a valid process from the result node #54
  • changed the printing output of User defined processes and services to not show the pure process graph anymore, use as(x,"Process") in that case
  • documentation changes to discourage the use of as(x,"Graph") #68
  • allowed to modify service and UDP by passing a modified process object
  • fixed NA checks when updating a process graph in an UDP, which threw irritating warnings
  • modified documentation (Readme, function documentation)


  • modified a descriptive text for "production-readiness" of back-ends
  • modified the documentation and examples of connect() in terms of the parameter version
  • modified the implemented openEO API version of the client (removed the release candidate suffix)
  • fixed interpretation of an one entry discovery object #59
  • fixed an issue when querying the versions of a back-end #72
  • Updated to latest version of Vue Components and Processes 'DocGen' (which importantly fixes the collection viewer) #75
  • fixed missing enum validation #65
  • fixed process parsing of processes with completely nullable arrays #79
  • fixed a problem with NULL values set as value for AnyOf, the traversing of the graph did not work properly, because of a NULL-pointer issue
  • fixed a parsing problem, where the "optional" field was not correctly interpreted in every case
  • fixed stale URLs in documentation #84


  • deleted some out-dated example scripts
  • removed links to Github Wiki, because this will be discontinued soon and moved to package vignettes


21 Oct 12:52
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v1.0.1-alpha Pre-release
added logo