Version 6.4.9
232 commits
to master
since this release
- #9717 Remove some denormalized IDs for very large entities to improve performances
Bug Fixes:
- #9721 Bad confirmation message when deleting an Infrastructure
- #9719 Platform crashes after user deletion
- #9698 Error when creating an Infrastructure
- #9693 Bearer token plaintext in error logs of the worker
- #9568 History tab top margin / spacing is incorrect
- #9567 In create entity form (on the fly), spacing of the first field is not correct
- #9520 Search feature in content mapping view does not search for highlighted text
- #9401 Bug - GraphQLError: Execution timeout, too many concurrent call on the same entities / File not found or restricted
- #9299 Can't download CSV/PNG/SVG of a dashboard widget
- #9216 Clicking on a stopped live stream logout from the platform
- #8981 The description of the relationship between an object and a TTP is not displayed
- #8736 [RSS Feed] Error 403 on accessible public feeds
- #8183 Upserting text field with "null" with configured default value lead to strange update behavior
- #6835 Imported sightings' confidence level is always "5 - Improbable"
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] refacto how we get apex chart context (#9299) by @lndrtrbn in #9633
- [frontend] spacing on entity's form (#9567) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #9608
- [frontend] History tab top margin / spacing (#9568) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #9621
- Update dependency filigran-ui to v0.25.3 by @renovate in #9641
- Update dependency moment-timezone to v0.5.46 by @renovate in #9644
- Update dependency nodemailer to v6.9.16 by @renovate in #9645
- Update dependency graphql-ws to v5.16.2 by @renovate in #9642
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.4 by @renovate in #9640
- [frontend] reset searchTerm when highlighting changes in content mapping (#9520) by @JeremyCloarec in #9591
- Update dependency unified to v11.0.5 by @renovate in #9676
- Update dependency lru-cache to v11.0.2 by @renovate in #9643
- Bump vite from 5.4.8 to 5.4.12 in /opencti-platform/opencti-front by @dependabot in #9677
- Update dependency ts-loader to v9.5.2 by @renovate in #9674
- Bump vite from 5.4.10 to 5.4.14 in /opencti-platform/opencti-graphql by @dependabot in #9679
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.28.2 by @renovate in #9671
- Update dependency typescript to v5.7.3 by @renovate in #9675
- Update dependency i18n-auto-translation to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #9666
- Update dependency @testing-library/user-event to v14.6.1 by @renovate in #9665
- Update dependency react-cookie to v7.2.2 by @renovate in #9669
- Update dependency express to v4.21.2 by @renovate in #9317
- Update dependency react-markdown to v9.0.3 by @renovate in #9670
- Update dependency three-spritetext to v1.9.4 by @renovate in #9673
- [backend/frontend] add configuration to have better chances to get RSS Feed contents (#8736) by @aHenryJard in #9244
- [CI] Upload artifact should work if only back or front has worked (#9687) by @aHenryJard in #9681
- Bump undici from 6.20.1 to 6.21.1 in /opencti-platform/opencti-graphql by @dependabot in #9664
- [backend/frontend] Remove some denormalized IDs for very large entities to improve performances (#9717) by @SamuelHassine in #9718
- [backend] No default values on upsert mode (#8183) by @lndrtrbn in #9296
- [backend] only kill session in sseMiddleware for auth bearer sessions (#9216) by @JeremyCloarec in #9708
- [frontend] Fix error at infrastructure creation (#9698) by @Archidoit in #9726
- [frontend] Confirmation message when deleting an infrastructure (#9721) by @Archidoit in #9725
- [frontend] Fix for user deletion on cache + prevent loop on error on Private Root (#9719) by @Kedae in #9720
- [backend] Fix usage of ElasticSearch ID by @SamuelHassine in #9727
- [backend] Enhance logging of migrations by @SamuelHassine in #9732
Full Changelog: 6.4.8...6.4.9