Stream KinectV2 data using libfreenect2 through UDP accross the network.
Overall steps:
- Install cmake
- Install libjpeg-turbo (windows binary here)
- Clone asio, the libfreenect2 source and this repository.
- Use this folder structure:
- Go to the libfreenect2 source and follow the instructions to compile it on windows
- make a folder "build" in oi.client.rgbd.libfreenect2
- cd build
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
- (or your respective string for your version of visual studio)
- Now you can open oi.client.rgbd.libfreenect2.sln with Visual Studio to compile your binaries
- Go to the libfreenect2 source and follow the instructions to compile it on macOS
- Go to the oi.client.rgbd.libfreenect2 folder and make a "build" folder, then cmake...:
- cd build
- cmake -G Xcode ..
- Now you have an XCode project which you can use to compile and run the binaries
- Probably same as macOS