This repository contains lab instructions and supporting content for a series of administrative-focused workshops centered around OpenShift.
The workshops included in this repo are:
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 for Admins RHDP
- Modern App Dev Roadshow - Ops Track RHDP / More Info
- Summit 2023 Hands on with OCP Plus Workshop RHDP
If you are a Red Hat employee with access to RHDP, we recommend deploying using the provided RHDP links above.
Doing these labs on your own requires a few things.
These labs are designed to run on top of an OpenShift 4 cluster that has been installed completely by the new installer. You will need access to AWS with sufficient permissions and limits to deploy the 3 masters, 4-6 regular nodes, and NVME-equipped nodes for storage.
Check out the documentation for Installing on AWS.
At this time an OpenShift 4 cluster can be obtained by visiting -- a free "subscription" to / membership in the developer program is required.
Deploying the lab guide will take three steps. First, you will need to get information about your cluster. Second, you will build a container based on your lab. Third, you will deploy the lab guide using the information you found so that proper URLs and references are automatically displayed in the guide.
Most of the information can be found in the output of the installer.
- URL to access API of the cluster
- Master Console URL
- Password forkubeadmin
- password for ssh into bastionROUTE_SUBDOMAIN
- Subdomain that apps will reside
Specific to Red Hat internal systems
- GUIDgu1d
- Bastion Domain
Create a file called
using the values of your environment. Here is an example.
⚠️ Forexport
ensure special characters are escaped (ie. use\!
in place of!
Now that you have the
file with the various required variables, you can deploy the lab guide into your cluster.
First, clone the repo
NOTE Remember to checkout the branch you want to test against
git clone
Next, Build a container using the repo/branch you checked out.
cd openshift-ops-workshops
export QUAY_USER=myusername
export BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current)
podman build -t${QUAY_USER}/lab-sample-workshop:${BRANCH} .
Now, login to quay (it's free to sign up) or another registry your cluster has access to.
podman login
Next push your container to your repo.
podman push${QUAY_USER}/lab-sample-workshop:${BRANCH}
You will use this image to deploy the lab. The following command will log you in as kubeadmin
on systems with oc
client installed:
oc login -u kubeadmin -p $KUBEADMIN_PASSWORD
oc new-project lab-ocp-cns
# This part is needed if you're running on a "local" or "self-provisioned" cluster
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin kube:admin -n lab-ocp-cns
# Create deployment.
oc new-app -n lab-ocp-cns \
--param TERMINAL_IMAGE="${QUAY_USER}/lab-sample-workshop:${BRANCH}" --param PROJECT_NAME="lab-ocp-cns" \
--param WORKSHOP_ENVVARS="$(cat ./"
# Wait for deployment to finish.
oc rollout status dc/dashboard -n lab-ocp-cns
If you made changes to the container image and want to refresh your deployed Homeroom quickly, execute this:
oc import-image -n lab-ocp-cns dashboard
Your lab guide should deploy in a few moments. To find its url, execute:
oc get route dashboard -n lab-ocp-cns
You should be able to visit that URL and see the lab guide. From here you can follow the instructions in the lab guide.
Remember, this experience is designed for a provisioning system internal to Red Hat. Your lab guide will be mostly accurate, but slightly off.
- You aren't likely using
- You will probably not need to actively use your
- You will see lots of output that references your
or other slightly off things - Your
are different depending on the EC2 region you chose
But, generally, everything should work. Just don't be alarmed if something looks mostly different than the lab guide.
Also note that the first lab where you SSH into the bastion host is not relevant to you -- you are likely already doing the exercises on the host where you installed OpenShift from.
Make sure you are logged-in as kubeadmin when creating the project
If you are getting too many redirects error then clearing cookies and re-login as kubeadmin. This usually happens if you're using RHPDS and stopped/started a cluster.
To delete deployment run
oc delete all,serviceaccount,rolebinding,configmap -l app=admin -n labguide
This repository and everything within it are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0