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foonicorn edited this page Aug 16, 2012
6 revisions
The Django 101 tutorial is based on http://www.django-workshop.de and covers the first three chapters. By creating a cookbook application, you will get to know following aspects of Django:
- Django setup / configuration
- Models and object-relational mapping
- Django's admin interface
- URL routing
- Views
- Templates
The tutorial will take about 4 hours.
The learning materials are created with Sphinx and stored in the OpenTechSchool/Django-101 GitHub repository.
A HTML version will be available at http://opentechschool.github.com/django-101/
- settings.py Grundeinstellungen Devserver etc.
- manage.py runserver ("It worked!" page)
- einfache url regex für urls.py, TemplateView erstellen(Template vorgeben und Template Directory erstellen. settings.py anpassen)
- Statische Website bestaunen
- manage.py startapp
- models.py definieren
- Template überarbeiten und tags hinzufügen (dann hat man einen direkten Bezug zu den models. Könnte aber auch später nachdem der Admin schon live ist geschehen)
- app und admin in settings.py aktivieren, admin.py erstellen
- manage.py syncdb (manage.py validate imho nicht notwendig. ich würde auch alles SQL weglassen)
- Daten in den Admin eintragen
- Ersten view in views.py erstellen (aber bitte gleich mit dem render shortcut. Eine einfache HttpResponse ist imho durch den TemplateView nicht mehr nötig)
- Dynamische Website bestaunen
- ...
- profit!
- Introduction
- What is Django?
- Rapid Development
- Loose Coupling
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- Model-Template-View
- Development Webserver
- The Admin-Application
- Preparation / Setup
- Python
- Virtualenv
- Django
- First Steps with Django
- Start a new project
- The First Application
- The Admin-Application
- Database and Development-Webserver
- The first Views
- Conclusion and Preview
- Andreas: Wednesday 22nd, Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th
- Jannis:
- Stephan:
- Tim:
- ...
Note: There is an OTS opening event on 22nd from 10:00 to 10:30. Also we shouldn't start workshops right before or during the keynotes
- 14:30 - 18:30 | Coaches: Stephan, Andreas
- Set up and IRC-appointment
- Plan a meeting for work on the curriculum and discussion
- Translate Material (e.g. code examples)
- Improve inserted/restructured parts
- Define workshop slots for campus party