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Plotting candlestick data in Python using Webull's API

To import and login Webull (plugin your email and account password):

!pip install webull
from webull import webull
wb = webull()
wb.login('[email protected]', 'password')

To obtain stock data, we'll use the get_bars function and specify the stock's symbol, timeframe, and number of samples (i.e. stock, interval, and count) and save it as a DataFrame using pandas's to_csv function:

stock_symbol = 'SPY'
stock_data = wb.get_bars(stock=stock_symbol, interval='m1', count=390, extendTrading=0)

_date = '2023-09-26'
file_name = f'/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/DATA_FOLDERS/DATA_FRAMES/{stock_symbol}_{_date}.csv'
import pandas as pd

where 'm1' refers to a one-minute timeframe.

We'll then retrieve our saved stock data using pandas's read_csv function and parse the timestamps into time and date:

df = pd.read_csv(file_name)

def parse_date_from_timestamp(timestamp):
    return timestamp[:timestamp.find(' ')]

def parse_time_from_timestamp(timestamp):
    def correct_timestamps(timestamp):
        '''convert timestamp from 24h to 12h'''
        return timestamp if int(timestamp[:2]) <= 12 else '0' + str(int(timestamp[:2]) - 12) + timestamp[2:]
    return correct_timestamps(timestamp[timestamp.find(' ') + 1:timestamp.find('-4:') - 5])

df['date'] =
df['timestamp'] =

We'll define a candlestick_plot_function to group the data into numpy arrays and then plot the data as candlesticks using a combination of BoxStyle, FancyBboxPatch, and Line2D from matplotlib:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import BoxStyle
from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

def candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=30, wick_linewidth=2.0, fancy_box_padding=0.0005):
    def calc_num_candlesticks(df, candlestick_size_in_minutes):
        return int(df.index.stop / candlestick_size_in_minutes) if df.index.stop / candlestick_size_in_minutes == int(df.index.stop / candlestick_size_in_minutes) else int(df.index.stop / candlestick_size_in_minutes) + 1

    def calc_box_width(num_candlesticks):
        return 0.98 - (num_candlesticks / 125)

    def remove_prefixed_zero(timestamp):
        return timestamp[:5] if timestamp[0] != '0' else timestamp[1:5]

    y = np.zeros((calc_num_candlesticks(df, candlestick_size_in_minutes), 4)).astype(float)
    box_width = calc_box_width(y.shape[0])

    ax.set_facecolor([0, 0, 0.35])
    ax.grid(which='major', axis='both', color=[1, 1, 1], linewidth=0.5, zorder=0)
    for candlestick in range(y.shape[0]):
        indexes_per_candlestick = range(candlestick*candlestick_size_in_minutes, (candlestick + 1)*candlestick_size_in_minutes, 1)
        if indexes_per_candlestick.stop > df.index.stop:
            indexes_per_candlestick = range(candlestick*candlestick_size_in_minutes, df.index.stop, 1)
        data = df.iloc[indexes_per_candlestick]
        y[candlestick, :] = np.array([[0], np.max(data.high), np.min(data.low), data.close.iloc[-1]])

        top_of_box = np.max([y[candlestick, 0], y[candlestick, 3]])
        bottom_of_box = np.min([y[candlestick, 0], y[candlestick, 3]])
        box_color = np.array([0.0, 0.8, 0.6941]) if y[candlestick, 0] < y[candlestick, 3] else np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        ax.add_line(Line2D(xdata=(candlestick, candlestick), ydata=(y[candlestick, 2], bottom_of_box), color=box_color, linewidth=wick_linewidth, antialiased=True, zorder=2))
        ax.add_line(Line2D(xdata=(candlestick, candlestick), ydata=(y[candlestick, 1], bottom_of_box), color=box_color, linewidth=wick_linewidth, antialiased=True, zorder=2))
        ax.add_patch(FancyBboxPatch(xy=(candlestick - box_width*0.5, bottom_of_box), width=box_width, height=top_of_box - bottom_of_box, facecolor=box_color, edgecolor=box_color, boxstyle=BoxStyle('round', pad=fancy_box_padding), zorder=2))

    ax.set_ylim(np.min(y) - 0.1*(np.max(y) - np.min(y)), np.max(y) + 0.1*(np.max(y) - np.min(y)))
    ax.set_xlim(-0.1*y.shape[0], y.shape[0] + 0.1*y.shape[0])
        {candlestick_size_in_minutes} Minute Candlesticks''', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold')
    ax.set_yticks([_y for _y in ax.get_yticks()][1:-1])
    ax.set_yticklabels(['{:.2f}'.format(_y) for _y in ax.get_yticks()])
    ax.set_xticks([0, int(y.shape[0]*0.5), y.shape[0] - 1])
    ax.set_xticklabels([remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[0]), remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[int(df.timestamp.values.shape[0]*0.5)]), remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[-1])])
    for axis in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']:
        ax.spines[axis].set_visible(False) if axis in ['top', 'right'] else ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(5)
    for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol)

Which creates a 30-minute candlesticks plot:


We can also adjust the candlestick_size_in_minutes parameter to plot different timeframes; for example 10-minute candlesticks:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=10, wick_linewidth=1.0)


or 60-minute candlesticks:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=60)


Grouping Candlesticks by Timestamp in a Vectorized Process:

First we need a list of start and stop times as hour and minute integers that can span across one or more days:

def get_candlesticks(df, candlestick_size_in_minutes=30):
    '''returns a list of pairs of time stamps as integers [hour (start), minute (start), next hour (stop), next minute (stop)] from 9:30am up to (but not including) 4:00pm grouped by the candlestick_size_in_minutes parameter'''
    __hour = df.hour.iloc[0]
    def round_minute_down(__minute, candlestick_size_in_minutes):
        candlesticks = np.arange(0, 60 + candlestick_size_in_minutes, candlestick_size_in_minutes).astype(int)
        first_candlestick = np.where(np.abs(candlesticks - __minute) == np.min(np.abs(candlesticks - __minute)))
        if candlesticks[first_candlestick] > __minute:
            first_candlestick[0][0] -= 1
        return candlesticks[first_candlestick[0][0]]

    __minute = round_minute_down(df.minute.iloc[0], candlestick_size_in_minutes)
    __date = 0
    candlesticks = [[__hour, __minute, __hour + 1 if __minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes > 60 else __hour, min(__minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes, 60), np.unique(np.array([__date]]]
    for _ in range(int((390 - candlestick_size_in_minutes) / candlestick_size_in_minutes)*np.unique(np.array([0]):
        __minute += candlestick_size_in_minutes
        if __minute >= 60:
            __minute -= 60
            __hour += 1
        if __hour == 13:
            __hour = 1
        if __hour == 4:
            __hour = 9
            __minute = 30
            __date += 1
        if __date >= np.unique(np.array([0] - 1 and candlesticks[-1][1] <= df.minute.iloc[-1] < candlesticks[-1][3] and candlesticks[-1][0] == df.hour.iloc[-1] and candlesticks[-1][4] ==[-1]:
            return candlesticks
        candlesticks.append([__hour, __minute, __hour + 1 if __minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes > 60 else __hour, min(__minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes, 60),[0] if np.unique(np.array([0] == 1 else np.unique(np.array([min(__date, np.unique(np.array([0] - 1)]])
    return candlesticks

We'll then define a function that returns True for indexes that fall between the start and stop hours and minutes list and match the correct 'date':

def is_a_candlestick(df_hours, df_minutes, _hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, df_date, _date):
    '''returns True for timestamps ([hour, minute]) that match the correct candlestick; conditions vectorized for numpy.where() function'''
    if all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _hour, _hour == _next_hour, df_minutes >= _minute, df_minutes < _next_minute]) or all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _hour, _hour != _next_hour, df_minutes >= _minute, df_minutes < _next_minute if _minute < _next_minute else True]) or all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _next_hour, _next_minute != 60, df_minutes < _next_minute, df_minutes >= _minute if _minute < _next_minute else True]):
        return True

is_a_candlestick = np.vectorize(is_a_candlestick)

What numpy's vectorize function does is it allows us to define a function hook into which another numpy function can get as a vectorized input. In the simplest case, which we did, is use an if-statement that returns True, which when passed to numpy's where() function, will provide us the indexes that meet our condition(s), without having to iterate through each one:

for candlestick, (_hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, _date) in enumerate(candlesticks):
    indexes = np.where(is_a_candlestick(np.array(df.hour), np.array(df.minute), _hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, np.array(, _date))
    y[candlestick, :] = np.array([[indexes].iloc[0], np.max(df.high.iloc[indexes]), np.min(df.low.iloc[indexes]), df.close.iloc[indexes].iloc[-1]])

Altogether we have:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import BoxStyle
from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

def candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=30, wick_linewidth=2.0, fancy_box_padding=0.0005):
    def get_candlesticks(df, candlestick_size_in_minutes=30):
        '''returns a list of pairs of time stamps as integers [hour (start), minute (start), next hour (stop), next minute (stop)] from 9:30am up to (but not including) 4:00pm grouped by the candlestick_size_in_minutes parameter'''
        __hour = df.hour.iloc[0]
        def round_minute_down(__minute, candlestick_size_in_minutes):
            candlesticks = np.arange(0, 60 + candlestick_size_in_minutes, candlestick_size_in_minutes).astype(int)
            first_candlestick = np.where(np.abs(candlesticks - __minute) == np.min(np.abs(candlesticks - __minute)))
            if candlesticks[first_candlestick] > __minute:
                first_candlestick[0][0] -= 1
            return candlesticks[first_candlestick[0][0]]

        __minute = round_minute_down(df.minute.iloc[0], candlestick_size_in_minutes)
        __date = 0
        candlesticks = [[__hour, __minute, __hour + 1 if __minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes > 60 else __hour, min(__minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes, 60), np.unique(np.array([__date]]]
        for _ in range(int((390 - candlestick_size_in_minutes) / candlestick_size_in_minutes)*np.unique(np.array([0]):
            __minute += candlestick_size_in_minutes
            if __minute >= 60:
                __minute -= 60
                __hour += 1
            if __hour == 13:
                __hour = 1
            if __hour == 4:
                __hour = 9
                __minute = 30
                __date += 1
            if __date >= np.unique(np.array([0] - 1 and candlesticks[-1][1] <= df.minute.iloc[-1] < candlesticks[-1][3] and candlesticks[-1][0] == df.hour.iloc[-1] and candlesticks[-1][4] ==[-1]:
                return candlesticks
            candlesticks.append([__hour, __minute, __hour + 1 if __minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes > 60 else __hour, min(__minute + candlestick_size_in_minutes, 60),[0] if np.unique(np.array([0] == 1 else np.unique(np.array([min(__date, np.unique(np.array([0] - 1)]])
        return candlesticks

    def calc_box_width(num_candlesticks):
        '''returns a box_width value such that candlesticks are close together but not touching or overlapping'''
        return 0.98 - (num_candlesticks / 125)

    def remove_prefixed_zero(timestamp):
        '''returns for example "9:30" in place of "09:30"'''
        return timestamp[:5] if timestamp[0] != '0' else timestamp[1:5]

    def is_a_candlestick(df_hours, df_minutes, _hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, df_date, _date):
        '''returns True for timestamps ([hour, minute]) that match the correct candlestick; conditions vectorized for numpy.where() function'''
        if all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _hour, _hour == _next_hour, df_minutes >= _minute, df_minutes < _next_minute]) or all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _hour, _hour != _next_hour, df_minutes >= _minute, df_minutes < _next_minute if _minute < _next_minute else True]) or all([df_date == _date, df_hours == _next_hour, _next_minute != 60, df_minutes < _next_minute, df_minutes >= _minute if _minute < _next_minute else True]):
            return True

    is_a_candlestick = np.vectorize(is_a_candlestick)

    candlesticks = get_candlesticks(df, candlestick_size_in_minutes)
    y = np.zeros((len(candlesticks), 4)).astype(float)
    box_width = calc_box_width(y.shape[0])

    ax.set_facecolor([0, 0, 0.35])
    ax.grid(which='major', axis='both', color=[1, 1, 1], linewidth=0.5, zorder=0)
    for candlestick, (_hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, _date) in enumerate(candlesticks):
        indexes = np.where(is_a_candlestick(np.array(df.hour), np.array(df.minute), _hour, _minute, _next_hour, _next_minute, np.array(, _date))
        y[candlestick, :] = np.array([[indexes].iloc[0], np.max(df.high.iloc[indexes]), np.min(df.low.iloc[indexes]), df.close.iloc[indexes].iloc[-1]])

        top_of_box = np.max([y[candlestick, 0], y[candlestick, 3]])
        bottom_of_box = np.min([y[candlestick, 0], y[candlestick, 3]])
        box_color = np.array([0.0, 0.8, 0.6941]) if y[candlestick, 0] < y[candlestick, 3] else np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        ax.add_line(Line2D(xdata=(candlestick, candlestick), ydata=(y[candlestick, 2], bottom_of_box), color=box_color, linewidth=wick_linewidth, antialiased=True, zorder=2))
        ax.add_line(Line2D(xdata=(candlestick, candlestick), ydata=(y[candlestick, 1], bottom_of_box), color=box_color, linewidth=wick_linewidth, antialiased=True, zorder=2))
        ax.add_patch(FancyBboxPatch(xy=(candlestick - box_width*0.5, bottom_of_box), width=box_width, height=top_of_box - bottom_of_box, facecolor=box_color, edgecolor=box_color, boxstyle=BoxStyle('round', pad=fancy_box_padding), zorder=2))

    ax.set_ylim(np.min(y) - 0.1*(np.max(y) - np.min(y)), np.max(y) + 0.1*(np.max(y) - np.min(y)))
    ax.set_xlim(-0.1*y.shape[0], y.shape[0] + 0.1*y.shape[0])
        {candlestick_size_in_minutes} Minute Candlesticks''', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold')
    ax.set_yticks([_y for _y in ax.get_yticks()][1:-1])
    ax.set_yticklabels(['{:.2f}'.format(_y) for _y in ax.get_yticks()])
    ax.set_xticks([0, int(y.shape[0]*0.5), y.shape[0] - 1])
    ax.set_xticklabels([remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[0]), remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[int(df.timestamp.values.shape[0]*0.5)]), remove_prefixed_zero(df.timestamp.values[-1])])
    for axis in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']:
        ax.spines[axis].set_visible(False) if axis in ['top', 'right'] else ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(5)
    for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):

stock_symbol = 'SPY'
_date = '2023-09-27'

file_name = f'/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/DATA_FOLDERS/DATA_FRAMES/{stock_symbol}_{_date}.csv'

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(file_name)

def parse_date_from_timestamp(timestamp):
    return timestamp[:timestamp.find(' ')]

def parse_time_from_timestamp(timestamp):
    def correct_timestamps(timestamp):
        '''convert timestamp from 24h to 12h'''
        return timestamp if int(timestamp[:2]) <= 12 else '0' + str(int(timestamp[:2]) - 12) + timestamp[2:]
    return correct_timestamps(timestamp[timestamp.find(' ') + 1:timestamp.find('-4:') - 5])

df['date'] =
df['timestamp'] =

def get_hour(timestamp):
    return int(timestamp[:2])

def get_minute(timestamp):
    return int(timestamp[3:5])

df['hour'] =
df['minute'] =

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=30)


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
candlestick_plot_function(fig, ax, df, stock_symbol, candlestick_size_in_minutes=60)
