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Compiler Performance

PpHd edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 10 revisions

M*LIB V0.4.0:

Here are the time taken by different compiler to build 'bench-mlib.c' without optimization:

Compiler Time
TCC 0.9.27 0.44s
CLANG 3.8 1.036s
GCC 8.3 1.35s
GCC 10.1 1.38s
GCC 7.4 1.40s
GCC 9.2 1.46s
CLANG 7 2.56s
CLANG 6 2.59s
CLANG 8 2.74s
CLANG 4 2.8s

M*LIB V0.3.0:

Here are the results of the M*LIB bench with different compilers:

BENCH GCC 7.4 GCC 8.3 GCC 9.2 CLANG 6 CLANG 7 TCC 0.9.27
List 751 767 752 772 830 1184
Array 326 332 346 616 612 4012
B+Tree 458 452 445 455 458 912
Dict 265 256 253 263 266 696
DictBig 924 998 989 1010 1011 1383
DictOA 38 38 47 43 44 362
DictStr 854 868 871 877 888 1425
Sort 1679 1686 1703 1789 1792 2612
StableS 1117 1109 1107 1162 1159 2481
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