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PARTHIB-WRITES (Personal Blog) (Feb 6,2024 - Feb 29,2024 )

  • 🖋️ This is My First Full Stack Project Using Django and TailwindCSS. Its V1 was created during Feb-2023. But at that stage It was Not so much featureful 😕.

  • 🌝 So I thought to recreate the project.

  • 🌟 Let's have a look on the feature differences.

  • Video : video

Features ⚡⚡

  • User Authentication ✔️

    The primary Goal of this project is to make it safe and less vulnerable from the attacks of anonymous / Unauthenticated Users. So I created this module - by taking help of Django Authentication System . Roughly The AUTH game in Django can be depicted like that - There are certain Groups of users , who have some categories of permissions , bascially they are two different models or SQL Relations who maintain M-2-M relationship among them. Now Users are one of the Groups who have some permissions over the app - by default set by django. Now this Users is also a Model , which Got inherited from AbstractUser Model, which furthur inherited from AbstractBaseUser Model. Here I have Just Used the AbstractUser Model , and created my own user model by changing some of the method Definitions little bit. Check out inside users 📁

  • Django Forms EveryWhere ✔️

    Although Previously I did the Create-Read-Update-Delete operations on blogs , but there I did not take the help of Django Forms. I fetched the raw data from request.POST dictionary , which might have caused vulnerability. So here for all set of operations , I used this feature provided by django.

  • Postgresql Database ✔️

    Databases are crucial choices and Django gives native support for couple of good SQL databases - Postgres is one of them. Its a good Object-Oriented Database , have safety safety checking technoques like Row Security Policies. So I switched to this database

  • Own Django + Tailwind Setup ✔️

    In V1 , I used a readymade packadge , which was not so developer-friendly . So I saw How they made the combination of two different servers and do that manually. Basically I applied TailwindCss-CLI with Django (There is one tutorial in my github on this topic , can check out). ❗❗ This Way is not recommended for bigger projects

  • Emailing the User ✔️

    Although The code for email is perfect . But as I am using my personal email as sender. so the recever's gmail is not allowing , because its not an email of a company. simple any unsafe app , not having any domain can't send email using the gmail service

  • Writing TestCases by Pytest ✔️

    So , I have written the testcases for both users and blogs . I declared a conftest file, where I created 2 Class Based Test configurations individually. Then I used them in my respective test-files.

How to download this project :

  git clone
  python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  pip install -r requirements.txt

Although Upgrade Your Django Version , whenever you download it.