Release v4.1.4
- RatePay B2B Invoice added
- In case of guaratee rejection, Payone Safe Invoice is not displayed again to the customer
- Enforce Amazon Pay redirect mode for in-app browsers (#161, thanks @gndk)
- Sending the overcapture flag for PayDirekt now possible
- RatePay backend orders are now possible
- Automatically recognize credit card type after 6 digits of PAN
- Fixed wrong license identifier in composer.json
- Fixed missing modman directive (#176, thanks @tim-bezhashvyly)
- Fixed "undefined index" problems (#152, thanks @norgeindian; #168, thanks @Schrank)
- Headers are now set correctly when using FastCGI
- Fixed some bugs introduced with Mage 1.9.3.x (#165)
- Re-activated the conversion of reference parameters for PayDirekt to honor disallowed chars
- Removed HTML from backend labels for compat