sudo apt-get install cppad gfortran
cd {$CUSTOM_PATH}/Ipopt-3.12.8
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
make install
cd CUSTOM_PATH/Ipopt-3.12.8/build
sudo cp -a include/* /usr/include/.
sudo cp -a lib/* /usr/lib/.
cd ..
catkin_ cmake
cd devel
source ./setup.bash
- It can be selected with DWA, MPC, Pure persuit according to 'controller' argument.
roslaunch mpc_ros nav_gazebo.launch
- Tracking the trajectory such as infinity-shaped, epitrochoid, square using non-linear model predictive control.
roslaunch mpc_ros ref_trajectory_tracking_gazebo.launch
- After building successfully, you should just change the base_local_planner param with
<param name="base_local_planner" value="mpc_ros/MPCPlannerROS"/>