A pipeline to format and harmonize Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog Scoring Files within and between different genome builds.
External users NB: the pipeline will run very slowly if only rsIDs are given, because it looks up each rsID in 200 variant batches using the Ensembl API. There are ways to speed this up by looking up the total set of rsIDs once using the pgs_variants_coords tool which uses Ensembl VCF files.
- Python packages: requests, pandas, pyliftover, tqdm, cyvcf2
pip install requirements.txt
- PGS Catalog rsID -> position mappings (see pgs_variants_coords to generate the variants position knowledge base).
- VCFs from Ensembl (in
) or a specific cohort (in/map/cohort_ref/
). Ensembl VCFs can be downloaded by running theDownloadMappings.py
script in the project directory - only needed for the Harmonize HmVCF script and the pipelines.
- Harmonize script
$ python ./Harmonize.py -h
usage: Harmonize.py [-h] {HmPOS,HmVCF} ...
Harmonize a PGS Catalog Scoring file (PGS######.txt.gz) to a specific genome
positional arguments:
{HmPOS,HmVCF} Harmonization Commands help
HmPOS HmPOS - Harmonizing position information (adding/updating
chr/pos information)
HmVCF HmVCF - Checking positional information and/or adding
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- HmPOS option
python ./Harmonize.py HmPOS -h
usage: Harmonize.py HmPOS [-h] [-loc_files DIR] [-source_build GENOMEBUILD]
[-loc_hmoutput DIR] [-var2location DIR] [--useAPI]
[--catchmissingAPI] [--silent_tqdm] [--ignore_rsid] [--gzip]
PGS###### GRCh3#
positional arguments:
PGS###### PGS Catalog Score ID
GRCh3# Target genome build choices: 'GRCh37'or GRCh38'
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-loc_files DIR Root directory where the PGS files are located,
otherwise assumed to be in: ../pgs_ScoringFiles/
-source_build GENOMEBUILD
Source genome build [overwrites information in the
scoring file header]
-loc_hmoutput DIR Directory where the harmonization output will be saved
(default: PGS_HmPOS/)
-var2location DIR Root directory where DB of PGS Catalog rsID to chr/pos
mappings is stored (default: ./map/ENSEMBL/)
--useAPI Uses the ENSEMBL API (not tractable for scores >1000 variants)
--catchmissingAPI Query the ENSEMBL API for variants missing from the
PGS Catalog var2location DB
--silent_tqdm Disables tqdm progress bar
--ignore_rsid Ignores rsID mappings and harmonizes variants using
only liftover
--gzip Writes gzipped harmonized output
- HmVCF option
python ./Harmonize.py HmVCF -h
usage: Harmonize.py HmVCF [-h] [-loc_files DIR] [-loc_hmoutput DIR]
[-loc_vcfs DIR] [-cohort_vcf COHORT]
[--addOtherAllele] [--addVariantID]
[--skip_strandflips] [--split_unmappable]
[--keep_duplicates] [--gzip] [--silent_tqdm]
PGS###### GRCh3#
positional arguments:
PGS###### PGS Catalog Score ID
GRCh3# Target genome build choices: 'GRCh37'or GRCh38'
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-loc_files DIR Root directory where the PGS files are located,
otherwise assumed to be in: PGS_HmPOS/
-loc_hmoutput DIR Directory where the harmonization output will be saved
(default: PGS_HmVCF/)
-loc_vcfs DIR Directory where the VCF files are located, otherwise
assumed to be in: map/vcf_ref/
-cohort_vcf COHORT Cohort VCF: Used to check if a variant is present in the
genotyped/imputed variants for a cohort and add other
allele when the information from ENSEMBL is ambiguous
(multiple potential alleles)
--addOtherAllele Adds a other_allele(s) column for PGS that only have
a recorded effect_allele
--addVariantID Returns a column with the ID from the VCF corresponding
to the matched variant/allele(s)
--skip_strandflips This flag will stop the harmonizer from correcting
strand flips
--split_unmappable This flag will write unmapped & uncorrected variants
(hm_code < 0) to separate files (suffixes: [.mapped,
--keep_duplicates This flag will allows duplicate variants to be present
in the mapped variant file. The default behaviour is to
drop them.
--gzip Writes gzipped harmonized output
--silent_tqdm Disables tqdm progress bar
To test that the pipeline can run try these commands on the tests/data
in the project directory:
# PGS000015
## GRCh37
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000015 GRCh37 -loc_files ./tests/data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000015 GRCh37 --gzip
## GRCh38
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000015 GRCh38 -loc_files ./tests/data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000015 GRCh38 --gzip
# PGS000065
## GRCh37
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000065 GRCh37 -loc_files ./tests/data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000065 GRCh37 --gzip
## GRCh38
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000065 GRCh38 -loc_files ./tests/data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000065 GRCh38 --gzip
The pipeline generates the HmPOS, HmVCF and the finalised version of each Scoring file.
There are additional requirements to run pgs-harmonizer as a pipeline:
- Nextflow
- SQLite: The pipeline generates a SQLite PGS Harmonized Knowledge Base (or populate an existing one).
Example of command to create a new Knowledge Base:
sqlite3 pgs_harmonizated_kb.db < harmonize_KB_schema.sql
This pipeline take a list of PGS IDs and run them in parallel. It generates, for the given genome build:
- 1 Harmonized Position file
- 1 Harmonized VCF file
- 1 Harmonized "Final" file: starting from the HmVCF file it updates the metadata, change the file name and store information in the SQLite Knowledge Base.
gb_version = <target genome build - numeric version, e.g. '38'>
root_dir = <path to the working directory (other than Nextflow's)>
params {
pgs = <list of PGS IDs to harmonize, e.g. ['PGS000020','PGS000140']>
genomebuild_grch = "GRCh$gb_version" <target genome build - string version, e.g. 'GRCh38'>
genomebuild = "$gb_version" <target genome build - numeric version, e.g. '38'>
pgs_ids_file = <name of the locally generated PGS IDs list file, e.g. "pgs_ids.txt">
rest_api_url = <URL to the REST API server>
loc_scripts = <path to the pgs-harmonizer directory, e.g. /Users/my_account/pgs-harmonizer/ (absolute) or ../../../ (relative)>
loc_files = <path to the Scoring files directory>
loc_hmoutput = <path to the HmPOS output directory, e.g. "$root_dir/HmPOS/$gb_version/">
loc_hmoutput_vcf = <path to the HmVCF output directory, e.g. "$root_dir/HmVCF/$gb_version/">
loc_var2location = <path to the directory containing the variant coordinates Knowledge Bases>
loc_vcfs = <path to the Ensembl VCFs - optional if they are located in 'map/vcf_ref/'>
loc_staged = <path to the directory containing the final version of the harmonized files, e.g. "$root_dir/HmFinal/$gb_version/">
hm_version_sqlite_file_path = <path to the Harmonization Knowledge Base, e.g. 'pgs_harmonizated_kb.db'>
If it runs on LSF, here is an example about what to add to nextflow.config:
// Only to be used if the script is running on LSF, on the cloud or in a container.
// More information is available here: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html
executor {
name = 'lsf'
queueSize = 25
process {
queue = 'short'
withLabel: medium_mem {
memory = '1 GB'
withLabel: retry_increasing_mem {
errorStrategy = 'retry'
memory = {2.GB * task.attempt}
maxRetries = { task.exitStatus in [130,140] ? 10 : 2 }
withLabel: retry_increasing_big_mem {
errorStrategy = 'retry'
memory = {3.GB * task.attempt}
maxRetries = { task.exitStatus in [130,140] ? 10 : 2 }
Example of command to run the pipeline:
nextflow harmonizer_list_dsl2.nf -c nextflow_list.config
This pipeline take a range of PGS numeric IDs and run the rang of PGS IDs in parallel.
For instance pgs_num_from=1
and pgs_num_to=5
: it will generates harmonized files for PGS000001,PGS000002,PGS000003,PGS000004,PGS000005, for the given genome build:
- 1 Harmonized Position file
- 1 Harmonized VCF file
- 1 Finalized file: it updates the metadata, change the file name and store information in the SQLite Knowledge Base
The only change from nextflow_list.config
is that it replace pgs by pgs_num_from and pgs_num_to.
gb_version = <target genome build - numeric version, e.g. '38'>
root_dir = <path to the working directory (other than Nextflow's)>
params {
pgs_num_from = <PGS ID start number, e.g. '20' for PGS000020>
pgs_num_to = <PGS ID end number, e.g. '140' for PGS000140>
genomebuild_grch = "GRCh$gb_version" <target genome build - string version, e.g. 'GRCh38'>
genomebuild = "$gb_version" <target genome build - numeric version, e.g. '38'>
pgs_ids_file = <name of the locally generated PGS IDs list file, e.g. "pgs_ids.txt">
rest_api_url = <URL to the REST API server>
loc_scripts = <path to the pgs-harmonizer directory, e.g. /Users/my_account/pgs-harmonizer/ (absolute) or ../../../ (relative)>
loc_files = <path to the Scoring files directory>
loc_hmoutput = <path to the HmPOS output directory, e.g. "$root_dir/HmPOS/$gb_version/">
loc_hmoutput_vcf = <path to the HmVCF output directory, e.g. "$root_dir/HmVCF/$gb_version/">
loc_var2location = <path to the directory containing the variant coordinates Knowledge Bases>
loc_vcfs = <path to the Ensembl VCFs - optional if they are located in 'map/vcf_ref/'>
loc_staged = <path to the directory containing the final version of the harmonized files, e.g. "$root_dir/HmFinal/$gb_version/">
hm_version_sqlite_file_path = <path to the Harmonization Knowledge Base, e.g. 'pgs_harmonizated_kb.db'>
If it runs on LSF, here is an example about what to add to nextflow.config:
// Only to be used if the script is running on LSF, on the cloud or in a container.
// More information is available here: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html
executor {
name = 'lsf'
queueSize = 25
process {
queue = 'short'
withLabel: medium_mem {
memory = '1 GB'
withLabel: retry_increasing_mem {
errorStrategy = 'retry'
memory = {2.GB * task.attempt}
maxRetries = { task.exitStatus in [130,140] ? 10 : 2 }
withLabel: retry_increasing_big_mem {
errorStrategy = 'retry'
memory = {3.GB * task.attempt}
maxRetries = { task.exitStatus in [130,140] ? 10 : 2 }
Example of command to run the pipeline:
nextflow harmonizer_range_dsl2.nf -c nextflow_range.config
Once the HmVCF function is run each variant is assigned a value in the harmonization code (hm_code
) column that
reflects how the variant appears in the target variant data.
|Code|Description of harmonisation process |
| 5 | Mapped [variant exists in REFERENCE VCF] |
| 4 | Mapped [variant exists in REFERENCE VCF, other allele(s) with|
| | ambiguous orientations exist at the locus] |
| 3 | Mapped [variant in REFERENCE VCF with ambiguous orientation |
| | (e.g. A/T, C/G variants) ] |
| 1 | Duplicated harmonized variant (multiple lines map to 1 ID |
| 0 | Author-reported variant information (not found in VCF) |
|-1 | Unable to map the variant |
|-4 | Strands flipped? [reverse complement alleles exist in VCF, |
| | default behaviour is to correct by flipping]|
|-5 | Variant doesn't exist in the REFERENCE VCF |
OpenTargets GWAS summary statistics harmoniser
- Harmonization flowchart : https://github.com/opentargets/genetics-sumstat-harmoniser/blob/master/flowchart_v3.svg
GWAS Catalog Summary Statistics harmonisation
- Slightly different but uses the OpenTargets code/pipeline
- UCSC liftover tools
- pyliftover - code: https://github.com/konstantint/pyliftover
- GRCh38 (Current release): https://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/variation_post
- GRCh37 (Past release): http://grch37.rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/variation_post