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PV-Log JSON 1.1


Generator classes SDK

To participate in PV-Log with a not directly supported data logger you can use these PHP classes to generate compatible and valid PV-Log JSON 1.1 files.

Data assembled with these SDK classes can be used either for direct push via API or to provide files via FTP or URL request.

  • For format details please refer to the official technical description of the PV-Log JSON 1.1 format.
  • For class structure and usage please refer to the enclosed documentation.
  • To find out, what's possible with and how the handle the classes, take a look into the tests directory.

Example for minutes file format (data within a day)

As example I'll show you, how to build data for a plant with 1 inverter with 2 strings. (Strings supported for Gold users)

We will build the following structure (instance stands here for the installation):

  - plant
    - inverter
      - string 1
        - powerAcWatts
      - string 2
        - powerAcWatts
      - powerAcWatts
      - totalWattHours
    - powerAcWatts
    - totalWattHours

Assume, you have data for string DC powers, inverter AC powers and inverter energy over the day.

It is not required, that the timestamps of your data align to PV-Log 5 minutes interval, they will be corrected during output, holes in the timeline will be interpolated also.


use PVLog\Classes\Json\Instance; // Installation level class atop over all
use PVLog\Classes\Json\Plant;    // Plant node class
use PVLog\Classes\Json\Inverter; // Inverter node class
use PVLog\Classes\Json\Strings;  // String node class

// Let's start with the node objects
$installation = new Instance;
$plant        = new Plant;
$inverter     = new Inverter;
$string1      = new Strings;
$string2      = new Strings;

// I suggest to build the hierarchy from the inside to the outside
// Assume, there are functions that provides the data as array
// with timestamps as keys and the measuring data as values
$data = getPowerDataForString1();

// Add data row by row ...
foreach ($data as $timestamp=>$value) {
    // add... used for 1 of 0..n
    $string1->addPowerAcWatts($timestamp, $value);
// ... or with this array structure at once
// set... used for 1 of 0..1
# $string1->setPowerAcWatts($data);

// Now add the string to the inverter
// or wise versa
# $string1->addToInverter($inverter);

// Now make the same for the other string, in real life
// you have probably a loop for this ...

// Same procedure for inverter data
$data = getPowerDataForInverter();

// Extend hierarchy
// Or with fluid interface
# $installation->setPlant($plant->addInverter($inverter));

// That's all about building data.

But wait, what's about powers and energy of plant level?

No problem, they are optional and will be calculated automatic from Inverters assuming there are no additional losses.

The same is for power and energy data and vise versa. If one of them is missing, it will be calculated from the existing one during output.

If you build data for solar parks with dozens of inverters (especially connected to the medium voltage grid or with a converter counter) the plant internal losses in power and/energy could be interesting to know and show.

// We build the data, what's next
# $installation->setTypeMinutes(); // is not required, is default

// There are 3 main methods to get valid JSON data out there

// 1. Get single line of JSON data
$json = $installation->asJson();
$json = $installation->asJson(true); // prettified

// 2. Output single line of JSON data via magic __toString() method
echo $installation;

// 3. Store the data somewhere, e.g. into file system
$fileName = '/path/to/file.json';
$writtenBytes = $installation->saveToJsonFile($fileName);
$writtenBytes = $installation->saveToJsonFile($fileName, true); // prettified
if ($writtenBytes === FALSE) {
    echo 'Ups, something went wrong, couldn\'t save data, ',
         'please check file/directory permissions';

If you have data for more than one day in your structure, you can also direct generate days or months files, here alo via magic __toString() method.

Most setter methods return the object itself for fluid interface.

// Get data for fileContent == days
echo $installation->setTypeDays();

// Get data for fileContent == months
echo $installation->setTypeMonths();