Welcome to my repository! I’m Pablo Aixela, and here I share a summary of everything I’ve learned over 6 months in my programming course. This repository aims to help others access the information and resources I’ve gathered throughout my learning journey.
The content is organized into folders divided by modules, making it easy to navigate and access specific topics. Each folder includes:
- Lesson summaries
- Command glossaries
- Additional resources
Module 1: Software_Engineering_Introduction
- Development processes / Project analysis
- Development structures (AGILE, SCRUM...)
Module 2: LinuxCommands & ShellScripting
- History
- Commands
- Shell Scripting
Module 3: Git&Github
- Fundamentals
- Command Glossary
- Pull Requests, Forks...
If you’d like to contribute to this repository, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Any improvements or suggestions are very welcome.
For any questions or comments, you can reach me at [email protected].
I hope you find this repository useful and that it supports you in your own programming learning journey!