A multithreaded Linux based downloader.
wget-fast can dynamiclly start new thread to download.
###Features coming soon:
proxy support, including .pac
Continue the download if you terminated.
Read URL list file to download.
Download/clone the git repository, unzip it to any where you like, type:
./wget-fast -s where-to-save-your-file URL
For example:
`./wget-fast.py -s /home/lancaster/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getlantern/lantern-binaries/master/lantern-installer-beta.exe
So far, wget-fast can only download one file in one time, more feature will be updated latter.
, humanfriendly
install pip if you have not yet:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
and install package:
pip3 install requests
pip3 install humanfriendly
It is sweet of you to send pull requests on github.