Sample Server application and tutorial on creating a sample facebook chat bot
- Basic knowledge in NodeJs
- Development environment with NodeJs installed
- Basic knowledge in Facebook Pages/Apps
- Clone this repo
$ git clone
- Install NodeJs dependencies
$ cd Sample-FB-ChatBot
$ npm install
- Run server
$ node server.js
If you are seeing "Example app listening on port 3010!", your server has been started successfully.
- Create Facebook App and Page
- Get Page access token (Save this token for later use)
- Goto server.js file and replace <YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN> with the token you got from the step 2. (server.js line 10)
- Restart the server
- Since Facebook only accept public https URLs as their webhooks, we need to expose our local server endpoints as public https. Quick way to do that is use
- Create a https public endpoint using (Please make sure you disable your firewalls)
$ npm install -g localtunnel
- Tunnel our local server port
- lt --port 3010
- You will get something like which is your public base URL
- If you goto in your web brawser you will get a message saying "Error, wrong validation token"
- Once this is done goto and setup the webhook that we just created in the Facebook Application
- Goto and subscripbe your application with your page
- Now goto your Facebook page and send it a chat message, it will echo back the text you send.
Thank you for reading and your feedback is welcome.