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Simple Library to Handle basic LED functions. Useful for simple UIs for embedded systems


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ledObject (V2.0.0)

Built and maintained by Imogen Wren on behalf of Pan Galactic Tech


  • Object Orientated library for controling single LEDs.
  • Seperate class defintions for "blink" (digital) and "fade" (PWM) LED outputs.
  • Set up LED blink & fade behaviour without dealing with any delay() functions and the problems this causes.
  • fadeLED inherets all functions from ledObject (blink) LEDs.
  • Call blink or fade events which count down a specific number of ledEvents before ending.
  • Set up blinks and fades that continue until stop method is called.
  • Functions work with both AVR (ATmega) / Arduino Boards & ESP32/8266 Espressif Microcontrollers.
  • Call as many constructors as needed, each one controls a single LED, but many can be stacked and accessed as object arrays.

Getting Started


  1. Clone or Download library folder into Arduino IDE libraries folder.
  2. Extract files from zipped folder if required.
  3. Open Arduino IDE and select from example programs.


No dependency for library function, however examples have the following dependencies:

  • autoDelay_library available from here - written by PanGalacticTech


Precompiler Requirements:

#include <ledObject.h> // Libary include N.B.This includes both ledObject & fadeLED classes


Define the LED pin and the initial state.

#define LED_PIN 9 // Define LED pin. If undefined - defaults to pin 13.
#define INITIAL_STATE 1 // Defines if LED pin starts with initial state ON or OFF - defaults to OFF

ESP32 / espressif

For ESP32 & espressif boards, additional variables are required for setup.

#define PWM_PIN 2 // PWM drive capable pin
#define LED_CH 0 // PWM Channel (ESP32 up to 16 channels total)
#define PWM_FREQ 5000 // PWM Frequency (Hz)
#define PWM_RESO 8 // PWM Resolution (bits)

Object Constructors


Declaring a blink LED object:

ledObject led(LED_PIN)

Declaring a fade LED object:

fadeLED led(LED_PIN); // Note: LED_PIN must be PWM capable pin

ESP32 / espressif

Declaring a fade LED object:

fadeLED led(PWM_PIN, LED_CH, PWM_FREQ, PWM_RESO); // ESP32 Requires 4 arguments for constructor

Setup Functions:

Setup function for Blink LEDs pass the initial state as an argument. Defaults to off.


Setup function for Fade LEDs pass the initial brightness as an argument. Default is 150


Loop Functions:

Call performBlink() or PerformFade(); on LED objects to set the output pins. This method should be called in main loop for each ledObject or fadeLED object.

For blink objects

For fade objects

Note: performBlink(); and performFade(); are both valid for fadeLED objects, performFade will also carry out any Blink events triggered. Fading events take priority over Blink events if they are called together.

performFade(); is not valid for ledObjects.

Starting & Stopping Events:

Starting Events

Blink & Fade events must be triggered to be performed.

Start a Blink event that continues indefinatly:

led.startBlink(onDuration, offDuration);

Call a Blink event that repeats a number of times:

led.blinkEvent(numberofBlinks, onDuration, offDuration );

Start a Fade event that continues indefinatly:

led.startFading(minBrightness, maxBrightness , timeMs); // timeMs is time for complete fade (Up & Down)

Call a Fade event that repeats a number of times:

led.fadeEvent(minimum , maximum, repeats, timeMs = 500);


Stopping Events

To stop a blink event call:


To stop a fade event call:


Advanced Uses:

See star_trek_flash_board to see these techniques in action.

Set up arrays of ledObject and fadeLED constructors to iterate through large numbers of outputs easily.

ledObject flash[6] = {ledObject(2), ledObject(4), ledObject(7), ledObject(8), ledObject(12), ledObject(13)};
// Set up an array of ledObjects, each ledObject is passed an output pin

fadeLED fade[6] = {fadeLED(3), fadeLED(5), fadeLED(6), fadeLED(9), fadeLED(10), fadeLED(11)};
// Set up an array of fadeLEDs. Each LED is passed a PWM capable output pin

Iterate through object array using a for loop for setup functions.

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FLASHERS; i++) {

Iterate through object array using a for loop to start or change flashing/fading behaviour.

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FADERS; i++) {
fade[i].startFading(0, 255, random(1, 1000)); // feed new random numbers into the fade objects

Iterate through object array with perform function (Must be called in every loop).

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FADERS; i++) {
fade[i].performFades(); // PerformFade events, also performs blink events.


Known Issues V2.0.0

  • Please report any bugs or issues found.

Known Issues V1.0.0

  • Please report any bugs or issues found.

Features to be Added


Built With


Imogen Wren


Simple Library to Handle basic LED functions. Useful for simple UIs for embedded systems







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