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Releases: Panakotta00/FicsIt-Networks


22 Nov 22:58
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Update 7 Compatibility & Wireless

This update introduces Satisfactory Update 7 compatibility.
And on top of that, it adds a new networking facility that allows you to use radio towers for wireless network message transmission.


  • Update 7 Compatibility
  • Adding Radio Tower Network Routers/Wireless Network Message Transmission
  • Add Blueprint Designer support
  • Train Signal Block API
  • Pump/Valve Flow & flow-limit properties
  • Added Magic Time
  • Fixes Lua Code Editor Syntax Highlighting formatting bug
  • Fixes Font Bug (missing fallback)
  • Fixes tempfs issues
  • Fixes Hologram Crashes
  • Fixes Computer Collision
  • Fixes Some Bugs
  • Adds new bugs

Hot-Fix for Experimental Branch

10 Sep 16:34
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Support for latest experimental game version.


  • Support of Experimental Branch
  • Fixes tmpfs deep folder structures
  • Fixes crash on save if unable to open file (silent fail with warning message in log) #206
  • Fixes broken computer UI when last time removed PCI device was opened #227
  • Other bug fixes
  • Introduces new Bugs

As usual, please report any issue on the GitHub Page.


09 Aug 19:54
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Update 6 Update

This update introduces Update 6 compatibility!
This also means, this version is only available for Update 6 and so just for EXP branch currently.


  • New Modular Indicator Pole
  • Fix to old Indicator Pole
  • Feature #94: Better Placement options for control panels
  • Hopefully Fixes #207: Crash on World Close
  • Fixes #215: Removes ability to connect to hidden power connectors
  • Fixes #213: ItemOutputted/Requested Signals of Merger not containing proper Item Data
  • Fixes #203: Label Edit Multiplayer Compatibiity
  • Fixes #202: TextDisplay Multiplayer Compatibility
  • Fixes #210: setEEPROM missing string encoding
  • Fixes #205: Crash when calling GPUT1:bindScreen(...)
  • Other Bug Fixes
  • Possible New Bugs

If encountering any issues, please report them as Issue on the GitHub Repository.

And now, GET BACK TO WORK!!!

Hotfix Update

30 Apr 14:50
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This just a hotfix for the latest crash causing update of SF.

Additionally includes:

  • Bug fixes
  • Visual & Audio Fixes
  • New Bugs

As always, if you find any issues, please report them on the GitHub Repository.

Update 5 Compatiblity

24 Nov 07:25
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  • Add support for latest Satisfactory and SML versions
  • Bug Fixes
  • New Bugs

Please report any bugs on the FicsIt-Networks Discord Server or prefably create a GitHub issue report.

Not much content in this update but we just started on a small new feature and continue to work on a giant feature, the Visual-Scripting-Language "FicsIt-Visual-Script" which has made great progress :3

Bug Fix Update

27 Sep 15:02
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This is again just a minor update introducing mainly bug-fixes and QoL stuff.


  • Sounds for some modules
  • Bug Fixes
  • Clearance Boxes for Splitters & Mergers
  • Lua runtime changes
  • Doc improvments
  • Other stuff I don't remember
  • New Bugs

As always, if you find any issues or have ideas, tell us on the discord server or even better, create a GitHub issue ticket.

Bug Fixes & QoL

31 Aug 20:00
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This is again a small update introducing some bug fixes, some QoL improvements and some more bugs...

as usual,
if you find any issues please report them on the GitHub issue page or on discord in a new thread.

Micro Control Panels & Bug Fixes

19 Aug 11:03
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This update introduces micro control panels which work just like
the modular control panels, but now you can place them on walls and such,
to then create more local controls embedded into your factory!

Additionally many new modules have been introduced which you can use
also on normal modular control panels!


  • Micro Control Panels in different sizes
  • 2 Position Switch Module
  • 3 Position Switch Module
  • Encoder Module
  • Gauge Module
  • Indicator Module
  • Micro Display Module
  • Mushroom Pushbutton Module
  • Plug Module
  • Potentiometer Module
  • Push Button Module
  • Many bug fixes
  • Many new bugs

You can probably expect some changes regarding recipes, names, descriptions, Reflection-Metadata
and build menu arrangement at some point in the future.

When finding bugs, plz create a GitHub issue report!

Or alternatively report it on the discord server

QoL & MP Update

02 Jul 15:41
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QoL & MP Update!

This is mainly a quality of life update introducing shortcuts,
and system to f.e. copy filesystems.

We also now have way better GPU T1 frame buffers and an internet card!

Also, Lua got updated to Lua 5.4 and now should work without any "out of time" exceptions!

Feature List:

  • GPU T1 Frame Buffers
  • Internet Card to make HTTP Requests
  • Upgrade to Lua 5.4
  • No "out of time" exceptions
  • FileSystem context menu (drive item) to copy FileSystem UUID
  • FileSystem/EEPROM Copy (data workbench in network manager)
  • Changeable shortcuts for network manager interaction
  • Multiplayer Support in U4
  • FileSystem disk override warning on save load
  • Bug fixes
  • New Bugs

Reflection Update!!!

13 Feb 19:32
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The Reflection update finally released and noone actually knows what it does, right?

Let me explain:


The reflection-system is a neat system that allows generally to look up information about types, objects and such, in runtime.
With that you can learn about properties, functions and signals a given type might have.
The unreal engine already has one, but we can't use it directly, because it exposes way to much and generally way sensitive functions. It also doesn't have support for our signals and it doesn't hold meta data like localized display names and descriptions.
In addition, the reflection system provides a central abstract way of communicating with stuff ingame, like machines.
So withit, other mods also can have a save system were the user can fully customize the interactions with an machine.


The reflection viewer is a UI component, accessable by the network manager, that allows you to browse and explore all the data, the reflection system provides. It basically makes it way more easy to figure out what function and properties a given machine or type provides and how you can use it.

Lua-Tick Refactor

The Lua-Tick got a complete overhaul, making it more reliable. Meaning, way less crashes!!!


Since this is a major update to the back-end of FicsIt-Networks, we also were able to fix many bugs.


Just read the damn stuff above, but be aware, if you find any bugs,
plz report them as GitHub issue ticket.