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Django Vobapay

Implementation of Vobapay API. The following doc explain how to set up the Vobapay API for django.

How to install django-vobapay?

There are just two steps needed to install django-vobapay:

  1. Install django-vobapay to your virtual env:

    pip install django-vobapay
  2. Configure your django installation with the following lines:

    # django-vobapay
    INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_vobapay', )

    There is a list of other settings you could set down below.

  3. Include the notification View in your URLs:

    from django.conf.urls import include, url
    urlpatterns = [
        url('^vobapay/', include('django_vobapay.urls')),

What do you need for django-vobapay?

  1. An merchant account for Vobapay
  2. Django >= 2.2


VobapayWrapper acts as the interface to the Vobapay API. It provides methods to start a transaction and to check the status of a transaction.

Note that SANDBOX is enabled by default. Please set it to False in order to use the live system.

Code example:

from django_vobapay.wrappers import VobapayWrapper
vobapay_wrapper = VobapayWrapper()

vobapay_wrapper = VobapayWrapper(
		'MERCHANT_ID': '123456',
		'PROJECT_ID': '1010',
		'PROJECT_PASSWORD': bytes('some-pass', encoding='UTF-8'),
		'SANDBOX': False,

vobapay_transaction = vobapay_wrapper.start_transaction(
	amount=amount_in_cents,  # 1000 = 10.00 €
	purpose='payment for something',
	redirect_url=redirect_url, # url to your view that inherits VobapayReturnView
	notify_url=notification_url, # url to your view that inherits NotifyVobapayView
	error_url=cancelled_url, # url to your error page if the payment is cancelled
	success_url=success_url, # url to your success page if the payment is successful
if vobapay_transaction is not False:
	# might want to save vobapay_transaction['reference'] to your database
	# return the redirect url to the user
	return redirect(vobapay_transaction['redirect'])

Normally the payment result should be available in the VobapayReturnView view. In case the user clsoed the window before the rediect went through, Vobapay will also send a notification to the NotifyVobapayView view.

In the VobapayReturnView view you can overwrite the following functions to handle different results:

class MyVobapayReturnView(VobapayReturnView):
	def get_error_url(self):
		# your code here
		return django_vobapay_settings.VOBAPAY_ERROR_URL
	def get_cancel_url(self, vobapay_transaction):
		# your code here
		return vobapay_transaction.error_url
	def get_success_url(self, vobapay_transaction):
		# your code here
		return vobapay_transaction.success_url

Similarly in the NotifyVobapayView view you can overwrite the following functions to handle different results:

class MyNotifyVobapayView(NotifyVobapayView):
	def handle_updated_transaction(self, vobapay_transaction, expected_statuses=django_vobapay_settings.VOBAPAY_VALID_TRANSACTION_STATUSES):
        if vobapay_transaction.result_payment not in expected_statuses:
			# your error hadnling here
                _("Vobapay Result faulty: {}").format(RESULT_PAYMENT_STATUS[vobapay_transaction.result_payment] if vobapay_transaction.result_payment in RESULT_PAYMENT_STATUS else vobapay_transaction.result_payment)
            return HttpResponse(status=400)
		# your success handling here
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

Checking the status of a transaction

If you want to write a function to check the status of a transaction, you can use the following code:

from django_vobapay.models import VobapayTransaction
from django_vobapay.wrappers import VobapayWrapper
from django_vobapay.settings import VOBAPAY_VALID_TRANSACTION_STATUSES

vobapay_transaction = VobapayTransaction.objects.get(reference='123456')
vobapay_wrapper = VobapayWrapper(
		'MERCHANT_ID': '123456',
		'PROJECT_ID': '1010',
		'PROJECT_PASSWORD': bytes('some-pass', encoding='UTF-8'),
		'SANDBOX': True,

if vobapay_transaction.result_payment not in VOBAPAY_VALID_TRANSACTION_STATUSES:
	# something went wrong. See:
	# vobapay_transaction.latest_response_code
	# vobapay_transaction.latest_response_msg
	return False
# payment was successful
return True

Copyright and license

Copyright 2024 Particulate Solutions GmbH, under MIT license.


Django integration for the payment provider "Vobapay"







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