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In this REPOSITORY you will find simple Python3 tools to help your daily life in the field of penetration testing. Libs like requests, socket and many others, will be put in a simple short way, so you could modify add or do whatever you want quickly.. This is also my cheatsheet for future projects..
Open your terminal window, choose any location you want and create a new directory:
user $ mkdir your_dir_name user $ cd your_dir_name user/your_dir_name $ python3 -m venv fl_venv # fl_venv is just how you name it, it can be any name user/your_dir_name $ ls -ltr # to check if virtual enviroment was created successfully user/your_dir_name $ . fl_venv/bin/activate # This will activate virtual enviroment | source bin/deactivate - to stop user/your_dir_name $ flask run # it will start everything, and you will get a notice in the terminal window. Flask will run