Mi libro vecino is a open source project.
Before you start, you need to add Google API key in the index.html
file. Google API key
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=your_key"></script>
- The last flutter version used to compile is
This project contains 3 flavors:
- development
- staging
- production
To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands:
# Development
$ flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart
# Staging
$ flutter run --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart
# Production
$ flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart
*Mi Libro Vecino works on Web.
To run all unit and widget tests use the following command:
$ flutter test --coverage --test-randomize-ordering-seed random
To view the generated coverage report you can use lcov.
# Generate Coverage Report
$ genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/
# Open Coverage Report
$ open coverage/index.html
In order to test admin functionality use the following account:
user : [email protected]
password: 123456789
If you want to take the time to make this project better, please read the contributing guides first. Then, you can open an new issue, of a pull request.