This repository contains a library of tools that can be composed together into a data-aggregation app, with the goal of storing all desired caspernet raw and decoded DeFi data in an efficient data store.
An application using this library would perform ETL operations, on historical and new blockchain data as it is produced. The types of data extracted and decoded will include:
- Block data (including header and body)
- Deploys (raw)
- DeFi data (decoded from state changes in deploys):
- Token approvals
- Token transfers
- Minting / burning of liquidity
- Updates to liquidity pool reserves / asset pricing
- Other operations for DeFi platforms deployed to Caspernet
Install the package with:
npm install fl-casper-tools
and import into your project with the following code:
Import (javascript):
const {
} = require('fl-casper-tools');
Import (typescript):
import {
} from 'fl-casper-tools';
CasperBlockchain is a very light wrapper for the casper-sdk, which will only contain methods necessary for the data aggregation processes.
Create an instance by passing your JSON-RPC url to the constructor. This should point to port 7777/rpc on your node server.
const blockchain = new CasperBlockchain(jsonRpcProviderUrl);
Simple example - get the current blockchain height:
const height = await blockchain.getCurrentBlockHeight();
The use the examples you will need to have a postgres database set up with the blocks table created.
The blocks table can be created with the following SQL code:
block_hash varchar(64) NOT NULL,
parent_hash varchar(64) ,
state_root_hash varchar(64) ,
body_hash varchar(64) ,
random_bit boolean ,
accumulated_seed varchar(64) ,
era_end boolean ,
timestamp_utc timestamptz ,
era_id integer ,
block_number integer ,
protocol_version varchar(20) ,
proposer varchar(68) ,
deploy_hashes varchar(64)[] ,
transfer_hashes varchar(64)[] ,
api_version varchar(20) ,
CONSTRAINT pk_blocks PRIMARY KEY ( block_number )
Initialize other classes used for processing blocks:
const fetcher = new BlockFetcher(blockchain);
const parser = new BlockParser();
const datastore = new DataStore(getDataSource(dataSourceOptions));
const blockSaver = new BlockSaver(datastore);
Initialize the typeorm DataSource:
await datastore.initialize();
The dataSourceOptions arg will be typeorm DataSourceOption:
You can now fetch a block, parse it and add to your data store:
const blockFetcherResult = await fetcher.apply(700000);
The result will have the following fields:
type BlockFetcherResult = {
success: boolean;
error?: any;
message?: string;
height?: number;
block?: any;
If the request failed or encountered an error, success will be false and an error message may be present.
Parse the block resulting in fields that map to the block model in the data store:
const block = blockFetcherResult.block;
const parserResult = parser.apply(block);
The result will have the following fields, similar to the BlockFetcherResult:
type BlockParserResult = {
success: boolean;
error?: any;
message?: string;
height?: number;
fields?: any;
If the parser was successful, save the block to the datastore using the blocks model:
const fields = parserResult.fields;
const result = await blockSaver.apply(fields);
The full process can be abstracted by using the BlockConsumer:
const blockConsumer = new BlockConsumer(
const blockConsumerResult = await blockConsumer.apply(700000);
The result will have the following fields:
type BlockConsumerResult = {
success: boolean;
error?: any;
message?: string;
height?: number;
You can define your own data store to pass to the Blocks model constructor, if you don't want to use typeorm. It just needs to implement the IDataStore interface.
If you clone this repository directly, you can run the included unit tests with the npm command:
npm run test
Full documentation can be found in the docs folder.
The project was initiated with DEVxDAO proposal #451
Based on
Please see Contributing Guidelines.
Please see Code of Conduct.
This project is licensed under MIT license.