In this project, we aim to transform the sequential SVMLight to parallel version using Encore programming language. The report firstly introduces the background of the project such as object-oriented parallel programming language Encore, ATLAS Higgs Boson dataset, and SVMLight library. Then the approach of how to achieve the goal and the implementation will be shown. Ultimately, sequential and parallel versions of SVMLight can be evaluated by different ATLAS Higgs Boson datasets. Afterward we can come up with conclusions about the correctness, data scalability, and performance between two versions.
SVM-ENCORE Huu-Phuc Vo, 2016
Thanks to SVMLight's authors for the open source library.
make [all | help | clean | tidy
svm_light_api | svm_encore | svm_lib | distribute
test_all | test_convert | test_ex1 | test_higgs
svm_light_api builds learning, classfying libraries
svm_encore builds the svm_encore module
svm_lib builds shared object library that can be linked
distribute arranges library and executables to folders
help prints help for using makefile
all (default) builds and distributes libraries and executables
clean removes .o and target files
tidy removes all libraries and executables
test_all tests convert(), train(), and classify()
test_convert tests convert() from csv to svml format
test_ex1 runs example-1 2,000 events with 9947 features
test_higgs runs higgs boson higgs test
svm_encore [convert | learn | classify] [-eh | -lib]
-eh print help
-lib specify dynamic linking library manually
convert [-chunk n] [-ei csv_file] [-eo svml_file]
none convert from csv to svm format
-chunk -1 join from n file into one
-chunk n (n>1) split file into n files
learn [options] -ei in_file -eo model_file
classify [options] -ei in_file -eo out_file -im model_file
[options] using all 28 flags of svmlight
Please refer to Appendix for more information of [options]
Firstly, the dataset of ATLAS Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge 2014 will be used for training and testing the library. The goal of the Higgs training data is to distinguish a signal process which produces Higgs bosons from a background process which does not . Secondly, among several classification and regression approaches, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the representatives since its popularity. With the given training dataset which is marked as belonging to one or two categories, a model will be built by SVM to predict whether a new input belongs to one category or the other. Thirdly, we have been developing an object-oriented parallel programming language called Encore that supports developers to achieve parallelism-by-default using active and passive objects. Active objects are instances of active classes, and can possess their own single logical thread of control with asynchronous method calls. Whereas the passive objects are constructed from passive classes, and do not have a thread of control. In addition, method calls on passive objects will be executed synchronously. Passive objects can be asynchronously passed between active objects as data.
Our approach is to transform an SVM library from sequential version to the parallel one by taking advantage of Encore programming language. SVMLight has been chosen to transform from sequential to parallel library since it is among the top 3 popular SVM libraries that are widely used. In order to construct the parallel SVMLight library in Encore language, both training and testing ATLAS Higgs Boson datasets should be represented as passive objects. At the same time, sequential methods of the SVMLight library can be correspondingly implemented as parallel methods of active objects in Encore. An interface of SVMLight is implemented and packed in a dynamic library in C so that the Encore programming language can load and invoke the functions from the library.
The aim of the project is to make a parallel version of SVMLight using object-oriented parallel programming language Encore. There are three main phases to construct parallel Encore-SVM version, converting, learning and classifying. Among three phases, the parallelism can be applied to classifying and converting phases as all the events in the testing converting datasets are independent. The learning phase, however, is difficult to parallelize since all the events in the training dataset are dependently used to construct the learned model.
Contributions The following contributions are achieved in the project:
Propose an approach that can convert the csv data format to svm data format.
Implement an Encore-SVM version with partial parallel functions (converting and classifying).
Classify signal to background processes from the given Higgs dataset using Encore-SVM version.
Validate the performance and accuracy of original SVMLight and Encore-SVM versions.
There are 33 different features in Higgs Boson training dataset
including label feature which is s
for signal or b
for background
value. When converting the features from csv format, all values are
converted exactly the same, but the value of label is changed to +1
with s
and -1
with b
. The svmlight format is defined as below. Each features/values pairs are separated by a space
character and ordered by increasing feature number.
<line> .=. <target> <feature>:<value> ... <feature>:<value> # <info>
<target> .=. +1 | -1 | 0 | <float>
<feature> .=. <integer> | qid
<value> .=. <float>
<info> .=. <string>
The given Higgs Boson datasets are firstly converted from csv format
to svmlight format. At the moment, the FileIO functions such as
reading and writing files are missing in Encore, so they are implemented
and packed in the IO Encore library. The IO library can run in 2
different modes, parallel and sequential. By default, the sequential
mode will be activated, the parallel mode that will automatically split
the input file into n-chunks, however, can be specified by using
flag. Each feature of convert
is specified by given values of
./svm_encore convert -chunk k -ei train.csv -eo train.svm -vv
k = 1 : convert from csv to svmlight.
k > 1 : convert and split to n files.
k < 1 : merge n files to 1 file.
-ei : input file.
-eo : output file.
-vv : verbosity mode.
The categories of kernel function can be decided by passing kernel
options such as linear (by default), polynomial, radial basis function
expression, sigmoid tanh, or user defined kernel. Additional information
of kernel can be added to the string <info>
. The kernel can be
customized by other implementation of the kernel function in
that currently returns 1.0
by default.
In order to make parallel version of the SVMLight in Encore, a C-API
for both learning and classifying is necessary for creating an .so
dynamic library with all methods that can be invoked from Encore. The
two main functions of SVMLight, svm_learn and svm_classify, are
used to train the model from given input data, and produce the result by
taking the trained model and testing data as inputs, respectively. The
Encore-SVM can also take all 28-[options]
arguments for learning
phase exactly as the original version.
This section explains the implementation of convert, svm_learn, and svm_classify features. In Encore, active classes instantiate active objects that can possess their single logical thread of control with asynchronous method calls. When executing, the main program parses the given arguments and stores in passive object Params. Then the corresponding commands such as svm_encore svm_learn, svm_encore svm_classify, or svm_encore convert can be executed.
To obtain the parallelism, the following active and passive classes are being implemented.
Active classes The instances of those active classes are active objects as their method calls can be run asynchronously.
Converter.enc: The converter takes the parameters from Params.enc, and has three different functions
: convert file fromcsv
format without splitting file. -
: convert tosvm
format and split input file into n-chunks. -
: merge n-chunks to 1 file only.
Core.enc: This is the bridge that connects with the .so library. It takes the method name, the arguments, and sends the method call to the .so library.
: loads the dynamic shared library with the given path. -
: sends the method call to shared library by specifying method names, and number of arguments. If the number of argument is0
, the method call has no return value.
Main.enc The main object takes the given arguments to initialize the Param object. Then the shared library is able to be loaded, and the svm_encore svm_learn, svm_encore svm_classify, or svm_encore convert function can be extended depending on the given options.
Passive class The passive object Params is used to send to and receive from other active objects as data.
- Params.enc The passive object is stored all 28 parameters of svm_encore svm_learn, 3 parameters of svm_encore svm_classify, and 14 parameters of svm_encore. Those parameters can be used by all active objects aforementioned.
Firstly, in order to validate the correctness and the accuracy of Encore-SVM, 3 examples of SVMLight library will be used to evaluate and compare the results between original and parallel versions. Figure [fig:ex1-train] and [fig:ex1-test] illustrates the training and testing datasets with 1000 positive and 1000 negative examples in the training phase, and with 600 test examples, respectively.
Secondly, the Higgs Boson training and classifying datasets will be used
for training and classifying. Due to the limitation of SVMLight, it
takes approximately 12 hours
for training the Higgs Bosson datasets with
each implementations.
Thirdly, the performance between two versions is not much different when
training and classifying with the small datasets as shown in Example
[fig:ex1-train] and [fig:ex1-test]. However, the performance of
Encore-SVM in classifying phase is better than original version when
testing 55,000 events in the large Higgs Boson dataset, and 170,000
support vectors in the model. The execution time of Encore-SVM is
0.17 seconds
, of SVMLight is 0.22 seconds
Encore-SVM is a parallel implementation of SVMLight that is implemented using object-oriented parallel programming language Encore. It takes advantage of Encore language such as active objects that can send and receive messages asynchronously. The parallelism is partially obtained in the converting phase, and classifying phase. The Encore-SVM implementation is centered around the Higgs Boson datasets that contain large training and testing data. The accuracy and performance are firstly checked by using enclosing examples of SVMLight, and then comparing the results between original and parallel versions. The large Higgs Boson training and testing datasets expose the limitation of SVMLight and Encore-SVM, it took more than 8 hours to train the model with the given training dataset. The implementation of Encore-SVM also requires a lot of time since additional features of Encore language are unavailable at the moment and need to be developed before used. In summary, the project shows the possibility, performance and accuracy of applying Encore programming language to machine learning in general, and SVMLight in particular. The Encore will be considered to develop more necessary features and case studies. We will also investigate how the Encore language can be extended in the future to further support the developer in writing correct parallel programs.
SVM_Learn Available [options] that can be used in both SVMLight and SVMEncore
svm_learn [options] example_file model_file
General options:
-? - this help
-v [0..3] - verbosity level (default 1)
Learning options:
-z {c,r,p} - select between classification (c), regression (r), and
preference ranking (p) (see [Joachims, 2002c])
(default classification)
-c float - C: trade-off between training error
and margin (default [avg. x*x]^-1)
-w [0..] - epsilon width of tube for regression
(default 0.1)
-j float - Cost: cost-factor, by which training errors on
positive examples outweight errors on negative
examples (default 1) (see [Morik et al., 1999])
-b [0,1] - use biased hyperplane (i.e. x*w+b0) instead
of unbiased hyperplane (i.e. x*w0) (default 1)
-i [0,1] - remove inconsistent training examples
and retrain (default 0)
Performance estimation options:
-x [0,1] - compute leave-one-out estimates (default 0)
(see [5])
-o ]0..2] - value of rho for XiAlpha-estimator and for pruning
leave-one-out computation (default 1.0)
(see [Joachims, 2002a])
-k [0..100] - search depth for extended XiAlpha-estimator
(default 0)
Transduction options (see [Joachims, 1999c], [Joachims, 2002a]):
-p [0..1] - fraction of unlabeled examples to be classified
into the positive class (default is the ratio of
positive and negative examples in the training data)
Kernel options:
-t int - type of kernel function:
0: linear (default)
1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d
2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2)
3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c)
4: user defined kernel from kernel.h
-d int - parameter d in polynomial kernel
-g float - parameter gamma in rbf kernel
-s float - parameter s in sigmoid/poly kernel
-r float - parameter c in sigmoid/poly kernel
-u string - parameter of user defined kernel
Optimization options (see [Joachims, 1999a], [Joachims, 2002a]):
-q [2..] - maximum size of QP-subproblems (default 10)
-n [2..q] - number of new variables entering the working set
in each iteration (default n = q). Set n<q to prevent
-m [5..] - size of cache for kernel evaluations in MB (default 40)
The larger the faster...
-e float - eps: Allow that error for termination criterion
[y [w*x+b] - 1] = eps (default 0.001)
-h [5..] - number of iterations a variable needs to be
optimal before considered for shrinking (default 100)
-f [0,1] - do final optimality check for variables removed by
shrinking. Although this test is usually positive, there
is no guarantee that the optimum was found if the test is
omitted. (default 1)
-y string -> if option is given, reads alphas from file with given
and uses them as starting point. (default 'disabled')
-# int -> terminate optimization, if no progress after this
number of iterations. (default 100000)
Output options:
-l char - file to write predicted labels of unlabeled examples
into after transductive learning
-a char - write all alphas to this file after learning (in the
same order as in the training set)
SVM_CLASSIFY Available [options] that can be used in both SVMLight and SVMEncore
svm_classify [options] example_file model_file output_file
Available options are:
-h Help.
-v [0..3] Verbosity level (default 2).
-f [0,1] 0: old output format of V1.0
1: output the value of decision function (default)