- This analysis framework requires only ROOT and GCC (you don't need to set up CMSSW but need to check ROOT version dependency). You need singularity if you're system is OS is Alma9.
- For HiPerGator:
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_16_UL
cd CMSSW_10_2_16_UL/src
git clone [email protected]:cghuh/ttbarToBsToTauTau.git
Run outside of singularity
python3 condor/setup.py
After running the setup.py, the filelists are automatically generated using condor/filelist_2018.txt
- Do it inside of cmssw-el7 singularity
source setup.sh
make -j6 Analyzer Plotter
./Analyzer output.root filelists/2018/backgrounds/TTToSemiLeptonic_TuneCP5_13TeV-powheg-pythia8.txt year=2018
- additional option:
(default is False)
python3 condor/run_all.py --full --nohadd --batch --condor --run --outdir=results/run_2024_11_28_syst --optim --nevt=1000000
- Recover jobs when run_all.py is dead.
python3 condor/run_all.py --full --nohadd --batch --condor --run --outdir=results/run_2024_11_28_syst --recover
- Do it inside of cmssw-el7 singularity
- When the condor jobs are done, you need to merge by hand(manually)
./Plotter plot.root output.root
: main codesettings.h
: Set option (systematic on/off, scale factor on/off)include/Variables.h
: Define object and event variablesinclude/Weighting.h
: Apply weighting(Trigger, L1Prefiring, Pileup, top pT, ...)EventSelections.h
: Define signal or control regionsinclude/ScaleFactors.h
: Calculate scale factors for each event and apply them to each regioninclude/PlottingBase.h
: Define and fill histograms