This docker image includes Oracle Java 8 and Gradle 2.2.1 configured with Gradle as the entrypoint.
By defaut, running this image without any command will run gradle -version
in the /app directory.
To run something more interesting, say gradle clean war
, you should mount your project root in /app. For example, you can run the following to create a deployable web archive.
docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/project:/app:rw pierrevincent/gradle-java8 clean war
Of course, you can use any command here, including those dependent on plugins. For example, if you project inlcudes the Jetty plugin (by including apply plugin: 'jetty'
in its build.gradle) you can run the following command to start an instance of Jetty running a WAR of your application on port 8080 on the host.
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/your/project:/app:rw pierrevincent/gradle-java8 jettyRunWar
You can find your app deployed at http://localhost:8080/app
Say you want gradle clean war
to run if you launch the container without any options. To do that, just make a new dockerfile like the following. Also, while your at it, you should change the user to match your development environment (so that running the container doesn't keep chown'ing your /build directory to root).
# Use this image as a base
FROM pierrevincent/gradle-java8
MAINTAINER your-name <[email protected]>
# In case someone loses the Dockerfile
RUN rm -rf /etc/Dockerfile
ADD Dockerfile /etc/Dockerfile
# Add your desired user and group
RUN groupadd your-group-name
RUN useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /app -g your-group-name your-user-name
# Set your desired user as default
USER your-user-name
# Set your default behavior
ENTRYPOINT ["gradle"]
CMD ["clean", "war"]
To build this image yourself, run...
docker build
Or, you can pull the image from the central docker repository by using...
docker pull pierrevincent/gradle-java8
Forked from and