Etherscan server is a proxy server to etherscan api which expose REST API to fetch data about addresses and blocks. Right now it only support GET requests and handle two queries:
which will respond with actual balance of given address and
which will show timestamp, blockMiner and blockReward and allows you to see other blocks mined by the same miner.
In order to build docker image with etherscan server issue:
docker build -t etherscan_server .
than you can start etherscan_server with:
docker run -it -p<port_to_listen>:8080 etherscan_server
To override default configuration please prepeare a config.ini file with such content:
host=<ip_address_to_listen_on> # defaults to
port=<port_to_listen_in> # defaults to 8080
and run etherscan_server with:
docker run -it -v <path_to_your_config>:/etc/etherscan/config.ini -p <port_to_listen_on>:<port_specified_in_config> etherscan_server
Copy etherscan_client/etherscan_client
to a directory under your PATH and issue:
etherscan_client <block/balance> <blockNumber/address_of_specific_ethereum_address> --server <address_of_etherscan_server>:<port_of_etherscan_server>
This script will show you current balance of specified ethereum account or will print informations about specified block.