The main idea of the project is to use a reinforcement learning algorithm to crawl using two servo motors by randomly making actions that will eventually lead to crawling by the motors arm.
Arduino UNO (ATMEGA328 chip)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Sensor
Servo Motor Metal Gear MG995 ( Motors
Batteries & Battery Holder 3 Batteries
Breadboard and Jumpers
Wheels and FreeWheel
Manually Designed Wooden Body Using Solidworks
Simplified Reinforcement:
- This is a simplified version of the reinforcement learning algorithm that will reward the robot only when movement occurs and saves the angles that made that movement then redo it.
- This is achieved by randomly making angles that will rotate the servos.
1- Simplified Reinforcement Tinkercad:
2- Simplified Reinforcement Code:
3- Q-learning Tinkercad:
4- Q-learning Code:
a- States Description: The states of the robot are defined by the random angles generated to be made to control the servos to find the best angles possible to crawl in the best fashion possible.
b- Actions Description: The actions are defined by randomly rotating the angles of each servo.
c- Architecture of Model:
This is a simplified version of the reinforcement learning algorithm that will reward the robot only when movement occurs and saves the angles that made that movement then redo it.
This is achieved by randomly making angles that will rotate the servos.
d- Time is taken to finish the learning or number of iterations: Normally the number of iterations is at 20 iterations so that means that the robot takes 20 random states and learns from them, however, to improve the accuracy 40 iterations were made to achieve the optimal result.
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