The RISC-V Analog Coprocessor project is designed to extend the RISC-V architecture with analog processing capabilities, enabling the simulation and development of systems that integrate both digital and analog components. This environment provides a custom LLVM-based toolchain and Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST) elements, including Golem and CrossSim, to facilitate seamless simulation of analog behavior within RISC-V systems.
By integrating an SST simulator infrastructure specifically tailored for analog applications, this project allows researchers and developers to explore the interaction between analog and digital processing in a unified simulation environment. The analog stack is fully supported by a cross-compiling toolchain and custom SST elements, making it possible to simulate, prototype, and analyze analog components alongside standard digital workflows.
Custom LLVM Toolchain: LLVM Project (llvm-riscv)
- A modified version of LLVM with custom instructions designed for the analog coprocessor.
Build Infrastructure: Build Infrastructure (main)
- Contains Dockerfiles and Makefiles required to set up the entire build environment.
Custom SST Elements: SST Elements (refactor)
- Provides elements from the Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST), including Golem and CrossSim, to enable the simulation of analog programs.
Analog Library: Analog Library (main)
- A C++ library designed to assist in the creation of analog applications.
Build the RISCV musl Toolchain:
cd dockerfiles/riscv-musl
Build the LLVM RISCV cross-compiler (Relies on RISCV musl Toolchain):
cd dockerfiles/llvm-riscv-musl
Build the SST Core, SST Elements, and CrossSim Image (Incomplete):
cd dockerfiles/sst-crosssim
This setup integrates complex simulations and compiler toolchains using Docker containers. By leveraging analog capabilities, a custom LLVM toolchain, and custom SST elements, developers and researchers can perform advanced simulations and compiler construction in a streamlined environment.