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Releases: PolymeshAssociation/Polymesh

Polymesh v7.2.0

04 Mar 11:40
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Polymesh v7.2.0 Pre-release


new features

  • Performs pip pruning/refunds on_idle (#1772)
  • Adds initiate_corporate_action_and_ballot (#1797)
  • Allow Nft and Staking calls to be Subsidized (#1795)

new external API

  • Adds update_global_metadata_spec extrinsic (#1786)
  • Adds the following storage to the pips pallet: PendingRefunds, VotesToBePruned (#1772)
  • Adds the following errors to the identity pallet: BadAuthorizationType, InvalidAuthorization (#1793)
  • Adds the following errors to the multisig pallet: BadAuthorizationType (#1793)
  • Adds the following errors to the portfolio pallet: BadAuthorizationType (#1793)
  • Adds the following errors to the asset pallet: BadAuthorizationType (#1793)
  • Adds the following errors to the external agents pallet: BadAuthorizationType (#1793)
  • Adds the following errors to the releyer pallet: BadAuthorizationType (#1793)
  • Adds initiate_corporate_action_and_ballot (#1797)

new events

  • Adds GlobalMetadataSpecUpdatedevent (#1786)

modified external API


  • Removes custody_and_permission check when creating an asset (#1786)
  • Removes values from storage when balances go to zero (#1786)
  • Refactor pallet dependencies (#1771) (#1787)
  • Fix contracts to use the new upgradable wrapper contract (#1788)
  • Improves benchmarks, taking into account the number of votes that were pruned/refunded (#1788)
  • Adds bounds to the number of pruned votes/refunds (#1788)
  • Improve Pips pallet documentation (#1788)
  • Support loading chain spec with dev/testnet runtime (#1788)
  • Add v7.0 chain spec for ci-runtime (#1788)
  • Add CLI tool to upgrade the ci-chain (#1788)
  • Run the integration tests before and after a chain upgrade (#1788)
  • Bump Rust integration resource class (#1788)
  • Update check_storage_version script for new Frame v2 version (#1788)
  • Updates contract data for dev chains to 7.0 upgradable ink contract (#1792)
  • Remove calls to with_transaction (#1791)

Polymesh v7.1.0

16 Jan 13:01
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7.1 Release Notes


data migration

  • Add migration for unlinking AssetId/Ticker for reserved tickers;

new events

  • Emit event AllowIdentityToCreatePortfolios when Portfolio.allow_identity_to_create_portfolios is called.
  • Emit event RevokeCreatePortfoliosPermission when Portfolio.revoke_create_portfolios_permission is called.


  • Remove our wrapper around frame_system::CheckWeight.
  • Update transaction-payment pallet to use new macros;
  • Identity.add_secondary_key_with_authorization now checks for duplicate keys.
  • Identity.cdd_register_did and Identity.cdd_register_did_with_cdd now checks for duplicate keys and don't require secondary keys to be unlinked.
  • chill_from_governance emits the PermissionedIdentityRemovedevent;
  • get_npos_targets checks if validator is compliant and active balance is above minimum;
  • get_npos_voters checks if nomitors and validators are compliant;
  • Remove the old v7 migrations.
  • Cleanup the Rust docs of the asset pallet.
  • Replaced usage of "security token" and "token" with "asset".

Polymesh v7.0.0

06 Nov 14:52
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Asset ID

Polymesh no longer requires each tokenised asset to have a unique ticker. Instead each asset is assigned a unique AssetID when it is created, which can optionally be linked to a unique Ticker. This change impacts large amounts of storage and API which now expects AssetID to uniquely identify a tokenised asset, rather than the previous Ticker.


Polymesh has been updated to a more recent upstream version of the Staking pallet. This brings efficiency improvements, and some modifications to the election process. Tokenomics / inflation is not effected.


The storage of secondary keys, and their associated permissions has been optimised to improve the efficiency of these look-ups which are needed for all extrinsics.


The MultiSig implementation has been updated to simplify the association between MultiSigs and their Identities. The updated implementation provides flexibility to specify which key is responsible for paying for MultiSig signer transactions, and consolidate the behaviour of MultiSig keys with other keys.

Venue ID

Settlements in Polymesh have been updated to not require a Venue ID. This simplifies the settlement process for peer to peer transactions (those not going through an exchange or other matching venue).

New External API

Asset ID

  • pallet_asset
    • The following storage have been added: UniqueTickerRegistration, SecurityTokens, AssetIdentifiers, AssetsExemptFromAffirmation, PreApprovedAsset, TickersOwnedByUser, SecurityTokensOwnedByuser, AssetIDTicker, TickerAssetID, RngNonce;
    • The following extrinsics have been added: register_unique_ticker, exempt_asset_affirmation, remove_asset_affirmation_exemption, pre_approve_asset, remove_asset_pre_approval, link_ticker_to_asset_id.
  • Adds unlink_ticker_from_asset_id extrinsic. (#1728)


  • Adds the following storage: MinNominatorBond, MinValidatorBond, MinimumActiveStake, MinCommission, MaxValidatorsCount, MaxNominatorsCount, CurrentPlannedSession, ChillThreshold. (#1678)
  • Removes the following storage: EarliestUnappliedSlash, SnapshotValidators, SnapshotNominators, QueuedElected, QueuedScore, EraElectionStatus, IsCurrentSessionFinal, MinimumBondThreshold (#1678)
  • The following extrinsics have been added: kick, set_staking_configs, chill_other, force_apply_min_commission, set_min_commission. (https


  • Split secondary key permissions out of Identity.KeyRecords to allow for more efficient permissions checks. (#1679)


  • Execute MultiSig proposal at the same time as the last required approval. No longer uses the scheduler to execute the proposal in the next block. (#1687)
  • Convert the MultiSig pallet to frame v2. (#1687)
  • A Multisig can be made a secondary key with custom permissions (if called by the primary key). (#1687)
  • A Multisig can add/remove multiple singers in a single proposal now with multisig.add_multisig_signers and multisig.remove_multisig_signers. (#1687)
  • Prune proposals when they are executed or rejected. (#1687)
  • Limit the total number of signers per MultiSig to 50. (#1687)
  • Split MultiSig CreatorDid into AdminDid and PayingDid. (#1687)
  • A MultiSig can add an admin DID to enable the *_via_admin controls. (#1687)
  • A MultiSig can remove it's admin to disable the *_via_admin controls. The admin DID can also remove itself as the admin of a MultiSig. (#1687)
  • A MultiSig can remove it's paying DID to pay for its own transaction/protocol fees. (#1687)
  • A MultiSig unlinked from an identity (via identity.leave_identity_as_key) and join a new identity using multisig.approve_join_identity and the transaction fees will be paid by the primary key of the joining identity. (#1687)
  • A MultiSig can't be a signer on another MultiSig. (#1687)
  • Adds remove_adminextrinsic; (#1726)
  • multisig.add_admin(identity) callable by the MultiSig to add an identity as admin. (#1687)
  • multisig.remove_admin_via_admin(multisig) callable by the admin to remove itself as admin of a MultiSig. (#1687)
  • multisig.remove_payer() callable by the MultiSig to remove the paying identity. The MultiSig will need to pay for its own transaction/protocol fees. (#1687)
  • multisig.remove_payer_via_payer(multisig) callable by the paying identity to remove itself as the payer of fees for the MultiSig. (#1687)
  • multisig.approve_join_identity(auth_id) callable by MultiSig signers to approve joining a new identity. The primary key of the joining identity will pay for transaction fees. (#1687)
  • multisig.join_identity(auth_id) this is called by the proposal created in approve_join_identity to accept a join identity authorization. (#1687)
  • Added storage AuthToProposalId used by multisig.approve_join_identity to map an auth_id to proposal_id. (#1687)
  • Adds remove_adminextrinsic. (https


  • Remove most of the Bridge code (extrinsics, events, errors). Only keeping the storage. (#1687)
  • Use manual pallet index values, to avoid breaking pallet ids when adding/removing pallets. Also this makes sure that all runtimes use the same pallet indices. (#1687)

Modified External API

Asset ID

  • pallet_asset
    • The following storage have been remove: Tickers, Tokens, Identifiers, TickersExemptFromAffirmation; PreApprovedTicker;
    • The following storage have changed types: AssetNames, BalanceOf, FundingRound, IssuedInFundingRound, Frozen, AssetDocuments, AssetDocumentsIdSequence, AssetMetadataValues, AssetMetadataValueDetails, AssetMetadataLocalNameToKey, AssetMetadataLocalKeyToName, AssetMetadataLocalSpecs, AssetMetadataNextLocalKey, MandatoryMediators, CurrentAssetMetadataLocalKey;
    • The following extrinsics have been removed: register_ticker, redeem_from_portfolio, exempt_ticker_affirmation, remove_ticker_affirmation_exemption, pre_approve_ticker, remove_ticker_pre_approval;
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: create_asset, freeze, unfreeze, rename_asset, issue, redeem, make_divisible, add_documents, remove_documents, set_funding_round, update_identifiers, controller_transfer, create_asset_with_custom_type, set_asset_metadata, set_asset_metadata_details, register_and_set_local_asset_metadata, register_asset_metadata_local_type, update_asset_type, remove_local_metadata_key, remove_metadata_value, add_mandatory_mediators, remove_mandatory_mediators.
  • pallet_checkpoint
    • The following storage have changed types: TotalSupply, Balance, CheckpointIdSequence, BalanceUpdates, Timestamps, ScheduleIdSequence, CachedNextCheckpoints, ScheduledCheckpoints, ScheduleRefCount, SchedulePoints;
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: create_checkpoint, create_schedule, remove_schedule; * pallet_compliance_manager
    • The following storage have changed types: AssetCompliances, TrustedClaimIssuer;
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: add_compliance_requirement, remove_compliance_requirement, replace_asset_compliance, reset_asset_compliance, pause_asset_compliance, resume_asset_compliance, add_default_trusted_claim_issuer, remove_default_trusted_claim_issuer, change_compliance_requirement; * pallet_corporate_actions
    • The following storage have changed types: DefaultTargetIdentities, DefaultWithholdingTax, DidWithholdingTax, CAIdSequence, CorporateActions;
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: set_default_targets, set_default_withholding_tax, set_did_withholding_tax, initiate_corporate_action, link_ca_doc, remove_ca, change_record_date. (#1694)
  • pallet_distribution
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: distribute
  • pallet_external_agents
    • The following storage have changed types: AGIdSequence, AgentOf, GroupOfAgent, NumFullAgents, GroupPermissions;
    • The following extrinsics have been changed: create_group, set_group_permissions, remove_agent, abdicate, change_group, create_group_and_add_auth, create_and_change_custom_group
  • pallet_nft
    • __The follo...
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Polymesh v6.3.5

10 Oct 14:26
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  • when redeeming (aka burning) NFTs, due to an upstream bug, the cost of the transaction is under-valued
  • when affirming settlement instructions, it is possible for a user to construct a complex transaction that is expensive to process, but cheap to submit, causing a possible DoS attack vector

Polymesh v6.3.3

28 Jul 20:45
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Fix bug with NFT controller transfer

Polymesh v6.3.2

10 Jul 13:23
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  • Allow updating the controller if the stash is the same as the controller;
  • Update reference count even if the validator is not a permissioned identity;

data migration

  • Update reference count for three keys;

Polymesh v6.3.1

03 Jul 17:01
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modified events

  • Ordering of InstructionCreated and InstructionAutomaticallyAffirmed reversed (with InstructionAutomaticallyAffirmed now being emitted after InstructionCreated) (#1684)


  • Fix expiry check for mediator approvals (#1684)
  • Add missing runtime-benchmarks feature settings (#1677)

Polymesh v6.3.0

19 Jun 08:28
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new features

  • Adds the following rpc endpoints: get_transfer_report, get_execute_instruction_report, compliance_report #1650
  • Change compliance rules - if there are no rules returns Ok #1631
  • If no one else has voted on a multisig proposal, allows the owner of the proposal to reject it immediately #1632
  • Adds check for valid cdd when transferring an asset #1650
  • Prevents stash accounts to become controllers #1661
  • Allows running the trie migration #1660
  • Adds multiple checks for execute_instruction #1630
  • In function ensure_portfolio_transfer_validity_granular, PortfolioValidityResult::receiver_is_same_portfolio will be set to true if the transfer is between different portfolios, but belong to the Identity #1628
  • Allow Identity pallet extrinsics to be subsidised #1676

new external API

  • Adds the following errors to the asset pallet: InvalidTransferInvalidReceiverCDD, InvalidTransferInvalidSenderCDD #1650
  • Adds the following errors to the nft pallet: InvalidNFTTransferSenderIdMatchesReceiverId, InvalidNFTTransferInvalidReceiverCDD, InvalidNFTTransferInvalidSenderCDD #1650
  • Adds the following rpc endpoints: get_transfer_report, get_execute_instruction_report, compliance_report #1650
  • Add the following asset storage: CurrentAssetMetadataLocalKey, CurrentAssetMetadataGlobalKey #1650
  • Add the following NFT storage: CurrentNFTId, CurrentCollectionId #1650
  • Adds the following error variant to the portfolio pallet: InvalidTransferSenderIdMatchesReceiverId #1628
  • Adds the ProposalFailedToExecute event to the multsig pallet #1632
  • Adds the following error variants to the asset_pallet: InvalidTransferFrozenAsset, InvalidTransferComplianceFailure #1591

modified external API

  • Deprecate the can_transfer_granular rpc endpoints #1650
  • Deprecate the following asset storage: AssetMetadataNextLocalKey, AssetMetadataNextGlobalKey #1658
  • Deprecate the following NFT storage: NextCollectionId, NextNFTId #1658
  • Adds two error variants: BoundNotMet, TooManyNominators to the staking pallet Error #1623
  • Removes useless type: TickerRegistrationStatus #1591

new events

  • The state-trie-migration pallet adds 4 new events: Migrated, Slashed, AutoMigrationFinished, Halted

data migration

  • Initializes new storage for the asset pallet #1658
  • Initializes new storage for the nft pallet #1658


  • Adds pallet_state_trie_migration to the runtime #1660
  • Read the Epoch config from on-chain storage #1659
  • Add settlement and asset const to chain metadata #1651
  • Add global asset metadata to genesis config for common NFT metadata #1626
  • Refactor Asset module #1603
  • Updates our staking pallet to use the new Substrate macros and updated logic #1623

Polymesh v6.2.1

10 Apr 16:44
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  • Update dependencies for Rust and TypeScript code, including the h2 crate.
  • Restrict validate_cdd_expiry_nominators to only be callable via governance.
  • Update staging genesis with telemetry and new bootnode.

Polymesh v6.2.0

05 Apr 07:40
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Polymesh v6.2.0-rc4


new features

  • Allows instructions and assets to have mediators #1584
  • Update example contracts to Ink! 4.3 #1569
  • Add logging of Chain Extension errors for easier debugging #1569
  • Add example NFT Royalty Smart Contract #1570
  • Add support for CallRuntimeWithError chain_extension #1581
  • Update chain extension whitelist to include common extrinsics #1606
  • Add polymesh-upgradable-ink contract and set upgradable API hash on genesis #1606

new external API

  • Adds the following storage to the asset pallet: MandatoryMediators #1584
  • Adds the following error to the asset pallet: NumberOfAssetMediatorsExceeded #1584
  • Adds the following extrinsics to the asset pallet: add_mandatory_mediators , remove_mandatory_mediators #1584
  • Adds the following storage to the settlement pallet: InstructionMediatorsAffirmations #1584
  • Adds the following error to the settlement pallet: CallerIsNotAMediator, InvalidExpiryDate, MediatorAffirmationExpired #1584
  • Adds the following extrinsics to the settlement pallet add_instruction_with_mediators, affirm_instruction_as_mediator, withdraw_affirmation_as_mediator, add_and_affirm_with_mediators, reject_instruction_as_mediator #1584
  • Add support for CallRuntimeWithError chain_extension #1581

modified external API

  • Adds ChildDid storage, which tracks all child identities of a given parent identity #1568
  • Settlement legs transferring from different portfolios for the same identity will be rejected #1567
  • Remove support for deprecated chain_extension OldCallRuntime #1581

new events

  • Adds the following events to the asset pallet: SetAssetMediators, AssetMediatorsRemoved #1584
  • Adds the following events to the settlement pallet: MediatorAffirmationReceived, MediatorAffirmationWithdrawn #1584
  • Adds the InstructionMediators event to the settlement pallet #1610

data migration

  • Initializes the ChildDid storage #1568


  • Use workspace dependencies and use new Polkadot-sdk repo for Substrate #1573

  • Fix WASM runtime builds on newer Rust compiler (target-cpu=mvp and disable sign-ext WASM extension) #1573

  • Fix the debian Rust docker image builds #1573

  • Adds staging genesis files #1621