PowerShell module to interact with the Toggl API.
- Get-TogglProjects: Retrieves the list of projects for a specified workspace.
- New-TogglProject: Creates a new project in a specified workspace.
- Remove-TogglProject: Deletes a project in a specified workspace.
- Search-TogglTimeEntries: Searches for time entries in detailed reports with various filters.
- Get-TogglTags: Lists workspace tags.
- New-TogglTag: Creates a new tag in a specified workspace.
- Remove-TogglTag: Deletes a tag in a specified workspace.
- Get-TogglTimeEntries: Lists the latest time entries.
- Get-TogglTimeEntryById: Retrieves a time entry by its ID.
- New-TogglTimeEntry: Creates a new time entry.
- Update-TogglTimeEntry: Updates an existing time entry.
- Remove-TogglTimeEntry: Deletes a time entry.
- Get-TogglAuthHeader: Generates the authentication header from the API token.