This module helps engineers to deploy a lot of static port on multiple EPGs.
This module tested on Linux/Windows. The following packages are required:
- Terraform v0.13.4
- Change "Login information" about cisco APIC controller at the begin of file.
- Prepare terraform environment:
> cd deploy_many_static_bind/
> terraform init
You need to modify file in the deploy_many_static_bind folder in order to add static bind. For each new static bind you have to add "bind_n" section. In this example we have bind_1 for epg called TEST-1_EPG and bind_2 for TEST-2_EPG:
variable "static_port" {
type = map
default = {
bind_1 = {
tenant_name = "TEST-TENANT"
anp_name = "TEST-ANP"
epg_name = "TEST-1_EPG"
tdn_path = "topology/pod-2/protpaths-409-410/pathep-[vPC_test-terraform1_PolGrp]"
encap_vlan = "vlan-3888"
if_mode = "regular"
bind_2 = {
tenant_name = "TEST-TENANT"
anp_name = "TEST-ANP"
epg_name = "TEST-2_EPG"
tdn_path = "topology/pod-2/protpaths-409-410/pathep-[vPC_test-terraform1_PolGrp]"
encap_vlan = "vlan-3889"
if_mode = "regular"