• Developed a WebSocket-based group chat application in Java, enabling real-time communication with low -latency between users.
• Enhanced user experience and maintained a safe chat environment by dynamically censoring inappropriate language.
• Implemented an abuse masking system using a trie data structure to detect and mask abusive words in chat messages efficiently.
• Integrated Firebase for secure user authentication and store encrypted chat.
You can try it here -> https://safe-chat-zzzf.onrender.com/
Wait for some time; it may take a few seconds to load. (P.S. Use English/Hindi slangs only)
• Simple and intuitive user interface.
• Dynamically censoring abusive words.
• Real-time messaging with instant message delivery.
• Spring Boot: Backend framework for building the WebSocket server.
• JavaScript: Used StompJS library.
• WebSocket API: For real-time bidirectional communication.
• Maven: Project management and build tool for Java projects.
Live Stream chats, Game Chat Rooms, or any other group-chat application