Unreal Engine Real time TTSA (text to speech + animation) workflow : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSOHY6vbXec
Real-Time Text to Audio to Face Blendshape Animation Demo | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzmtTfcaqc
QUICK START Guide (if you already have dependencies like torch installed) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15XuM7-ZEMY
Huggingface to get the model(s) : https://huggingface.co/AnimaVR/NeuroSync-0.1a (128 frame input) or https://huggingface.co/AnimaVR/NeuroSync-0.1b/ (256 frame input)
UE5 Demo project : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jpG91_29ohro7YA3Mr6PF4S3TUVBuMGo/view?usp=sharing
A more permissive licence will come with later versions of the model.
If using LiveLink local api, set your IP in : livelink > connect > livelink_init.py
Dimensions output are :
EyeBlinkLeft EyeLookDownLeft EyeLookInLeft EyeLookOutLeft EyeLookUpLeft EyeSquintLeft EyeWideLeft EyeBlinkRight EyeLookDownRight EyeLookInRight EyeLookOutRight EyeLookUpRight EyeSquintRight EyeWideRight JawForward JawRight JawLeft JawOpen MouthClose MouthFunnel MouthPucker MouthRight MouthLeft MouthSmileLeft MouthSmileRight MouthFrownLeft MouthFrownRight MouthDimpleLeft MouthDimpleRight MouthStretchLeft MouthStretchRight MouthRollLower MouthRollUpper MouthShrugLower MouthShrugUpper MouthPressLeft MouthPressRight MouthLowerDownLeft MouthLowerDownRight MouthUpperUpLeft MouthUpperUpRight BrowDownLeft BrowDownRight BrowInnerUp BrowOuterUpLeft BrowOuterUpRight CheekPuff CheekSquintLeft CheekSquintRight NoseSneerLeft NoseSneerRight (52 to 61 should be ignored, for now) TongueOut HeadYaw HeadPitch HeadRoll LeftEyeYaw LeftEyePitch LeftEyeRoll RightEyeYaw RightEyePitch RightEyeRoll (exclude these from sending to LiveLink | Angry Disgusted Fearful Happy Neutral Sad Surprised
The model processes batches of audio feature frames and outputs corresponding face blendshapes and emotion data.