Photogram is an online social media platform that functions similarly to Pinterest. The platform is built using a combination of PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, JSON, and Python. In addition, various databases and services have been utilized to enable several features, including real-time chatting, image posting and liking, and story uploading. Seperate UI for Desktop view and Mobile View.
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Photogram utilizes the following technologies:
Photogram uses the following Languages:
- JavaScript
- Python
Photogram uses the following frameworks and libraries:
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- SCSS to CSS Automation
Photogram's project architecture is designed using:
- Grunt
- Laravel
- MVC - Model View Controller
Photogram uses the following databases and other services:
- MongoDB
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
Photogram is deployed at:
- Apache
- Uses Node Server for Grunt
- Jquery usage
- Bootstrap 5
- SCSS to CSS Automation
- PHP Multiprocessing & PHP Workers
- PHP Magics
- CSS Minification & JS Minification Using Grunt
- JavaScript Code Obfuscation
- Authentication & Authorization
- Automation of asset Builds
- Applying API features (Application Interface Programming) and AJAX Techniques
- Live Notifications
- Usage of Opache, RabbitMQ, Reddis, Memcached
- Caching with PHP
- Web Sockets & Web STOMP
- Devops Automation like CI/CD Pipelines, Git
- Server Architecture
- Network Architecture
- Project Architecture - CI/CD Pipelines
- Deployement with Dockers
- Deployement with Shell
- Production Deployement Techniques
- Production Scaling Techniques
- Defense against JavaScript Debugging
- Defense against Ddos
- Defense against OWASP Top 10
- Defense against Common Attacks