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Core vegetation dynamics module for LandR. based on LANDIS-II Biomass Succession Extension v3.2.1


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LandR _Biomass_core_ Manual
Last updated: 2022-10-24
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(ref:Biomass-core) Biomass_core

(ref:Biomass-borealdataPrep) Biomass_borealDataPrep

(ref:percent) %

(ref:sufficient-light) sufficient light

(ref:Abie-sp) Abies sp. (Abie_sp)

(ref:Pinu-sp) Pinus sp. (Pinu_sp)

(ref:Pice-eng) Picea engelmannii (Pice_eng)

(ref:Pice-gla) Picea glauca (Pice_gla)

(ref:Popu-sp) Populus sp. (Popu_sp)

(ref:Pseud-men) Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pseu_men)




Yong Luo [email protected] [aut], Eliot J B McIntire [email protected] [aut, cre], Ceres Barros [email protected] [aut], Alex M. Chubaty [email protected] [aut], Ian Eddy [email protected] [ctb], Jean Marchal [email protected] [ctb]

This documentation is work in progress. Potential discrepancies and omissions may exist for the time being. If you find any, contact us using the "Get help" link above.

Module Overview

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LandR Biomass_core (hereafter Biomass_core) is the core forest succession simulation module of the LandR ecosystem of SpaDES modules [see @ChubatyMcIntire2019]. It simulates tree cohort ageing, growth, mortality and competition for light resources, as well as seed dispersal (Fig. @ref(fig:fig-Biomass-core)), in a spatially explicit manner and using a yearly time step. The model is based on the LANDIS-II Biomass Succession Extension v.3.2.1 [LBSE, @SchellerMiranda2015], with a few changes (see Differences between Biomass_core and LBSE). Nonetheless, the essential functioning of the succession model still largely follows its LANDIS-II counterpart, and we refer the reader to the corresponding LBSE manual [@SchellerMiranda2015] for a detailed reading of the mechanisms implemented in the model.

(ref:Biomass-core) simulates tree cohort growth, mortality, recruitment and dispersal dynamics, as a function of  cohort ageing and competition for light (shading) and space, as well as disturbances like fire (simulated using other modules).

(\#fig:fig-Biomass-core)(ref:Biomass-core) simulates tree cohort growth, mortality, recruitment and dispersal dynamics, as a function of cohort ageing and competition for light (shading) and space, as well as disturbances like fire (simulated using other modules).

Links to other modules {#links-modules}

Biomass_core is intended to be used with data/calibration modules, disturbance modules and validation modules, amongst others. The following is a list of the modules most commonly used with Biomass_core. For those not yet in the LandR Manual see the individual module's documentation (.Rmd file) available in its repository.

See here for all available modules and select Biomass_core from the drop-down menu to see linkages.

Data and calibration modules:

  • Biomass_speciesData: grabs and merges several sources of species cover data, making species percent cover ((ref:percent) cover) layers used by other LandR Biomass modules. Default source data spans the entire Canadian territory;

  • Biomass_borealDataPrep: prepares all parameters and inputs (including initial landscape conditions) that Biomass_core needs to run a realistic simulation. Default values/inputs produced are relevant for boreal forests of Western Canada;

  • Biomass_speciesParameters: calibrates four-species level traits using permanent sample plot data (i.e., repeated tree biomass measurements) across Western Canada.

Disturbance-related modules:

  • Biomass_regeneration: simulates cohort biomass responses to stand-replacing fires (as in LBSE), including cohort mortality and regeneration through resprouting and/or serotiny;

  • Biomass_regenerationPM: like Biomass_regeneration, but allowing partial mortality. Based on the LANDIS-II Dynamic Fuels & Fire System extension [@SturtevantEtAl2018];

  • fireSense: climate- and land-cover-sensitive fire model simulating fire ignition, escape and spread processes as a function of climate and land-cover. Includes built-in parameterisation of these processes using climate, land-cover, fire occurrence and fire perimeter data. Requires using Biomass_regeneration or Biomass_regenerationPM. See modules prefixed "fireSense_" at;

  • LandMine: wildfire ignition and cover-sensitive wildfire spread model based on a fire return interval input. Requires using Biomass_regeneration or Biomass_regenerationPM;

  • scfm: spatially explicit fire spread module parameterised and modelled as a stochastic three-part process of ignition, escape, and spread. Requires using Biomass_regeneration or Biomass_regenerationPM.

Validation modules:

  • Biomass_validationKNN: calculates two validation metrics (mean absolute deviation and sum of negative log-likelihoods) on species presences/absences and biomass-related properties across the simulated landscape. By default, it uses an independent dataset of species (ref:percent) cover and stand biomass for 2011, assuming that this is a second snapshot of the landscape.

Module manual

General functioning {#general-functioning}

Biomass_core is a forest landscape model based on the LANDIS-II Biomass Succession Extension v.3.2.1 model [LBSE, @SchellerMiranda2015]. It is the core forest succession model of the LandR ecosystem of SpaDES modules. Similarly to LBSE, Biomass_core simulates changes in tree cohort aboveground biomass ($g/m^2$) by calculating growth, mortality and recruitment as functions of pixel and species characteristics, competition and disturbances (Fig. @ref(fig:fig-Biomass-core)). Note that, by default, cohorts are unique combinations of species and age, but this can be changed via the cohortDefinitionCols parameter (see List of parameters).

Specifically, cohort growth is driven by both invariant (growth shape parameter, growthcurve) and spatio-temporally varying species traits (maximum biomass, maxB, and maximum annual net primary productivity, maxANPP), while background mortality (i.e., not caused by disturbances) depends only on invariant species traits (longevity and mortality shape parameter, mortalityshape). All these five traits directly influence the realised shape of species growth curves, by determining how fast they grow (growthcurve and maxANPP), how soon age mortality starts with respect to longevity (mortalityshape) and the biomass a cohort can potentially achieve (maxB).

Cohort recruitment is determined by available "space" (i.e., pixel shade), invariant species traits (regeneration mode, postfireregen, age at maturity, sexualmature, shade tolerance, shadetolerance) and a third spatio-temporally varying trait (species establishment probability, establishprob, called SEP hereafter). The available "growing space" is calculated as the species' maxB minus the occupied biomass (summed across other cohorts in the pixel). If there is "space", a cohort can establish from one of three recruitment modes: serotiny, resprouting and germination.

Disturbances (e.g., fire) can cause cohort mortality and trigger post-disturbance regeneration. Two post-disturbance regeneration mechanisms have been implemented, following LBSE: serotiny and resprouting [@SchellerMiranda2015]. Post-disturbance mortality and regeneration only occur in response to fire and are simulated in two separate, but interchangeable modules, Biomass_regeneration and Biomass_regenerationPM that differ with respect to the level of post-fire mortality they simulate (complete or partial mortality, respectively).

Cohort germination (also called cohort establishment) occurs if seeds are available from local sources (the pixel), or via seed dispersal. Seed dispersal can be of three modes: 'no dispersal', 'universal dispersal' (arguably, only interesting for dummy case studies) or 'ward dispersal' [@SchellerMiranda2015]. Briefly, the 'ward dispersal' algorithm describes a flexible kernel that calculates the probability of a species colonising a neighbour pixel as a function of distance from the source and dispersal-related (and invariant) species traits, and is used by default.

Finally, both germination and regeneration success depend on the species' probability of germination in a given pixel (probabilities of germination).

We refer the reader to @SchellerMiranda2015, @SchellerDomingo2011 and @SchellerDomingo2012 for further details with respect to the above mentioned mechanisms implemented in Biomass_core. In a later section of this manual, we highlight existing differences between Biomass_core and LBSE, together with comparisons between the two modules.

Initialisation, inputs and parameters {#init-inputs-params}

To initialise and simulate forest dynamics in any given landscape, Biomass_core requires a number of inputs and parameters namely:

These are detailed below and in the full list of input objects. The Biomass_borealDataPrep module manual also provides information about the estimation of many of these traits/inputs from available data, or their adjustment using published values or our best knowledge of boreal forest dynamics in Western Canada.

Unlike the initialisation in LBSE1, Biomass_core initialises the simulation using data-derived initial cohort biomass and age. This information is ideally supplied by data and calibration modules like Biomass_borealDataPrep (Links to other modules), but Biomass_core can also initialise itself using theoretical data.

Similarly, although Biomass_core can create all necessary traits and parameters using theoretical values, for realistic simulations these should be provided by data and calibration modules, like Biomass_borealDataPrep and Biomass_speciesParameters. We advise future users and developers to become familiar with these data modules and then try to create their own modules (or modify existing ones) for their purpose.

Initial cohort biomass and age {#initial-objs}

Initial cohort biomass and age are derived from stand biomass (biomassMap raster layer), stand age (standAgeMap raster layer) and species (ref:percent) cover (speciesLayers raster layers) data (see Table @ref(tab:moduleInputs2-Biomass-core)) and formatted into the cohortData object. The cohortData table is a central simulation object that tracks the current year's cohort biomass, age, mortality (lost biomass) and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) per species and pixel group (pixelGroup). At the start of the simulation, cohortData will not have any values of cohort mortality or ANPP.

Each pixelGroup is a collection of pixels that share the same ecolocation (coded in the ecoregionMap raster layer) and the same cohort composition. By default, an ecolocation is a combination of land-cover and ecological zonation (see ecoregionMap in the full list of inputs) and unique cohort compositions are defined as unique combinations of species, age and biomass. The cohortData table is therefore always associated with the current year's pixelGroupMap raster layer, which provides the spatial location of all pixelGroups, allowing to "spatialise" cohort information and dynamics (e.g., dispersal) on a pixel by pixel basis (see also Hashing).

The user, or another module, may provide initial cohortData and pixelGroupMap objects to start the simulation, or the input objects necessary to produce them: a study area polygon (studyArea), the biomassMap, standAgeMap, speciesLayers and ecoregionMap raster layers (see the list of input objects for more detail).

Invariant species traits {#invariant-traits}

These are spatio-temporally constant traits that mostly influence population dynamics (e.g., growth, mortality, dispersal) and responses to fire (fire tolerance and regeneration).

By default, Biomass_core obtains trait values from available LANDIS-II tables (see Table @ref(tab:moduleInputs2-Biomass-core)), but traits can be adjusted/supplied by the user or by other modules. For instance, using Biomass_borealDataPrep will adjust some trait values for Western Canadian boreal forests [e.g., longevity values are adjusted following @BurtonCumming1995], while using Biomass_speciesParameters calibrates the growthcurve and mortalityshape parameters and estimates two additional species traits (inflationFactor and mANPPproportion) to calibrate maxB and maxANPP (respectively).

Table @ref(tab:invariantSpptraits) shows an example of a table of invariant species traits. Note that Biomass_core (alone) requires all the columns Table @ref(tab:invariantSpptraits) in to be present, with the exception of firetolerance, postfireregen, resproutprob, resproutage_min and resproutage_max, which are used by the post-fire regeneration modules (Biomass_regeneration and Biomass_regenerationPM).

Please see @SchellerDomingo2011 [p.18] and @SchellerMiranda2015 [p.16] for further detail.

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(\#tab:invariantSpptraits)Example of an invariant species traits table (the `species` table object in the module), with species (ref:Abie-sp), (ref:Pice-eng), (ref:Pice-gla), (ref:Pinu-sp), (ref:Popu-sp) and (ref:Pseud-men). Note that these are theoretical values.
speciesCode longevity sexualmature shadetolerance firetolerance postfireregen resproutprob resproutage_min resproutage_max seeddistance_eff seeddistance_max mortalityshape growthcurve
Abie_sp 200 20 2.3 1 none 0.0 0 0 25 100 15 0
Pice_eng 460 30 2.1 2 none 0.0 0 0 30 250 15 1
Pice_gla 400 30 1.6 2 none 0.0 0 0 100 303 15 1
Pinu_sp 150 15 1.0 2 serotiny 0.0 0 0 30 100 15 0
Popu_sp 140 20 1.0 1 resprout 0.5 10 70 200 5000 25 0
Pseu_men 525 25 2.0 3 none 0.0 0 0 100 500 15 1


Spatio-temporally varying species traits {#varying-traits}

These traits vary between species, by ecolocation and, potentially, by year if the year column is not omitted and several years exist (in which case last year's values up to the current simulation year are always used). They are maximum biomass, maxB, maximum above-ground net primary productivity, maxANPP, and species establishment probability, SEP (called establishprob in the module). By default, Biomass_core assigns theoretical values to these traits, and thus we recommend using Biomass_borealDataPrep to obtain realistic trait values derived from data (by default, pertinent for Canadian boreal forest applications), or passing a custom table directly. Biomass_speciesParameters further calibrates maxB and maxANPP by estimating two additional invariant species traits (inflationFactor and mANPPproportion; also for Western Canadian forests). See Table @ref(tab:varyingSpptraits) for an example.

(\#tab:varyingSpptraits)Example of a spatio-temporally varying species traits table (the `speciesEcoregion` table object in the module), with two ecolocations (called `ecoregionGroups`) and species (ref:Abie-sp), (ref:Pice-eng), (ref:Pice-gla), (ref:Pinu-sp), (ref:Popu-sp) and (ref:Pseud-men). If a simulation runs for 10 year using this table, trait values from year 2 would be used during simulation years 2-10.
ecoregionGroup speciesCode establishprob maxB maxANPP year
1_03 Abie_sp 1.000 8567 285 1
1_03 Pice_eng 0.983 10156 305 1
1_03 Popu_sp 0.737 8794 293 1
1_03 Pseu_men 1.000 17534 132 1
1_09 Abie_sp 0.112 1499 50 1
1_09 Pice_gla 0.302 3143 102 1
1_09 Pinu_sp 0.714 2569 86 1
1_09 Popu_sp 0.607 3292 110 1
1_09 Pseu_men 0.997 6020 45 1
1_03 Abie_sp 0.989 8943 225 2
1_03 Pice_eng 0.985 9000 315 2
1_03 Popu_sp 0.600 8600 273 2
1_03 Pseu_men 1.000 13534 142 2
1_09 Abie_sp 0.293 2099 45 2
1_09 Pice_gla 0.745 3643 90 2
1_09 Pinu_sp 0.500 2569 80 2
1_09 Popu_sp 0.670 3262 111 2
1_09 Pseu_men 1.000 6300 43 2

Ecolocation-specific parameters -- minimum relative biomass {#ecolocation-traits}

Minimum relative biomass (minRelativeB) is the only ecolocation-specific parameter used in Biomass_core. It is used to determine the shade level in each pixel (i.e., site shade) with respect to the total potential maximum biomass for that pixel (i.e., the sum of all maxB values in the pixel's ecolocation). If relative biomass in the stand (with regards to the total potential maximum biomass) is above the minimum relative biomass thresholds, the pixel is assigned that threshold's site shade value [@SchellerMiranda2015].

The shade level then influences the germination and regeneration of new cohorts, depending on their shade tolerance (see Probabilities of germination).

Site shade varies from X0 (no shade) to X5 (maximum shade). By default, Biomass_core uses the same minimum realtive biomass threshold values across all ecolocations, adjusted from a publicly available LANDIS-II table to better reflect Western Canada boreal forest dynamics (see Table @ref(tab:minRelB)). Biomass_borealDataPrep does the same adjustment by default. As with other inputs, these values can be adjusted by using other modules or by passing user-defined tables.

(\#tab:minRelB)Example of a minimum relative biomass table (the `minRelativeB` table object in the module), with two ecolocations (`ecoregionGroups`) sharing the same values
1_03 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85
1_09 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85

Probabilities of germination {#prob-germ}

A species' probability of germination results from the combination of its shade tolerance level (an invariant species trait in the species table; Table @ref(tab:invariantSpptraits)) and the site shade [defined by the amount of biomass in the pixel -- see minimum relative biomass parameter and @SchellerMiranda2015,p.14]. By default, both Biomass_core and Biomass_borealDataPrep use a publicly available LANDIS-II table (called sufficientLight in the module; Table @ref(tab:suffLight)).

(\#tab:suffLight)Default species probability of germination values used by (ref:Biomass-core) and (ref:Biomass-borealdataPrep). Columns X0-X5 are different site shade levels and each line has the probability of germination for each site shade and species shade tolerance combination.
species shade tolerance X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 1 0 0
5 0 0 1 1 1 1

Other module inputs {#other-inputs}

The remaining module input objects either do not directly influence the basic mechanisms implemented in Biomass_core (e.g., sppColorVect and studyAreaReporting are only used for plotting purposes), are objects that keep track of a property/process in the module (e.g., lastReg is a counter of the last year when regeneration occurred), or define the study area for the simulation (e.g., studyArea and rasterToMatch).

The next section provides a complete list of all input objects, including those already mentioned above.

List of input objects {#inputs-list}

All of Biomass_core's input objects have (theoretical) defaults that are produced automatically by the module2. We suggest that new users run Biomass_core by itself supplying only a studyArea polygon, before attempting to supply their own or combining Biomass_core with other modules. This will enable them to become familiar with all the input objects in a theoretical setting.

Of the inputs listed in Table @ref(tab:moduleInputs2-Biomass-core), the following are particularly important and deserve special attention:

Spatial layers

  • ecoregionMap -- a raster layer with ecolocation IDs. Note that the term "ecoregion" was inherited from LBSE and kept for consistency with original LBSE code, but we prefer to call them ecolocations to avoid confusion with the ecoregion-level classification of the National Ecological Classification of Canada (NECC). Ecolocations group pixels with similar biophysical conditions. By default, we use two levels of grouping in our applications: the first level being an ecological classification such as ecodistricts from the NECC, and the second level is a land-cover classification. Hence, these ecolocations contain relatively coarse scale regional information plus finer scale land cover information. The ecoregionMap layer must be defined as a categorical raster, with an associated Raster Attribute Table (RAT; see, e.g., raster::ratify). The RAT must contain the columns: ID (the value in the raster layer), ecoregion (the first level of grouping) and ecoregionGroup (the full ecolocation "name" written as <firstlevel_secondlevel>). Note that if creating ecoregionGroup's by combining two raster layers whose values are numeric (as in Biomass_borealDataPrep), the group label is a character combination of two numeric grouping levels. For instance, if Natural Ecoregion 2 has land-cover types 1, 2 and 3, the RAT will contain ID = {1,2,3}, ecoregion = {2} and ecoregionGroup = {2_1, 2_2, 2_3}. However, the user is free to use any groupings they wish. Finally, note that all ecolocations (ecoregionGroup's) are should be listed in the ecoregion table.

  • rasterToMatch -- a RasterLayer, with a given resolution and projection determining the pixels (i.e., non-NA values) where forest dynamics will be simulated. Needs to match studyArea. If not supplied, Biomass_core attempts to produce it from studyArea, using biomassMap as the template for spatial resolution and projection.

  • studyArea -- a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with a single polygon determining the where the simulation will take place. This is the only input object that must be supplied by the user or another module.

Species traits and other parameter tables

  • ecoregion -- a data.table listing all ecolocation "names" (ecoregionGroup column; see ecoregionMap above for details) and their state (active -- yes -- or inactive -- no)

  • minRelativeB -- a data.table of minimum relative biomass values. See Ecolocation-specific parameters -- minimum relative biomass.

  • species -- a data.table of invariant species traits.

  • speciesEcoregion -- a data.table of spatio-temporally varying species traits.

  • sufficientLight -- a data.table defining the probability of germination for a species, given its shadetolerance level (see species above) and the shade level in the pixel (see minRelativeB above). See Probabilities of germination.

  • sppEquiv -- a data.table of species name equivalences between various conventions. It must contain the columns LandR (species IDs in the LandR format), EN_generic_short (short generic species names in English -- or any other language -- used for plotting), Type (type of species, Conifer or Deciduous, as in "broadleaf") and Leading (same as EN_generic_short but with "leading" appended -- e.g., "Poplar leading"). See ?LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA for more information.

  • sppColorVect -- character. A named vector of colours used to plot species dynamics. Should contain one colour per species in the species table and, potentially a colour for species mixtures (named "Mixed"). Vector names must follow species$speciesCode.

  • sppNameVector -- (OPTIONAL) a character vector of species to be simulated. If provided, Biomass_core uses this vector to (attempt to) obtain speciesLayers for the listed species. If not provided, the user (or another module) can pass a filtered sppEquiv table (i.e., containing only the species that are to be simulated). If neither is provided, then Biomass_core attempts to use any species for which if finds available species (ref:percent) cover data in the study area.

Cohort-simulation-related objects

  • cohortData -- a data.table containing initial cohort information per pixelGroup (see pixelGroupMap below). This table is updated during the simulation as cohort dynamics are simulated. It must contain the following columns:

  • pixelGroup -- integer. pixelGroup ID. See Hashing.

  • ecoregionGroup -- character. Ecolocation names. See ecoregionMap and ecoregion objects above.

  • speciesCode -- character. Species ID.

  • age -- integer. Cohort age.

  • B -- integer. Cohort biomass of the current year in $g/m^2$.

  • mortality -- integer. Cohort dead biomass of the current year in $g/m^2$. Usually filled with 0s in initial conditions.

  • aNPPAct -- integer. Actual aboveground net primary productivity of the current year in $g/m^2$. B is the result of the previous year's B minus the current year's mortality plus aNPPAct. Usually filled with 0s in initial conditions. See "1.1.3 Cohort growth and ageing" section of @SchellerMiranda2015.

  • pixelGroupMap -- a raster layer with pixelGroup IDs per pixel. Pixels are always grouped based on identical ecoregionGroup, speciesCode, age and B composition, even if the user supplies other initial groupings (e.g., this is possible in the Biomass_borealDataPrep data module).

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(\#tab:moduleInputs2-Biomass-core)List of (ref:Biomass-core) input objects and their description.
objectName objectClass desc sourceURL
biomassMap RasterLayer total biomass raster layer in study area (in g/m^2), filtered for pixels covered by cohortData. Only used if `P(sim)$initialBiomassSource == 'biomassMap'`, which is currently deactivated.
cceArgs list a list of quoted objects used by the `growthAndMortalityDriver` `calculateClimateEffect` function NA
cohortData data.table `data.table` with cohort-level information on age and biomass, by pixelGroup and ecolocation (i.e., `ecoregionGroup`). If supplied, it must have the following columns: `pixelGroup` (integer), `ecoregionGroup` (factor), `speciesCode` (factor), `B` (integer in g/m^2), `age` (integer in years) NA
ecoregion data.table ecoregion look up table
ecoregionMap RasterLayer ecoregion map that has mapcodes match ecoregion table and `speciesEcoregion` table. Defaults to a dummy map matching `rasterToMatch` with two regions NA
lastReg numeric an internal counter keeping track of when the last regeneration event occurred NA
minRelativeB data.frame table defining the relative biomass cut points to classify stand shadeness. NA
pixelGroupMap RasterLayer a raster layer with `pixelGroup` IDs per pixel. Pixels are grouped based on identical `ecoregionGroup`, `speciesCode`, `age` and `B` composition, even if the user supplies other initial groupings (e.g., via the `Biomass_borealDataPrep` module. NA
rasterToMatch RasterLayer a raster of the `studyArea` in the same resolution and projection as `biomassMap` NA
species data.table a table of invariant species traits with the following trait colums: 'species', 'Area', 'longevity', 'sexualmature', 'shadetolerance', 'firetolerance', 'seeddistance_eff', 'seeddistance_max', 'resproutprob', 'mortalityshape', 'growthcurve', 'resproutage_min', 'resproutage_max', 'postfireregen', 'wooddecayrate', 'leaflongevity' 'leafLignin', 'hardsoft'. The last seven traits are not used in Biomass_core , and may be ommited. However, this may result in downstream issues with other modules. Default is from Dominic Cyr and Yan Boulanger's project
speciesEcoregion data.table table of spatially-varying species traits (`maxB`, `maxANPP`, `establishprob`), defined by species and `ecoregionGroup`) Defaults to a dummy table based on dummy data os biomass, age, ecoregion and land cover class NA
speciesLayers RasterStack percent cover raster layers of tree species in Canada. Defaults to the Canadian Forestry Service, National Forest Inventory, kNN-derived species cover maps from 2001 using a cover threshold of 10 - see for metadata
sppColorVect character A named vector of colors to use for plotting. The names must be in `sim$sppEquiv[[sim$sppEquivCol]]`, and should also contain a color for 'Mixed' NA
sppEquiv data.table table of species equivalencies. See `LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA`. NA
sppNameVector character an optional vector of species names to be pulled from `sppEquiv`. Species names must match `P(sim)$sppEquivCol` column in `sppEquiv`. If not provided, then species will be taken from the entire `P(sim)$sppEquivCol` column in `sppEquiv`. See `LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA`. NA
studyArea SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Polygon to use as the study area. Must be provided by the user NA
studyAreaReporting SpatialPolygonsDataFrame multipolygon (typically smaller/unbuffered than studyArea) to use for plotting/reporting. Defaults to `studyArea`. NA
sufficientLight data.frame table defining how the species with different shade tolerance respond to stand shade. Default is based on LANDIS-II Biomass Succession v6.2 parameters
treedFirePixelTableSinceLastDisp data.table 3 columns: `pixelIndex`, `pixelGroup`, and `burnTime`. Each row represents a forested pixel that was burned up to and including this year, since last dispersal event, with its corresponding `pixelGroup` and time it occurred NA


List of parameters {#params-list}

In addition to the above inputs objects, Biomass_core uses several parameters3 that control aspects like the simulation length, the "succession" time step, plotting and saving intervals, amongst others. Note that a few of these parameters are only relevant when simulating climate effects of cohort growth and mortality, which require also loading the LandR.CS R package4 (or another similar package). These are not discussed in detail here, since climate effects are calculated externally to Biomass_core in LandR.CS functions and thus documented there.

A list of useful parameters and their description is listed below, while the full set of parameters is in Table @ref(tab:moduleParams2-Biomass-core). Like with input objects, default values are supplied for all parameters and we suggest the user becomes familiarized with them before attempting any changes. We also note that the "spin-up" and "biomassMap" options for the initialBiomassSource parameter are currently deactivated, since Biomass_core no longer generates initial cohort biomass conditions using a spin-up based on initial stand age like LANDIS-II ("spin-up"), nor does it attempt to fill initial cohort biomasses using biomassMap.

Plotting and saving - .plots -- activates/deactivates plotting and defines type of plotting (see ?Plots);

  • .plotInitialTime -- defines when plotting starts;

  • .plotInterval -- defines plotting frequency;

  • .plotMaps -- activates/deactivates map plotting;

  • .saveInitialTime -- defines when saving starts;

  • .saveInterval -- defines saving frequency;


  • seedingAlgorithm -- dispersal type (see above);

  • successionTimestep -- defines frequency of dispersal/local recruitment event (growth and mortality are always yearly);


  • mixedType -- how mixed forest stands are defined;

  • vegLeadingProportion -- relative biomass threshold to consider a species "leading" (i.e., dominant);

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(\#tab:moduleParams2-Biomass-core)List of (ref:Biomass-core) parameters and their description.
paramName paramClass default min max paramDesc
calcSummaryBGM character end NA NA A character vector describing when to calculate the summary of biomass, growth and mortality Currently any combination of 5 options is possible: 'start'- as before vegetation succession events, i.e. before dispersal, 'postDisp' - after dispersal, 'postRegen' - after post-disturbance regeneration (currently the same as 'start'), 'postGM' - after growth and mortality, 'postAging' - after aging, 'end' - at the end of vegetation succesion events, before plotting and saving. The 'end' option is always active, being also the default option. If NULL, then will skip all summaryBGM related events
calibrate logical FALSE NA NA Do calibration? Defaults to `FALSE`
cohortDefinitionCols character pixelGro.... NA NA `cohortData` columns that determine what constitutes a cohort This parameter should only be modified if additional modules are adding columns to cohortData
cutpoint numeric 1e+10 NA NA A numeric scalar indicating how large each chunk of an internal data.table is, when processing by chunks
initialB numeric 10 1 NA initial biomass values of new age-1 cohorts. If `NA` or `NULL`, initial biomass will be calculated as in LANDIS-II Biomass Suc. Extension (see Scheller and Miranda, 2015 or `?LandR::.initiateNewCohorts`)
gmcsGrowthLimits numeric 66.66666.... NA NA if using `LandR.CS` for climate-sensitive growth and mortality, a percentile is used to estimate the effect of climate on growth/mortality (currentClimate/referenceClimate). Upper and lower limits are suggested to circumvent problems caused by very small denominators as well as predictions outside the data range used to generate the model
gmcsMortLimits numeric 66.66666.... NA NA if using `LandR.CS` for climate-sensitive growth and mortality, a percentile is used to estimate the effect of climate on growth/mortality (currentClimate/referenceClimate). Upper and lower limits are suggested to circumvent problems caused by very small denominators as well as predictions outside the data range used to generate the model
gmcsMinAge numeric 21 0 NA if using `LandR.CS` for climate-sensitive growth and mortality, the minimum age for which to predict climate-sensitive growth and mortality. Young stands (< 30) are poorly represented by the PSP data used to parameterize the model.
growthAndMortalityDrivers character LandR NA NA package name where the following functions can be found: `calculateClimateEffect`, `assignClimateEffect` (see `LandR.CS` for climate sensitivity equivalent functions, or leave default if this is not desired)
growthInitialTime numeric start(sim) NA NA Initial time for the growth event to occur
initialBiomassSource character cohortData NA NA Currently, there are three options: 'spinUp', 'cohortData', 'biomassMap'. If 'spinUp', it will derive biomass by running spinup derived from Landis-II. If 'cohortData', it will be taken from the `cohortData` object, i.e., it is already correct, by cohort. If 'biomassMap', it will be taken from `sim$biomassMap`, divided across species using `sim$speciesLayers` percent cover values 'spinUp' uses `sim$standAgeMap` as the driver, so biomass is an output . That means it will be unlikely to match any input information about biomass, unless this is set to 'biomassMap', and a `sim$biomassMap` is supplied. Only the 'cohortData' option is currently active.
keepClimateCols logical FALSE NA NA include growth and mortality predictions in `cohortData`?
minCohortBiomass numeric 0 NA NA cohorts with biomass below this threshold (in g/m^2) are removed. Not a LANDIS-II BSE parameter.
mixedType numeric 2 NA NA How to define mixed stands: 1 for any species admixture; 2 for deciduous > conifer. See `?LandR::vegTypeMapGenerator`.
plotOverstory logical FALSE NA NA swap max age plot with overstory biomass
seedingAlgorithm character wardDisp.... NA NA choose which seeding algorithm will be used among 'noSeeding' (no horizontal, nor vertical seeding - not in LANDIS-II BSE), 'noDispersal' (no horizontal seeding), 'universalDispersal' (seeds disperse to any pixel), and 'wardDispersal' (default; seeds disperse according to distance and dispersal traits). See Scheller & Miranda (2015) - Biomass Succession extension, v3.2.1 User Guide
spinupMortalityfraction numeric 0.001 NA NA defines the mortality loss fraction in spin up-stage simulation. Only used if `P(sim)$initialBiomassSource == 'biomassMap'`, which is currently deactivated.
sppEquivCol character Boreal NA NA The column in `sim$sppEquiv` data.table to use as a naming convention
successionTimestep numeric 10 NA NA defines the simulation time step, default is 10 years. Note that growth and mortality always happen on a yearly basis. Cohorts younger than this age will not be included in competitive interactions
vegLeadingProportion numeric 0.8 0 1 a number that defines whether a species is leading for a given pixel
.maxMemory numeric 5 NA NA maximum amount of memory (in GB) to use for dispersal calculations.
.plotInitialTime numeric start(sim) NA NA Vector of length = 1, describing the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur. To plotting off completely use `P(sim)$.plots`.
.plotInterval numeric NA NA NA defines the plotting time step. If `NA`, the default, `.plotInterval` is set to `successionTimestep`.
.plots character object NA NA Passed to `types` in `Plots` (see `?Plots`). There are a few plots that are made within this module, if set. Note that plots (or their data) saving will ONLY occur at `end(sim)`. If `NA`, plotting is turned off completely (this includes plot saving).
.plotMaps logical TRUE NA NA Controls whether maps should be plotted or not. Set to `FALSE` if `P(sim)$.plots == NA`
.saveInitialTime numeric NA NA NA Vector of length = 1, describing the simulation time at which the first save event should occur. Set to `NA` if no saving is desired. If not `NA`, then saving will occur at `P(sim)$.saveInitialTime` with a frequency equal to `P(sim)$.saveInterval`
.saveInterval numeric NA NA NA defines the saving time step. If `NA`, the default, .saveInterval is set to `P(sim)$successionTimestep`.
.sslVerify integer 64 NA NA Passed to `httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = P(sim)$.sslVerify)` when downloading KNN (NFI) datasets. Set to 0L if necessary to bypass checking the SSL certificate (this may be necessary when NFI's FTP website SSL certificate is down/out-of-date).
.studyAreaName character NA NA NA Human-readable name for the study area used. If `NA`, a hash of `studyArea` will be used.
.useCache character .inputOb.... NA NA Internal. Can be names of events or the whole module name; these will be cached by `SpaDES`
.useParallel ANY 2 NA NA Used only in seed dispersal. If numeric, it will be passed to `data.table::setDTthreads` and should be <= 2; If `TRUE`, it will be passed to `parallel::makeCluster`; and if a cluster object, it will be passed to `parallel::parClusterApplyB`.


List of outputs {#outputs-list}

The main outputs of Biomass_core are the cohortData and pixelGroupMap containing cohort information per year (note that they are not saved by default), visual outputs of species level biomass, age and dominance across the landscape and the simulation length, and several maps of stand biomass, mortality and reproductive success (i.e, new biomass) on a yearly basis.

However, any of the objects changed/output by Biomass_core (listed in Table @ref(tab:moduleOutputs-Biomass-core)) can be saved via the outputs argument in simInit5.

(\#tab:moduleOutputs-Biomass-core)List of (ref:Biomass-core) output objects and their description.
objectName objectClass desc
activePixelIndex integer internal use. Keeps track of which pixels are active
activePixelIndexReporting integer internal use. Keeps track of which pixels are active in the reporting study area
ANPPMap RasterLayer ANPP map at each succession time step (in g /m^2)
cohortData data.table `data.table` with cohort-level information on age, biomass, aboveground primary productivity (year's biomass gain) and mortality (year's biomass loss), by `pixelGroup` and ecolocation (i.e., `ecoregionGroup`). Contains at least the following columns: `pixelGroup` (integer), `ecoregionGroup` (factor), `speciesCode` (factor), `B` (integer in g/m^2), `age` (integer in years), `mortality` (integer in g/m^2), `aNPPAct` (integer in g/m^2). May have other columns depending on additional simulated processes (i.e., cliamte sensitivity; see, e.g., `P(sim)$keepClimateCols`).
ecoregionMap RasterLayer map with mapcodes match `ecoregion` table and `speciesEcoregion` table. Defaults to a dummy map matching rasterToMatch with two regions
inactivePixelIndex logical internal use. Keeps track of which pixels are inactive
inactivePixelIndexReporting integer internal use. Keeps track of which pixels are inactive in the reporting study area
lastFireYear numeric Year of the most recent fire year
lastReg numeric an internal counter keeping track of when the last regeneration event occurred
minRelativeB data.frame define the relative biomass cut points to classify stand shade
mortalityMap RasterLayer map of biomass lost (in g/m^2) at each succession time step
pixelGroupMap RasterLayer updated community map at each succession time step
regenerationOutput data.table If `P(sim)$calibrate == TRUE`, an summary of seed dispersal and germination success (i.e., number of pixels where seeds successfully germinated) per species and year.
reproductionMap RasterLayer Regeneration map (biomass gains in g/m^2) at each succession time step
simulatedBiomassMap RasterLayer Biomass map at each succession time step (in g/m^2)
simulationOutput data.table contains simulation results by `ecoregionGroup` (main output)
simulationTreeOutput data.table Summary of several characteristics about the stands, derived from `cohortData`
species data.table a table that has species traits such as longevity, shade tolerance, etc. Currently obtained from LANDIS-II Biomass Succession v.6.0-2.0 inputs
speciesEcoregion data.table define the maxANPP, maxB and SEP change with both ecoregion and simulation time
speciesLayers RasterStack species percent cover raster layers, based on input `speciesLayers` object. Not changed by this module.
spinupOutput data.table Spin-up output. Currently deactivated.
summaryBySpecies data.table The total species biomass (in g/m^2 as in `cohortData`), average age and aNPP (in g/m^2 as in `cohortData`), across the landscape (used for plotting and reporting).
summaryBySpecies1 data.table No. pixels of each leading vegetation type (used for plotting and reporting).
summaryLandscape data.table The averages of total biomass (in tonnes/ha , not g/m^2 like in `cohortData`), age and aNPP (also in tonnes/ha) across the landscape (used for plotting and reporting).
treedFirePixelTableSinceLastDisp data.table 3 columns: `pixelIndex`, `pixelGroup`, and `burnTime`. Each row represents a forested pixel that was burned up to and including this year, since last dispersal event, with its corresponding `pixelGroup` and time it occurred
vegTypeMap RasterLayer Map of leading species in each pixel, colored according to `sim$sppColorVect`. Species mixtures calculated according to `P(sim)$vegLeadingProportion` and `P(sim)$mixedType`.

Simulation flow and module events {#sim-flow}

Biomass_core itself does not simulate disturbances or their effect on vegetation (i.e., post-disturbance mortality and regeneration). Should disturbance and post-disturbance mortality/regeneration modules be used (e.g., LandMine and Biomass_regeneration), the user should make sure that post-disturbance effects occur after the disturbance, but before dispersal and background vegetation growth and mortality (simulated in Biomass_core). Hence, the disturbance itself should take place either at the very beginning or at the very end of each simulation time step to guarantee that it happens immediately before post-disturbance effects are calculated.

The general flow of Biomass_core processes with and without disturbances is:

  1. Preparation of necessary objects for the simulation -- either by data and calibration modules or by Biomass_core itself (during simInit and the init event6);

  2. Disturbances (OPTIONAL) -- simulated by a disturbance module (e.g., LandMine);

  3. Post-disturbance mortality/regeneration (OPTIONAL) -- simulated by a regeneration module (e.g., Biomass_regeneration);

  4. Seed dispersal (every successionTimestep; Dispersal event):

  • seed dispersal can be a slow process and has been adapted to occur every 10 years (default successionTimestep). The user can set it to occur more/less often, with the caveat that if using Biomass_borealDataPrep to estimate species establishment probabilities, these values are integrated over 10 years.
  • see @SchellerDomingo2012 for details on dispersal algorithms.
  1. Growth and mortality (mortalityAndGrowth event):
  • unlike dispersal, growth and mortality always occur time step (year).
  • see @SchellerMladenoff2004 for further detail.
  1. Cohort age binning (every successionTimestep; cohortAgeReclassification event):
  • follows the same frequency as dispersal, collapsing cohorts (i.e., summing their biomass/mortality/aNPP) to ages classes with resolution equal to successionTimestep.
  • see @SchellerMiranda2015 for further detail.
  1. Summary tables of regeneration (summaryRegen event), biomass, age, growth and mortality (summaryBGM event);

  2. Plots of maps (plotMaps event) and averages (plotAvgs and plotSummaryBySpecies events);

  3. Save outputs (save event).

... (repeat 2-9) ...

Differences between Biomass_core and the LANDIS-II Biomass Succession Extension model (LBSE) {#biomass-core-vs-lbse}

Algorithm changes {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-algo}

Upon porting LBSE into R, we made six minor modifications to the original model's algorithms to better reflect ecological processes. This did not significantly alter the simulation outputs and we note that these changes might also have been implemented in more recent versions of LBSE.

First, for each year and community (i.e., 'pixel group' in Biomass_core, see below), LBSE calculates the competition index for a cohort sequentially (i.e., one cohort at a time) after updating the growth and mortality of other cohorts (i.e., their biomass gain and loss, respectively) , and with the calculation sequence following cohort age in descending order, but no explicit order of species. This sorting of growth and mortality calculations from oldest to youngest cohorts in LBSE was aimed at capturing size-asymmetric competition between cohorts, under the assumption that older cohorts have priority for growing space given their greater height (Scheller pers. comm.). We felt that within-year sequential growth, death and recruitment may be not ecologically accurate, and that the size-asymmetric competition was being accounted for twice, as the calculation of the competition index already considers the competitive advantage of older cohorts [as shown in the User's Guide, @SchellerMiranda2015]. Hence, in Biomass_core growth, mortality, recruitment and the competition index are calculated at the same time across all cohorts and species.

Second, the unknown species-level sorting mechanism contained within LBSE (which changed depending on the species order in the input species list file), led to different simulation results depending on the input species list file (e.g., Table @ref(tab:tableLBSEtest1) and Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest1)). The calculation of competition, growth and mortality for all cohorts at the same time also circumvented this issue.

Differences in total landscape aboveground biomass when using two different input species orders for the same community. These simulations demonstrate how the sequential calculation of the competition index, combined with a lack of explicit species ordering affect the overall landscape aboveground biomass in time when using different input species orders (see Table \@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest1)). In order to prevent differences introduced by cohort recruitment, species’ ages at sexual maturity were changed to the species’ longevity values, and the simulation ran for 75 years to prevent any cohorts from reaching sexual maturity. The bottom panel shows the difference between the two simulations in percentage, calculated as $\frac{Biomass_{order2} - Biomass_{order1}}{Biomass_{order2}} * 100$

(\#fig:figLBSEtest1)Differences in total landscape aboveground biomass when using two different input species orders for the same community. These simulations demonstrate how the sequential calculation of the competition index, combined with a lack of explicit species ordering affect the overall landscape aboveground biomass in time when using different input species orders (see Table \@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest1)). In order to prevent differences introduced by cohort recruitment, species’ ages at sexual maturity were changed to the species’ longevity values, and the simulation ran for 75 years to prevent any cohorts from reaching sexual maturity. The bottom panel shows the difference between the two simulations in percentage, calculated as $\frac{Biomass_{order2} - Biomass_{order1}}{Biomass_{order2}} * 100$

Third, in LBSE the calculation of total pixel biomass for the purpose of calculating the initial biomass of a new cohort included the (previously calculated) biomass of other new cohorts when succession time step = 1, but not when time step was > 1. This does not reflect the documentation in the User's Guide, which stated that "Bsum [total pixel biomass] is the current total biomass for the site (not including other new cohorts)" [@SchellerMiranda2015,p. 4], when the succession time step was set to 1. Additionally, together with the lack of explicit ordering, this generated different results in terms of the biomass assigned to each new cohort (e.g., Table @ref(tab:tableLBSEtest2) and Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest2)). In Biomass_core the initial biomass of new cohorts is no longer calculated sequentially (as with competition, growth and mortality), and thus the biomass of new cohorts is never included in the calculation of total pixel biomass.

Differences in the biomass assigned to new cohorts, summed for each species across pixels, when using two different input species orders for the same community and when the succession time step is 1. These simulations demonstrate how the different summation of total cohort biomass for a succession time step of 1 and the lack of explicit species ordering affect simulation results when changing the species order in the input file (see Table \@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest2)). Here, initial cohort ages were also set to 1. Values refer to the initial total biomass attributed to each species at the end of year 1.

(\#fig:figLBSEtest2)Differences in the biomass assigned to new cohorts, summed for each species across pixels, when using two different input species orders for the same community and when the succession time step is 1. These simulations demonstrate how the different summation of total cohort biomass for a succession time step of 1 and the lack of explicit species ordering affect simulation results when changing the species order in the input file (see Table \@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest2)). Here, initial cohort ages were also set to 1. Values refer to the initial total biomass attributed to each species at the end of year 1.

Fourth, in LBSE, serotiny and resprouting could not occur in the same pixel following a fire, with serotiny taking precedence if activated. We understand that this provides an advantage to serotinous species, which could perhaps be disadvantaged with respect to fast-growing resprouters. However, we feel that it is ecologically more realistic that serotinous and resprouter species be able to both regenerate in a given pixel following a fire and allow the competition between serotinous and resprouting species to arise from species traits. Note that this change was implemented in the Biomass_regeneration and Biomass_regenerationPM modules, since post-disturbance effects were separated background vegetation dynamics simulated by Biomass_core.

Fifth, in Biomass_core, species shade tolerance values can have decimal values to allow for finer adjustments of between-species competition.

Sixth, we added a new parameter called minCohortBiomass, that allows the user to control cohort removal bellow a certain threshold of biomass. In some simulation set-ups, we noticed that Biomass_core (and LBSE) were able to generate many very small cohorts in the understory that, due to cohort competition, were not able to gain biomass and grow. However, because competition decreases growth but does not increase mortality, these cohorts survived at very low biomass levels until they reached sufficient age to suffer age-related mortality. We felt this is unlikely to be realistic in many cases. By default, this parameter is left at 0 to follow LBSE behaviour (i.e., no cohorts removal based on minimum biomass).

Other enhancements {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-enhan}

In addition to the sixth changes in growth, mortality and regeneration mentioned above, we enhanced modularity by separating the components that govern vegetation responses to disturbances from Biomass_core, and implemented hashing, caching and testing to improve computational efficiency and insure performance.

Modularity {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-enhan1}

Unlike in LBSE, post-disturbance effects are not part of Biomass_core per se, but belong to two separate modules, used interchangeably (Biomass_regeneration and Biomass_regenerationPM). These need to be loaded and added to the "modules folder" of the project in case the user wants to simulate forest responses to disturbances (only fire disturbances at the moment). Again, this enables higher flexibility when swapping between different approaches to regeneration.

Climate effects on growth and mortality were also implemented a modular way. The effects of climate on biomass increase (growth) and loss (mortality) were written in functions grouped in two packages. The LandR R package contains default, "non-climate-sensitive" functions, while the LandR.CS R package contains the functions that simulate climate effects (CS stands for "climate sensitive"). Note that these functions do not simulate actual growth/mortality processes, but estimate modifiers that increase/decrease cohort biomass on top of background growth/mortality. Biomass_core uses the LandR functions by default (see growthAndMortalityDrivers parameter in the full parameters list). Should the user wish to change how climate effects on growth/mortality are calculated, they can provide new compatible functions (i.e., with the same names, inputs and outputs) via another R package.

Hashing {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-enhan2}

Our first strategy to improve simulation efficiency in Biomass_core was to use a hashing mechanism [@YangEtAl2011]. Instead of assigning a key to each pixel in a raster and tracking the simulation for each pixel in a lookup table, we indexed pixels using a pixelGroup key that contained unique combinations of ecolocation and community composition (i.e., species, age and biomass composition), and tracked and stored simulation data for each pixelGroup (Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest3)). This algorithm was able to ease the computational burden by significantly reducing the size of the lookup table and speeding-up the simulation process. After recruitment and disturbance events, pixels are rehashed into new pixel groups.

Hashing design for (ref:Biomass-core). In the re-coded (ref:Biomass-core), the pixel group map was hashed based on the unique combination of species composition ('community map') and ecolocation map, and associated with a lookup table. The insert in the top-right corner was the original design that linked the map to the lookup table by pixel key.

(\#fig:figLBSEtest3)Hashing design for (ref:Biomass-core). In the re-coded (ref:Biomass-core), the pixel group map was hashed based on the unique combination of species composition ('community map') and ecolocation map, and associated with a lookup table. The insert in the top-right corner was the original design that linked the map to the lookup table by pixel key.

Caching {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-enhan3}

The second strategy aimed at improving model efficacy was the implementation of caching during data-driven parametrisation and initialisation. Caching automatically archives outputs of a given function to disk (or memory) and reads them back when subsequent calls of this function are given identical inputs. All caching operations were achieved using the reproducible R package [@McIntireChubaty2020].

In the current version of Biomass_core, the spin-up phase was replaced by data-driven landscape initialisation and many model parameters were derived from data, using data and calibration modules (e.g., Biomass_borealDataPrep). To avoid having to repeat data downloads and treatment, statistical estimation of parameters and landscape initialisation every time the simulation is re-run under the same conditions, many of these pre-simulation steps are automatically cached. This means that the pre-simulation phase is significantly faster upon a second call when inputs have not changed (e.g., the input data and parametrisation methods), and when inputs do change only directly affected steps are re-run (see main text for examples). When not using data modules, Biomass_core still relies on caching for the preparation of its theoretical inputs.

Testing {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-enhan4}

Finally, we implemented code testing to facilitate bug detection by comparing the outputs of functions (etc.) to expected outputs [@Wickham2011]. We built and integrated code tests in Biomass_core and across all LandR modules and the LandR R package in the form of assertions, unit tests and integration tests. Assertions and unit tests are run automatically during simulations (but can be turned off) and evaluate individual code components (e.g., one function or an object's class). Integration tests evaluate if several coded processes are integrated correctly and are usually run manually. However, because we embedded assertions within the module code, R package dependencies of Biomass_core, such as the LandR R package

and `SpaDES`, they also provide a means to test

module integration. We also implemented GitHub Actions continuous integration (CI), which routinely test GitHub hosted packages (e.g., LandR) and modules. CRAN-hosted packages (e.g., SpaDES) are also automatically tested and checked on CRAN.

Finally, because Biomass_core (and all other LandR modules) code is hosted in public GitHub repositories, the module code is subject to the scrutiny of many users, who can identify issues and contribute to improve module code.

Performance and accuracy of Biomass_core with respect to LBSE {#biomass-core-vs-lbse-comparisons}

In the recoding of Biomass_core, we used integration tests to ensured similar outputs of each demographic process (namely, growth, mortality and recruitment) to the outputs from its counterpart in LBSE. Here, we report the comparisons of the overall simulation (i.e., including all demographic processes) between LBSE and Biomass_core using three randomly generated initial communities (Tables @ref(tab:tableLBSEtest3)-@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest5)). The remaining input parameters were taken from a LANDIS-II training course (Tables @ref(tab:tableLBSEtest6)-@ref(tab:tableLBSEtest9)), and contained species attributes information of 16 common tree species in boreal forests and 2 ecolocations. We ran simulations for 1000 years, with a succession time step of 10 and three replicates, which were enough to account for the variability produced by stochastic processes. Seed dispersal was set as "ward dispersal".

The results suggested that Biomass_core had a good agreement with LBSE using the three randomly generated initial communities (Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest4)), with very small deviations for LBSE-generated biomasses. Notably, the mean differences between LBSE and Biomass_core were 0.03(ref:percent) (range: -0.01(ref:percent) ~ 0.13(ref:percent)), 0.03(ref:percent) (range: -0.01(ref:percent) ~ 0.11(ref:percent)) and 0.05(ref:percent) (-0.02(ref:percent) ~ 0.15(ref:percent)) for each initial community, respectively (right panels in Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest4) of this appendix).

Visual comparison of simulation outputs for three randomly generated initial communities (left panels) and difference between those outputs (right panels). The (ref:percent) difference between LBSE and (ref:Biomass-core) were calculated as $\frac{Biomass_{LBSE} - Biomass_{Biomass_core}}{Biomass_{LBSE}} * 100$

(\#fig:figLBSEtest4)Visual comparison of simulation outputs for three randomly generated initial communities (left panels) and difference between those outputs (right panels). The (ref:percent) difference between LBSE and (ref:Biomass-core) were calculated as $\frac{Biomass_{LBSE} - Biomass_{Biomass_core}}{Biomass_{LBSE}} * 100$

To examine how running time changed with map size, we ran simulations using maps with increasing number of pixels, from 22,201 to 638,401 pixels. All maps were initialised with a single ecolocation and 7 different communities. Simulations were run for 120 years using a succession time step of 10 and replicated three times. To eliminate the effect of hardware on running time, we used machines that were all purchased at the same time, with equal specifications and running Windows 7. Each simulation ran on 2 CPU threads with a total RAM of 4000 Mb.

For both LBSE and Biomass_core, the simulation time increased linearly with number of pixels, but the increase rate was smaller for Biomass_core (Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest5)a). This meant that while both models had similar simulation efficiencies in small maps (< 90,000 pixels), as map size increased Biomass_core was ~2 times faster than LBSE (maps > 100,000 pixels; Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest5)a). Biomass_core also scaled better with map size, as LBSE speeds fluctuated between 19 to 25 seconds per 1,000 pixels across all map sizes, while Biomass_core decreased from 21 to 11 seconds per 1,000 pixels from smaller to larger maps (Fig. @ref(fig:figLBSEtest5)b).

Simulation efficiencies of LBSE and (ref:Biomass-core) with increasing map size, in terms of a) mean running time across repetitions (left y-axis) and the ratio LBSE to (ref:Biomass-core) running times (right y-axis and blue line), and b) running time scalability as the mean running time per 1000 pixels.

(\#fig:figLBSEtest5)Simulation efficiencies of LBSE and (ref:Biomass-core) with increasing map size, in terms of a) mean running time across repetitions (left y-axis) and the ratio LBSE to (ref:Biomass-core) running times (right y-axis and blue line), and b) running time scalability as the mean running time per 1000 pixels.

Usage example {#example}

Set up R libraries {#example-libs}

options(repos = c(CRAN = ""))
# tempDir <- tempdir()
tempDir <- "C:/Users/cbarros/AppData/Local/Temp/Biomass_core-example"
pkgPath <- file.path(tempDir, "packages", version$platform,
                     paste0(version$major, ".", strsplit(version$minor, "[.]")[[1]][1]))
dir.create(pkgPath, recursive = TRUE)
.libPaths(pkgPath, = FALSE)

if (!require(Require, lib.loc = pkgPath)) {
                          upgrade = FALSE, force = TRUE)
  library(Require, lib.loc = pkgPath)


Get the module and module dependencies {#example-pkg-mods}

We can use the SpaDES.project::getModule function to download the module to the module folder specified above. Alternatively, see SpaDES-modules repository to see how to download this and other SpaDES modules, or fork/clone from its GitHub repository directly.

After downloading the module, it is important to make sure all module R package dependencies are installed in their correct version. SpaDES.project::packagesInModules makes a list of necessary packages for all modules in the paths$modulePath, and Require installs them.

        require = FALSE, upgrade = FALSE, standAlone = TRUE)

paths <- list(inputPath = normPath(file.path(tempDir, "inputs")), 
              cachePath = normPath(file.path(tempDir, "cache")), 
              modulePath = normPath(file.path(tempDir, "modules")), 
              outputPath = normPath(file.path(tempDir, "outputs")))

SpaDES.project::getModule(modulePath = paths$modulePath,
                          overwrite = TRUE)

## make sure all necessary packages are installed:
outs <- SpaDES.project::packagesInModules(modulePath = paths$modulePath)
Require(c(unname(unlist(outs)), "SpaDES"),
        require = FALSE, standAlone = TRUE)

## load necessary packages
Require(c("SpaDES", "LandR", "reproducible", "pemisc"), 
        upgrade = FALSE, install = FALSE)

Setup simulation {#example-setupSim}

Here we setup a simulation in a random study area, using any species within the LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA table that can be found there (Biomass_core will retrieve species (ref:percent) cover maps and filter present species). We also define the colour coding used for plotting, the type of plots we what to produce and choose to output cohortData tables every year -- note that these are not pixel-based, so to "spatialise" results a posteriori the pixelBroupMap must also be saved.

Please see the lists of input objects, parameters and outputs for more information.

times <- list(start = 0, end = 30)

studyArea <- Cache(randomStudyArea, size = 1e7) # cache this so it creates a random one only once on a machine

# Pick the species you want to work with – using the naming convention in "Boreal" column of LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA
speciesNameConvention <- "Boreal"
speciesToUse <- c("Pice_Gla", "Popu_Tre", "Pinu_Con")

sppEquiv <- sppEquivalencies_CA[get(speciesNameConvention) %in% speciesToUse]
# Assign a colour convention for graphics for each species
sppColorVect <- sppColors(sppEquiv, speciesNameConvention,
                          newVals = "Mixed", palette = "Set1")

## Usage example
modules <- as.list("Biomass_core")
objects <- list(studyArea = studyArea, sppEquiv = sppEquiv, sppColorVect = sppColorVect)

successionTimestep <- 10L

## keep default values for most parameters 
## (omitted from this list)
parameters <- list(
  Biomass_core = list(
    "sppEquivCol" = speciesNameConvention
    , "successionTimestep" = successionTimestep
    , ".plots" = c("screen", "object")
    , ".plotInitialTime" = times$start
    , ".plots" = c("screen", "png")
    , ".saveInitialTime" = times$start
    , ".useCache" = "init"
    , ".useParallel" = FALSE

outputs <- data.frame(expand.grid(objectName = "cohortData",
                                  saveTime = unique(seq(times$start, times$end, by = 1)),
                                  eventPriority = 1,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

Run simulation {#example-runSim}

simInitAndSpades is a wrapper function that runs both simInit (which initialises all modules) and spades (which runs all modules, i.e., their events), to which pass all the necessary setup objects created above.

Below, we pass some useful reproducible options that control caching ("reproducible.useCache") and where inputs should be downloaded to ("reproducible.destinationPath").

opts <- options(reproducible.useCache = TRUE,
                reproducible.destinationPath = paths$inputPath)
mySim <- simInitAndSpades(times = times,
                          params = parameters, 
                          modules = modules, 
                          objects = objects, 
                          paths = paths,
                          outputs = outputs,
                          debug = TRUE)
(ref:Biomass-core) automatically generates simulation visuals of species dynamics across the landscape in terms of total biomass, number of presences and age and productivity (above), as well as yearly plots of total biomass, productivity, mortality, reproduction and leading species in each pixel (below).(ref:Biomass-core) automatically generates simulation visuals of species dynamics across the landscape in terms of total biomass, number of presences and age and productivity (above), as well as yearly plots of total biomass, productivity, mortality, reproduction and leading species in each pixel (below).

(\#fig:fig-Biomass-coreOutPlots)(ref:Biomass-core) automatically generates simulation visuals of species dynamics across the landscape in terms of total biomass, number of presences and age and productivity (above), as well as yearly plots of total biomass, productivity, mortality, reproduction and leading species in each pixel (below).

Appendix {#appendix}

Tables {#appendix-tables}

\newpage \blandscape

(\#tab:tableLBSEtest1)Input order and processing order (as determined by LBSE) for the same community used to assess the impact of sequential calculation of the competition index, combined with a lack of explicit species ordering. The input order was the order of species in the initial communities table input file. The processing order was the order used in the simulation, which was obtained from `Landis-log.txt` when `CalibrateMode` was set to 'yes'. Species starting ages are also shown.
Input order 1 Input order 2
Community Input order Age Processing Community Input order Age Processing
1 abiebals 20 poputrem 1 pinustro 20 thujocci
1 acerrubr 20 querelli 1 poputrem 20 tiliamer
1 acersacc 20 pinuresi 1 acerrubr 20 querelli
1 betualle 20 pinustro 1 pinubank 20 querrubr
1 betupapy 20 tiliamer 1 betualle 20 betupapy
1 fraxamer 20 tsugcana 1 piceglau 20 fraxamer
1 piceglau 20 querrubr 1 pinuresi 20 tsugcana
1 pinubank 20 thujocci 1 acersacc 20 abiebals
1 pinuresi 20 acersacc 1 querelli 20 acerrubr
1 pinustro 20 betualle 1 querrubr 20 pinubank
1 poputrem 20 abiebals 1 thujocci 20 pinustro
1 querelli 20 acerrubr 1 tiliamer 20 poputrem
1 querrubr 20 piceglau 1 tsugcana 20 pinuresi
1 thujocci 20 pinubank 1 abiebals 20 acersacc
1 tiliamer 20 betupapy 1 betupapy 20 betualle
1 tsugcana 20 fraxamer 1 fraxamer 20 piceglau
(\#tab:tableLBSEtest2)Input order and processing order (as determined by LBSE) for the same community used to assess the impact of setting the succession time step to 1, combined with a lack of explicit species ordering. The input order was the order of species in the initial communities table input file. The processing order was the order used in the simulation, which was obtained from `Landis-log.txt` when `CalibrateMode` was set to 'yes'. Species starting ages are also shown.
Input order 1 Input order 2
Community Input order Age Processing Community Input order Age Processing
1 abiebals 1 poputrem 1 pinustro 1 thujocci
1 acerrubr 1 querelli 1 poputrem 1 tiliamer
1 acersacc 1 pinuresi 1 acerrubr 1 querelli
1 betualle 1 pinustro 1 pinubank 1 querrubr
1 betupapy 1 tiliamer 1 betualle 1 betupapy
1 fraxamer 1 tsugcana 1 piceglau 1 fraxamer
1 piceglau 1 querrubr 1 pinuresi 1 tsugcana
1 pinubank 1 thujocci 1 acersacc 1 abiebals
1 pinuresi 1 acersacc 1 querelli 1 acerrubr
1 pinustro 1 betualle 1 querrubr 1 pinubank
1 poputrem 1 abiebals 1 thujocci 1 pinustro
1 querelli 1 acerrubr 1 tiliamer 1 poputrem
1 querrubr 1 piceglau 1 tsugcana 1 pinuresi
1 thujocci 1 pinubank 1 abiebals 1 acersacc
1 tiliamer 1 betupapy 1 betupapy 1 betualle
1 tsugcana 1 fraxamer 1 fraxamer 1 piceglau


(\#tab:tableLBSEtest3)Randomly generated community combination no. 1 used in the recruitment comparison runs.
Community Species Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7
0 betupapy 1 37 45 46 85 NA NA
0 piceglau 27 73 153 256 270 NA NA
0 pinustro 157 159 181 220 223 303 307
0 querrubr 80 102 127 152 206 227 NA
1 acerrubr 3 91 126 145 NA NA NA
1 acersacc 138 144 276 NA NA NA NA
1 betualle 24 106 136 149 279 NA NA
1 piceglau 27 67 70 153 NA NA NA
1 pinubank 3 10 24 31 71 NA NA
1 querelli 92 224 234 NA NA NA NA
1 thujocci 73 146 262 NA NA NA NA
2 fraxamer 108 118 137 147 204 NA NA
2 piceglau 40 128 131 159 174 NA NA
2 pinustro 78 156 237 245 270 NA NA
2 querelli 67 97 186 292 NA NA NA
2 tiliamer 70 103 121 152 178 180 245
3 acerrubr 5 83 125 126 127 NA NA
3 pinuresi 1 25 42 49 76 79 103
3 poputrem 4 9 62 NA NA NA NA
3 querelli 101 104 167 226 NA NA NA
3 tsugcana 37 135 197 404 405 NA NA
4 acerrubr 15 29 63 70 105 133 NA
4 piceglau 67 132 189 NA NA NA NA
4 tsugcana 21 26 110 146 341 462 463
5 acerrubr 128 137 145 147 NA NA NA
5 acersacc 241 245 261 277 NA NA NA
5 querrubr 23 72 120 142 188 NA NA
5 tiliamer 4 68 98 118 139 197 NA
6 betualle 5 23 31 249 NA NA NA
6 pinubank 67 70 89 NA NA NA NA
6 querelli 194 217 257 NA NA NA NA
(\#tab:tableLBSEtest4)Randomly generated community combination no. 2 used in the recruitment comparison runs.
Community Species Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7
0 acerrubr 22 26 30 40 47 145 146
0 betualle 23 41 43 120 209 227 270
0 fraxamer 25 90 119 173 185 282 NA
0 pinuresi 48 53 70 121 157 NA NA
0 pinustro 5 82 126 298 352 NA NA
0 querrubr 2 30 34 74 77 162 245
1 acerrubr 2 39 43 84 116 127 143
1 pinubank 34 57 75 NA NA NA NA
1 querelli 108 202 218 243 NA NA NA
1 querrubr 5 117 131 186 189 246 NA
1 tiliamer 10 19 46 80 133 148 231
1 tsugcana 31 48 190 246 330 NA NA
2 pinubank 11 37 38 47 67 93 NA
2 querrubr 11 48 57 177 180 228 236
2 tiliamer 28 42 78 79 223 250 NA
2 tsugcana 140 202 372 381 451 NA NA
3 acersacc 48 107 262 265 NA NA NA
3 betupapy 4 12 45 65 83 96 NA
3 poputrem 13 20 37 75 90 NA NA
3 querelli 72 90 104 115 116 265 278
3 tiliamer 20 21 56 98 237 NA NA
3 tsugcana 86 224 425 429 NA NA NA
4 fraxamer 77 133 181 NA NA NA NA
4 pinustro 13 37 67 220 287 293 375
4 querrubr 27 48 89 97 NA NA NA
4 thujocci 91 244 305 390 NA NA NA
5 abiebals 86 95 119 121 127 158 NA
5 betualle 83 113 136 161 216 231 NA
5 betupapy 10 38 64 NA NA NA NA
5 piceglau 16 63 70 102 NA NA NA
6 acerrubr 8 34 112 NA NA NA NA
6 betupapy 1 31 57 61 74 80 91
6 fraxamer 63 100 108 140 196 294 NA
6 pinubank 15 19 44 47 51 80 NA
6 thujocci 78 146 163 213 214 228 NA
6 tsugcana 47 108 387 389 449 NA NA

\newpage \blandscape

(\#tab:tableLBSEtest5)Randomly generated community combination no. 3 used in the recruitment comparison runs.
Community Species Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7
0 pinubank 7 26 32 37 48 85 90
0 pinuresi 11 103 109 179 188 197 NA
0 querrubr 89 139 180 206 NA NA NA
1 betupapy 36 39 45 49 66 68 NA
1 piceglau 13 165 254 NA NA NA NA
1 pinubank 3 19 54 64 76 NA NA
1 poputrem 22 59 93 NA NA NA NA
1 thujocci 68 98 274 275 363 378 NA
1 tiliamer 13 20 105 124 248 NA NA
1 tsugcana 36 90 142 NA NA NA NA
2 fraxamer 11 241 279 NA NA NA NA
2 piceglau 16 42 129 177 200 244 NA
2 pinustro 200 342 384 NA NA NA NA
3 abiebals 31 57 61 92 108 162 183
3 piceglau 126 255 261 267 NA NA NA
3 poputrem 28 41 57 NA NA NA NA
3 querrubr 83 91 144 173 184 238 NA
3 thujocci 6 66 68 204 NA NA NA
4 fraxamer 12 110 266 270 NA NA NA
4 pinustro 174 270 359 379 NA NA NA
4 poputrem 4 7 18 24 63 76 NA
4 tiliamer 126 136 197 NA NA NA NA
4 tsugcana 49 91 128 194 411 487 NA
5 abiebals 35 53 108 114 147 174 195
5 acerrubr 1 2 101 145 NA NA NA
5 pinubank 14 15 38 40 59 69 83
6 acerrubr 4 46 117 NA NA NA NA
6 betualle 36 41 116 213 253 NA NA
6 betupapy 4 6 76 NA NA NA NA
6 pinuresi 43 68 85 171 NA NA NA
6 querrubr 84 86 113 185 193 223 228
6 tiliamer 13 106 181 199 246 NA NA


(\#tab:tableLBSEtest6)Invariant species traits table used in comparison runs.
Species Longevity Sexualmature Shadetolerance Seeddistance_eff Seeddistance_max Mortalityshape Growthcurve
abiebals 200 25 5 30 160 10 0.25
acerrubr 150 10 4 100 200 10 0.25
acersacc 300 40 5 100 200 10 0.25
betualle 300 40 4 100 400 10 0.25
betupapy 100 30 2 200 5000 10 0.25
fraxamer 300 30 4 70 140 10 0.25
piceglau 300 25 3 30 200 10 0.25
pinubank 100 15 1 20 100 10 0.25
pinuresi 200 35 2 20 275 10 0.25
pinustro 400 40 3 60 210 10 0.25
poputrem 100 20 1 1000 5000 10 0.25
querelli 300 35 2 30 3000 10 0.25
querrubr 250 25 3 30 3000 10 0.25
thujocci 400 30 2 45 60 10 0.25
tiliamer 250 30 4 30 120 10 0.25
tsugcana 500 30 5 30 100 10 0.25
(\#tab:tableLBSEtest7)Minimum relative biomass table used in comparison runs. X0-5 represent site shade classes from no-shade (0) to maximum shade (5). All ecolocations shared the same values.
Ecolocation X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
All 0 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.8 0.95
(\#tab:tableLBSEtest8)Probability of germination for species shade tolerance and shade level combinations (called (ref:sufficient-light) table in LBSE and `sufficientLight` input `data.table` in LandR (ref:Biomass-core)) used in comparison runs.
Shadetolerance 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 1 0 0
5 0 0 1 1 1 1
(\#tab:tableLBSEtest9)Species ecolocation table used in comparison runs. `SEP` stands for species establishment probability, `maxB` for maximum biomass and `maxANPP` for maximum aboveground net primary productivity. Values were held constant throughout the simulation.
Ecolocation Species SEP maxANPP maxB
1 abiebals 0.90 886 26580
1 acerrubr 1.00 1175 35250
1 acersacc 0.82 1106 33180
1 betualle 0.64 1202 36060
1 betupapy 1.00 1202 36060
1 fraxamer 0.18 1202 36060
1 piceglau 0.58 969 29070
1 pinubank 1.00 1130 33900
1 pinuresi 0.56 1017 30510
1 pinustro 0.72 1090 38150
1 poputrem 1.00 1078 32340
1 querelli 0.96 1096 32880
1 querrubr 0.66 1017 30510
1 thujocci 0.76 1090 32700
1 tiliamer 0.54 1078 32340
1 tsugcana 0.22 1096 32880

References {#refs}


  1. in LBSE the initialisation consists in "iterat[ing] the number of time steps equal to the maximum cohort age for each site", beginning at 0 minus t (t = oldest cohort age) and adding cohorts at the appropriate time until the initial simulation time is reached (0) [@SchellerMiranda2015].

  2. usually, default inputs are made when running the .inputObjects function (inside the module R script) during the simInit call and in the init event during the spades call -- see ?SpaDES.core::events and SpaDES.core::simInit

  3. in SpaDES lingo parameters are "small" objects, such as an integer or boolean, that can be controlled via the parameters argument in simInit.


  5. see ?SpaDES.core::outputs

  6. simInit is a SpaDES function that initialises the execution of one or more modules by parsing and checking their code and executing the .inputObjects function(s), where the developer provides mechanisms to satisfy each module's expected inputs with default values.


Core vegetation dynamics module for LandR. based on LANDIS-II Biomass Succession Extension v3.2.1







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