Tic-Tac-Toe 2-player game( C programmed) using basic C functions.
User can now know more rules by pressing y/Y which will be redirected to link User will get two options to either start game or view the LeaderBoard.
On pressing 1, users can enter their usernames,afterwhich player1 will be allowed to choose X or 0 and then the users enter the gaming area to make moves using numeric keypad.
First user to get three spaces in a row/column or diagonally wins!
On pressing 2, a LEADERBOARD will be shown of the users played on a particular system, after which users can enter the gaming area on pressing 1 or by pressing any other key, they can end the game and come back later.
To know more about game press here Or watch this video.
Here are some things, which I want to implement in due course of time!
Let user choose option to who wants X and who wants 0. -
Make it two way-game, Computer vs Human and Human vs Human.
Maintain a Leader-Board for all players who have played. -
Add more graphics, to enjoy user-interface.
Any such changes if you can make or have any other ideas, please do contribute!
Tech buddy -Priyanshu