This project is based on the real time text messaging web application. This project is inspired from the messaging applications that we use today. This application is just like the text messaging application. I have used MERN Stack for the development of this project.
This project requires Node.js to run
The port used for this project is 3000
Install the dependencies and devDependencies
$ cd frontend
$ npm i
$ cd ..
$ cd api
$ npm i
To start the front-end
Change the directory to the whatsapp-mern and type the following code
$ npm start
Start the mongoDB from the website and choose the database for which your project is being connected.
For this, the database that is used is "Whatsapp-MERN"
To start the backend, open other terminal, and change the directory to whatsapp-backend and type the following code
$ nodemon server.js
After starting the server side script, open postman and set the method to "POST", and type the following request -
And, choose the body->raw and then choose the JSON file, in that body mention the following content -
"message": "HEHEHEHEHE (your message)",
"name": "Priyanshu (the user name)",
"timestamp": "Just Now (as per your wish)",
"received": true (if true you will act as sender, else you will act as receiver)
keep the content inside the ""
This project runs on the - http://localhost:3000/
And for the server side, the script listens on the port 9000