- Google Chrome
- Git
- NodeJS
- Docker
- VS Code
- Open VS Code
- "Show All Commands"
- "Git: Clone"
- Enter Repository URL: "https://gitlab.com/me.jahro/pe.git"
- Enter credentials
- "Would you like to open the cloned repository?" ->
- Open file pe.code-workspace and click
Open workspace
- "This workspace has extension recommendations" ->
Install All
- MICROSERVICE => package.json => start-debug
- or from terminal (
npm run start-debug
opens Debug view- Run "Debug the whole app"
- Set breakpoints and watch how VS Code (with Debugger for Chrome) can debug frontend and backend apps at the same time
- From Azure Cosmos DB
Attach Database Account
(right-click "Attached Database Accounts") - For MongoDB enter URL to running mongodb container e.g. "mongodb://"