OxFORTPACK is Minecraft mod pack primarily oriented on dynamic difficulty - hardcore gaming using new mechanics with as many mods as possible to enchance EVERY possible ability of game. Contains magic and technology mods, new terrain generation, custom optimised configs for better game experience, optimized settings for low-end to high-end computers, etc. And also quests!
Currently modpack has three client versions: OxFORTPACK 7 (main or L), XL, M, S (naming based on mods count in pack), and one server version for main pack.
Pack distibuted as-is with no copyright claims for using client/server files or modifying pack for your own purposes. But benefit to this page would be appreciated :)
- Minecraft: 1.18.2
- Forge: 40.2.10
Download OxLAUNCHER to start (also available for download in CurseForge client)

Main modpack version with all the mods, online server, included hardcore mechanics configs and recent updates. Shaders included!
Latest version: 7.5
Difficulty: Hardcore
Minimal RAM: 4Gb
Recommended RAM: 8Gb
Mods Count: 310
Shaders: Yes
Configs: Recommended included
Server: Available from menu
World Generation: Oh The Biomes You'll Go + Continents
Latest version: 0.4
No-way-please-god-no-version of modpack with doubled mods size and increased memory requirements. Theres no server ever available, but it has mods, thats cool, but will be never in main pack due its requirements or ugly server code.
Difficulty: Hardcore+
Minimal RAM: 6Gb
Recommended RAM: 10Gb
Mods Count: 575
Shaders: Yes
Configs: Recommended included
Server: Oh gosh no
World Generation: Biomes O'Plenty + Oh The Biomes You'll Go + Continents
Light version of modpack. With no server mods, includes custom mechanics configs, less mod addons and no shaders included (but with new long-distance client rendering using Distant Horizons mod).
Latest version: 6.14
Difficulty: Hard
Minimal RAM: 3Gb
Recommended RAM: 6Gb
Mods Count: 148
Shaders: No
Configs: Inlcuded
Server: No
World Generation: Terralith
Vanilla+ version of modpack, containing only perfomance and gameplay changes, configs from higher-tier packs, no shaders, no Distant Horizons. Can be run on your potato!
Latest version: 6.14
Difficulty: Medium
Minimal RAM: 2Gb
Recommended RAM: 4Gb
Mods Count: 73
Shaders: No
Configs: Included
Server: No
World Generation: Terralith