- Run
flutter build web
to build the web version of the app. - Get android sha256 key
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
- Create ./web/.well-known/assetlink.json:
"relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
"target": {
"namespace": "android_app",
"package_name": "com.tyme.tymesaving",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": ["<SHA256_KEY>"]
sudo gem install cocoapods
Momo sample response https://webhook.site/04561cd2-489b-4982-9e68-5111a84a097a?partnerCode=MOMOBKUN20180529 orderId=OD1724389775564 requestId=RE1724389775564 amount=10000 orderInfo=Thanh+toan+hoa+don+OD1724389775564 orderType=momo_wallet transId=1724389788015 resultCode=1006 message=Transaction+denied+by+user. payType= responseTime=1724389788018 extraData= signature=2b419c014d9f8b7d80228c6ee4b26991d09e6538ca8a5077464d94dec723fc08
flutter clean flutter build apk flutter install
Android: adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "tyme_saving://payment/momo" IOS: xcrun simctl openurl booted tyme_saving://payment/momo
Welcome to the TymeX Front-End repository! This repository contains the source code for the mobile finance application "TymeX," developed as part of a capstone project. TymeX aims to provide users with a seamless and intuitive financial management experience on their mobile devices.
TymeX is built using Flutter and Dart, allowing for a cross-platform application that runs smoothly on both iOS and Android devices. This repository includes all the necessary files to build, run, and maintain the front-end of the application.
- Tran Mai Nhung - Lead Front-end Developer
- Vo Thanh Thong - Front-end Developer
- Giang Trong Duong - Front-end Developer
- Ensure to setup .env based on .example.env
- Ensure to have Flutter installed on your machine
- Ensure to have an emulator or a physical device connected to your machine
- Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone https://bitbucket.org/tyme-ni-rmit/tymesavingfrontend/src/main/
- Navigate to the project directory
cd tymesavingfrontend
- Install the required dependencies
flutter pub get
Option Steps
- If you want to run the backend server locally, please follow the instruction in the backend repository and running backend server locally. Then paste the local server URL to the .env file.
- Run the application
flutter run
- Use link to generate app icon: https://easyappicon.com/
- After generating the app icon, download the zip file and extract it.
- Copy the content of
folder toios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/
- Copy the content of
folder toandroid/app/src/main/res/
- Add files inside
folder toandroid/app/src/main/res/values/
- Copy the content of
- Run command to update the app icon
flutter pub cache clean
flutter pub clean
flutter pub get
- Run the app on the emulator or real device to see the updated app icon.
- Ensure you have an Android Virtual Device (AVD) set up in Android Studio.
- Start the AVD from Android Studio or via the command line:
emulator -avd <your_avd_name>
- Run the application on the simulator:
flutter run
- Ensure you have Xcode installed and configured on your machine.
- Open the iOS simulator from Xcode or via the command line:
open -a Simulator
- Run the application on the simulator:
flutter run
- Enable Developer Options and USB Debugging on your Android device.
- Connect your Android device to your machine via USB.
- Verify the device is recognized:
flutter devices
-Run the application on the device:
flutter run
- Connect your iOS device to your machine via USB.
- Open the project - folder ios in Xcode.
- Ensure your device is selected as the target.
- Run the application on the device via Xcode or the command line:
flutter run
- If you encounter issues:
- Messsage of the issues to be "... is not available because it is unpaired." -> Unplug the device and plug it back in until there is modal pop up on the device asking for trust the computer. Trust the computer and run the command again.
- Message is about "...is not available. Please unlock..." -> Unlock the device and rerun the command again.
- Message is about "Could not build ... because the following modules are missing:..." -> Run the command:
- flutter pub upgrade
- flutter clean
- flutter pub get
cd ios rm -rf Pods rm -rf Podfile.lock pod install
- Rerun the command again.
- Message is about "...enable Developer Mode in Settings → Privacy & Security.":
- In the device: Go to Settings -> General -> Device Management -> Developer App -> Trust the app.
- The app is restarted -> Confirm "On" for developer mode -> rerun the command again.