To install my dots just R.T.F.M
1. Install Required dependencies:
⚠️ This setup instructions only provided for Arch Linux (and other Arch-based distributions)
First of all, Install the newest Hyprland using this guide depend on your Distro:
yay -S hyprland-gitInstall Rofi, Dunst, Waybar, kitty terminal, grimblast, swaybg, swaylock-effects, swayidle:
yay -S rofi dunst waybar-hyprland-git kitty grimblast swaybg swaylock-effects swayidle
Also, if you want gtk applications to fits with my colorscheme on my dots, I recommend the decay themes. To change the gtk themes I use nwg-look.
First, Install nwg-look
yay -S nwg-look
Then, Install decay themes using the this instruction.
git clone --depth=1 cd decay-gtk mkdir -p ~/.themes # Put any theme you want from the Themes folder into the created .themes folder cp -r ./Themes/<theme> ~/.themes
After that, launch nwg-look then choose the decay themes
2. Install my dots:
Clone the repos
git clone cd dots/.config
Copy configs file + Wallpaper
cp -r waybar alacritty hypr rofi dunst swaylock kitty ~/.config # Wallpaper cp -r Wallpaper ~/PicturesInstall a few font
Necessary Font:
Optional Font:
Once you download them and unpack them, place them into ~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts.
Then run this command for your system to detect the newly installed fonts.
fc-cache -fv
Congratulations! You had installed this beautiful rice on your machine🍚 Log out your current desktop session and login to Hyprland:)
Thanks to R/unixporn community & Hyprland Development Discord server
Gnome configs
GTK Themes: Based on AestheticStuff by Rxyhn
GTK Icons:Papirus icons
Mutter Rounded (Optional): Windows manager for GNOME (for blur windows effect)
Aylur's Widget: Beautiful Plugins with customizable bar
Blur My Shell: Blur the gnome shell
User Themes: Load shell themes from user directories
Color Picker: The simple color picker for gnome shell
Compiz alike magic lamp effect: Magic lamp effect alike the macOS minimize effect
Extension List: A Simple Gnome shell extension manager in the top panel
Just Perfection: SImple tweak tools to customize the gnome shell and disable some UI Features
Open Weather: A simple weather app for gnome shell
Sound Input & Output Device Chooser:Shows a list of sound output and input devices (similar to gnome sound settings) in the status menu below the volume slider.
Unite: Remove the title bars of the windows for the minimalist in windows
Vitals: A simple system monitor on the top bar
gtk title bar:remove title bar for non-gtk apps with minimal inference
Rounded Window Corners: Rounded corners for all windows
Bar (based on smooth by Aylur Themes ):
⚠️ : This bar color mod is still in progress and some color sections may not appear correctly if you want to contribute really grateful about that !
- Install all of the Extensions above then copy .themes to ~/.themes
- Open Gnome tweaks -> Appearance -> Shell -> Choose Smooth
Gnome tweaks (for apply themes and icons ) installation:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
How to setups
- Setups:
├── init.lua ├── lua │ └── user │ ├── alpha.lua │ ├── autocommands.lua │ ├── autopairs.lua │ ├── bufferline.lua │ ├── cmp.lua │ ├── colorizer.lua │ ├── colorscheme.lua │ ├── comment.lua │ ├── gitsigns.lua │ ├── impatient.lua │ ├── indentline.lua │ ├── keymaps.lua │ ├── lsp │ │ ├── configs.lua │ │ ├── handlers.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ ├── null-ls.lua │ │ └── settings │ │ ├── jsonls.lua │ │ ├── pyright.lua │ │ └── sumneko_lua.lua │ ├── lualine.lua │ ├── nvim-transparent.lua │ ├── nvim-tree.lua │ ├── options.lua │ ├── plugins.lua │ ├── project.lua │ ├── syntax.lua │ ├── telescope.lua │ ├── toggleterm.lua │ ├── treesitter.lua │ └── whichkey.lua └── plugin └── packer_compiled.lua
1. Install NeoVim
> I recommend the NeoVim Nightly Version, my NeoVim configs also work with the Release version but there're some error while installations.
On Arch:
Assume that your package manager is yay
yay -S nvim-nightly # or yay -S neovim-git
On Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install neovim
2. Install required dependencies
- You probably notice you don't have support for copy and paste also that python and node haven't been setup
If you on X11 install xsel and xclip
- On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install xsel xclip
- On Arch:
sudo pacman -S xsel xclip
But if you on Wayland like me, install wlcopy & wl-clipboard
- On Arch:
sudo pacman -S wlcopy wl-clipboard
- On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install wlcopy wl-clipboard
Next we need to install python support (Node is optional)
- Neovim python support:
pip install pynvim # or pip3 install pynvim
- Neovim Node support
npm i -g neovim
Other dependencies for formatting & finding text:):
- Prettier
npm install -g prettier
- Black (Python formatter)
pip install black
- Ripgrep
paru -S ripgrep
On Fedora you have to install c++ and lstdc++ :
sudo dnf install g++ #and sudo yum install glibc-static libstdc++-static -y;