A very simple Discord bot intended for KoboldCpp
To Use:
- Clone repo
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a new
file based on thetemplate.env
that best corresponds with the intended model, fill in your credentials and endpoint. That file MUST be named.env
- (optional) Edit basememory.txt with character personality details. Edit intromemory.txt with character greeting details. Edit wi_db.json with World Info database entries.
- python3 concedobot.py
Then invite the bot into your discord server, and enable it on all desired channels with /botwhitelist @YourBotName
in each channel.
Admin Commands:
/botwhitelist @YourBotName - Whitelist the bot from a channel
/botblacklist @YourBotName - Blacklist the bot from a channel
/botmaxlen [integer] @YourBotName - Set output max length
/botidletime [integer] @YourBotName - Set number of seconds before bot enters idle mode
/botfilteron @YourBotName - Enables the image prompt filter
/botfilteroff @YourBotName - Disables the image prompt filter
/botmemory @YourBotName [prompt] - Overrides the bot memory for this channel
/botbackend @YourBotName [kcpp_base_url] - Overrides the kcpp backend used by the bot in a channel
/botsavesettings @YourBotName - Saves whitelisted channels and bot memories to disk. Does not save chat history.
General Commands:
/botsleep @YourBotName - Immediately goes to sleep
/botreset @YourBotName - Clears all past context and goes to sleep
/botstatus @YourBotName - Prints current bot status
/botdraw @YourBotName [prompt] - Generates an image with a prompt