Major release with GUI, API, performance and many other improvements!
New features:
- OverrideBackButtonBehaviour optionally runs a command when pressing the GUI back button instead of returning to the main /aach list page.
- BackButtonIsCategoryItem displays the category item instead of the BackButton item specified in gui.yml.
- TableMaxSizeOfGroupedSubcategories allows increasing the maximum size of sub-category keys grouped with '|'.
GUI enhancements:
- When paginating, previous and next buttons only appear when there are previous and next pages available.
- Navigation items are now part of a separate row, which makes them easier to use as they no longer jump around horizontally.
- The first placeholder category item has been removed and can instead be used as the back button, making things more aesthetic.
- Display performance has slightly improved.
Other enhancements:
Configuration file handling is more robust. If you're a long-time plugin user, you may have noticed that comments are occasionally messed up and whitespaces added in random places. This should no longer happen.
config.yml is now more forgiving when faced with some common user mistakes.
Huge parts of the code have been rewritten or reorganised to make contributions and ongoing maintenance easier.
Performance and memory usage have been improved significantly in many places.
Documentation for the default configuration files as well as the Wiki have been polished.
The JAR has been decreased in size and remapped to reduce risk of conflicts with other plugins.
All plugin dependencies have been updated.
Breaking changes:
- list-potions has been renamed to list-consumedpotions in lang.yml.
- Achievement descriptions are no longer persisted to the database, decreasing its size noticeably. Please make sure you keep a copy of your database: if ever you want to go back to the previous version of the plugin, you'll also need to restore a backup performed before launching the new version.
- The old MYSQL configuration section is no longer supported. Make sure you use the DatabaseAddress, DatabaseUser and DatabasePassword parameters that were introduced back in 2018.
- The old StatisticCooldown style where a unique value was specified for all categories is no longer supported. Make sure you use the following format that was introduced back in 2017:
LavaBuckets: 10
WaterBuckets: 10
Milk: 10
Beds: 30
Brewing: 5
MusicDiscs: 30
The Execute and a Display parameters introduced in 2017 for command rewards are now mandatory. The command-reward and list-reward-command parameters can be deleted from lang.yml. See the documentation for more information.
The JobsReborn category now counts the maximum level reached in a job rather than the number of level ups.
Bug fixes:
- The Brewing category no longer leaks memory.
- Statistics for the Trades category increase by one per villager trade rather than any random number based on the total number of items traded.
- Texts in books are now properly updated when you change an achievement's configuration.
- New Danish translation, thanks to @Tobi-Jakka for his contribution!
- Updated Spanish translation, thanks to @arciniegasdiaz for his contribution!
- New getAllAchievements and getPlayerAchievements API methods. These return a rich listing of achievements with information about categories, names, thresholds, types, rewards, etc.
- Some deprecated API methods have been deleted.