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This repository is guaranteed up-to-date with the upstream QAN API definitions, and leverages OpenAPI technology to stay consistent.

Versioning is based on SEMVER, meaning:

  • Stable releases guarantee backwards compatibility for the same major versions.
  • Minor releases will not contain breaking changes.
  • Patch releases only focus on fixing issues.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Category Method HTTP request Description
QANAPI QANAPI_qanBlockNumber GET /blockNumber/ Returns the latest block number of the blockchain.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanCall POST /call/ Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the block chain.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanChainId GET /chainId/ Returns the current network/chain ID, used to sign replay-protected transaction introduced in EIP-155.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanEstimateGas POST /estimateGas/ Returns an estimation of gas for a given transaction.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanFeeHistory POST /feeHistory/ Returns the collection of historical gas information.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGasPrice GET /gasPrice/ Returns the current gas price on the network in wei.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBalance GET /getBalance/{Address}/ Returns the balance of the account of given address.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBlockByHash GET /getBlockByHash/{Hash}/{TransactionDetailFlag}/ Returns information of the block matching the given block hash.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBlockByNumber GET /getBlockByNumber/{BlockNumber}/{TransactionDetailFlag}/ Returns information of the block matching the given block number.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBlockReceipts GET /getBlockReceipts/{BlockNumber}/ Returns all transaction receipts for a given block.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBlockTransactionCountByHash GET /getBlockTransactionCountByHash/{Hash}/ Returns the number of transactions for the block matching the given block hash.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber GET /getBlockTransactionCountByNumber/{BlockNumber}/ Returns the number of transactions for the block matching the given block number.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetCode GET /getCode/{Address}/ Returns the compiled bytecode of a smart contract.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetFilterChanges GET /getFilterChanges/{FilterId}/ Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of events that have occurred since the last poll.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetFilterLogs GET /getFilterLogs/{Id}/ Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetLogs POST /getLogs/ Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetProof POST /getProof/ Returns the account and storage values of the specified account including the Merkle-proof.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetStorageAt POST /getStorageAt/ Returns the value from a storage position at a given address.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex GET /getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex/{blockHash}/{index}/ Returns information about a transaction given a blockhash and transaction index position.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex GET /getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex/{blockNumber}/{index}/ Returns information about a transaction given a block number and transaction index position.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetTransactionByHash GET /getTransactionByHash/{hash}/ Returns the information about a transaction from a transaction hash.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetTransactionCount GET /getTransactionCount/{Address}/{BlockNumber}/ Returns the number of transactions sent from an address.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanGetTransactionReceipt GET /getTransactionReceipt/{Hash}/ Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanMaxPriorityFeePerGas GET /maxPriorityFeePerGas/ Get the priority fee needed to be included in a block.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanNewBlockFilter GET /newBlockFilter/ Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanNewFilter POST /newFilter/ Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs).
QANAPI QANAPI_qanNewPendingTransactionFilter GET /newPendingTransactionFilter/ Creates a filter in the node to notify when new pending transactions arrive.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanSendRawTransaction POST /sendRawTransaction/ Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanSyncing GET /syncing/ Returns an object with the sync status of the node if the node is out-of-sync and is syncing. Returns null when the node is already in sync.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanUninstallFilter GET /uninstallFilter/{FilterId}/ Uninstalls a filter with the given filter id.
QANAPI QANAPI_qanXlinkValid GET /xlinkValid/{Address}/ Returns the xlink validity time of the account of given address.

Documentation for Models


We would like to thank Smartbear and OpenAPITools tech for making building declarative APIs possible. A huge benefit for the whole industry!


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