This application lets user create drills and pratice for multiple sports (hockey, soccer, football, etc.). It is also possible to create an animated drill in "frame-by-frame" or "real-time" mode
- Zoom in and out
- Mouse position in real coordinates (only meters for now)
- Add, edit, delete sports
- Specify max number of teams
- Specify max number of players per team
- Specify playing field dimensions (only meters for now)
- Specify playing field image
- Draw playing field lines
- Add, edit, delete entities: player, obstacle, playing element (puck, ball, etc.)
- Specify player role (goalie, forward, centre, etc.)
- Specify an abbreviation for players roles (G for goalie, F for forward, etc.)
- Specify a player's name (ex: Price, Crosby, Lemieux, etc.)
- Specify an image for the entity
- Specify scale of the image in percentage (scale value)
- Validate max number of teams before adding a new one
- Validate max number of players before adding another one
- Player rotation
- Show / hide player role and name
- Animate a strategy in "frame-by-frame" or "real-time" mode
- See previous frames entities with transparency effect in "frame-by-frame" mode
- Play, pause, rewind and fast forward the animation
- Speed adjustment (skip back and skip forward)
- Export strategies to image (png, jpg)
- Includes movement and passing arrows
- Add, edit, delete player roles
- Add, edit, delete entity types
- Undo / Redo
- Simple VS Advanced display mode (shapes or X an O VS images)