It's a simple chrome extenstion to quickly get the meaning of higlighted text on currently opened tab.
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Easily get the definition of any word by pressing Ctrl + Space.
How to use:
On any web page highlight the word using mouse pointer and Press CTRL+Space
No need to open new tabs and loose sight of your working page even for a second. It gets you the simplest ever meaning of the selected word from web. To change the shortcut command go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts. Find Easy Definition and choose any set of available commands.
- On a webpage, select a word
- Once selected press Keyboard shortcut [Ctrl + Space]/[Command + Space] to show definition in popup window
Right now it's limited to single word only
Open for new ideas and contributions. Shoutout to
- In Chrome web browser go to chrome://extensions
- Switch on Developer Mode
- Click on Load Unpacked
- Select the Directory of extension directory