Generate build.img
that will contain bootx64.efi
extracted from built RPM:
sudo ./ /path/to/built/rpm /path/to/output/dir
Generate QEMU dependencies in /path/to/output/dir
cd /path/to/output/dir
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F raw -b /usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd pflash-code-overlay0
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F raw -b /usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd pflash-vars-overlay0
Then run QEMU as:
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
-m 1024 \
-serial stdio \
-drive id=pflash-code-overlay0,if=pflash,file=pflash-code-overlay0,unit=0,readonly=on \
-drive id=pflash-vars-overlay0,if=pflash,file=pflash-vars-overlay0,unit=1 \
Setup manually NSS DB or use the following helper script:
set -ex
# Remove existing files and create necessary directories
rm -rf "${KEYS_DIR}" "${CERT_DB_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${KEYS_DIR}" "${CERT_DB_DIR}"
# Generate CA certificate and key
openssl req \
-nodes \
-new \
-x509 \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-sha256 \
-keyout "${KEYS_DIR}/key.pem" \
-out "${KEYS_DIR}/cert.pem" \
-days 3650 \
-subj "/CN=Qubes OS Unified Kernel Image Signing Key/"
# Export the key and certificate to PKCS#12 format
openssl pkcs12 \
-export \
-inkey "${KEYS_DIR}/key.pem" \
-in "${KEYS_DIR}/cert.pem" \
-name "Qubes OS Unified Kernel Image Signing Key" \
-out "${KEYS_DIR}/secure_boot.p12" \
-passout pass: \
-passin pass:""
# Initialize the certificate database
certutil -d "${CERT_DB_DIR}" -N --empty-password
# Import the PKCS#12 file into the certificate database
pk12util \
-d sql:${CERT_DB_DIR} \
-i "${KEYS_DIR}/secure_boot.p12" \
-W ""
# Verify the imported certificates
certutil -d "${CERT_DB_DIR}" -L
# Set ownerships
chown -R pesign:pesign "${CERT_DB_DIR}"
chmod -R 664 "${CERT_DB_DIR}"
chmod 775 "${CERT_DB_DIR}"
Add user
to the group pesign
echo usermod -aG pesign user | sudo tee -a /rw/config/rc.local
Add to /rw/config/rc.local
echo 'KEY_NAME="Qubes OS Unified Kernel Image Signing Key"' | sudo tee /etc/default/qubes-pesign
to /usr/local/bin/
and ensure it's executable:
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
Configure bind-dirs for qubes-pesign.service
First, create /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d/50_user.conf
binds+=( '/etc/systemd/system/qubes-pesign.service' )
Second, create the service file in the bind directory:
mkdir -p /rw/bind-dirs/etc/systemd/system/
cp qubes-pesign.service /rw/bind-dirs/etc/systemd/system/
Finally, reload and enable the daemon:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable qubes-pesign
Remark: Ensure the Qubes executor
has the correct RPC policy set up.