This project implements the two-phase-algorithm in its fully developed form to solve Rubik's cube in Python. Though Python is much slower than for example C++ or even Java the implementation is sufficiently fast to solve random cubes in less than 20 moves on average on slow hardware like the Raspberry Pi3 within a few seconds.
If you just want to solve Rubik's cube and play around with its patterns Cube Explorer may be the better choice. But if you want to get a better understanding of the two-phase-algorithm details, you work on a project to build a cube solving robot or you write software for an NxNxN cube and use the reduction method this may be the right place to look.
This repository is forked from the Rubiks 3x3x3 solver created by Herbert Kociemba: hkociemba/RubiksCube-TwophaseSolver. Unlike the original repository, this version is meant to be used from the command line.
Make sure that you use Python 3. You must also have the numpy package installed:
sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
Then, you need to make the main script executable:
sudo chmod +x kociemba-3x3x3
To make the solver available on the command line, you must create a symlink (feel free to change the path if necessary):
sudo ln -s "$(pwd)/kociemba-3x3x3" /usr/local/bin/kociemba-3x3x3
There are several tables which must be created on the first run. These need about 80 MB disk space and it takes from about 1/2 to 6 hours to create them, depending on the hardware. You can generate these tables behorehand by executing this command:
kociemba-3x3x3 --init
The following command returns a solving maneuver for the given cubestring:
kociemba-3x3x3 <cubestring>
For example:
D2 R3 D3 F2 B1 D1 R2 D2 R3 F2 D3 F2 U3 B2 L2 U2 D1 R2 U1