Simplify complex things. Create loosly copled systems. Seperate concerns. Be efficent. Just do all of those things when you code, and Mandelbrot can help. It's a pattern that lends it's self to REST and JSON collections, Data Pipes, patterns that isolate scoe like ADM using Require.js and injection in Angular.js. The tasks a developer is given are arbitrary. Mandelbrot is here to make creating and maintaing the solution easier.
##Overview Mandelbrot is factory for updating and synchronizing data. At it's core is the ability to take an object and use it as a template to create a class based on its properties. That class can then be used to wrap that object and others like it. With the class comes the ability to update it (it's prototype) wtih actions to perform when getting and setting properties on the object.
##What it's doing ###Setters When setting a property any update functions for that proper are called. This collection of modifiers has the new value, the old value, and the result of the last modifier. The modifier can be a simple function that is used to trigger an event, a step in a calculation, a rule for business logic or all of them. Modifiers are a collection, and are exposed as such with no abstraction. This lends it self to creating data pipes, rule engines, etc, that keep all the code localized to that one class.
###Getters A function can be set to be run when getting that property and perform that function on the value. The result of that function is saved as the value of the property. That value is cached and returned untill the property is set. After that the function will be run again. That function can also use the object (this) that the property is on, as well as anything that it was closed over. In that way you can created calculated values that derrive from the data on the object, and/or any other source, that will be cached intill the poperty is "touched" again.